I got inspired by Vaxry, I thoguht that if someone from my country could create 'base' for Hyprland in a month, I should try writing my own WaylandCompositor too - it can't be that hard... right? (Oh god, how mistaken I was).
That being said, it kinda works after rewriting it 3 times ;P
HellWM is meant to be very light and modular Wayland Compositor with some unique features, like:
- binary workspaces
- config hot reload (not really unique rn)
- lua
Still under heavy development, open for contributions and ideas that will make this project better :)
Binary Workspaces (Click to expand)
You can switch between 15 workspaces just by using combinations of only 4 keys!
Each key represents a binary value, and by combining them, you can achieve more funtionality with less clicks!
Keys and Binary Values:
Key 1:
1 = 0001
Key 2:
2 = 0010
Key 3
4 = 0100
Key 4
8 = 1000
By adding the binary values of the pressed keys, you determine the workspace number. Examples:
Pressing Key 1 and Key 3 together:
Key 1 + Key 3 = 0001 + 0100 = 0101
Result: 1 0 1 0
Binary Values: 1 (Key 1) + 4 (Key 3) = 5
Workspace: 5
Pressing only Key 2:
Key 2 = 0 1 0 0
Result = 0 1 0 0
Binary Values: 2 (Key 2) = 2
Workspace: 2
Here’s how the configuration works:
"Super_L, 1", -- keys
"workspace", -- specify that it is a workspace
1, -- workspace number
false, -- binary workspaces enabled
1, -- binary workspaces value
true -- also move active window to this workspace (not working rn)
bind("Super_L, 2", "workspace", 2, false, 0) -- Switch to workspace 2
bind("Super_L, u", "workspace", 1, true, 1, true) -- Key 'u' represents Binary 1
bind("Super_L, i", "workspace", 2, true, 2, false) -- Key 'i' represents Binary 2
bind("Super_L, o", "workspace", 3, true, 4, false) -- Key 'o' represents Binary 4
bind("Super_L, p", "workspace", 4, true, 8, false) -- Key 'p' represents Binary 8
Binary mode enabled (true): Combines key presses to calculate the workspace number.
Binary values (1, 2, 4, 8) determine which binary workspace is triggered.
- xwayland
- config
- tiling
- borders
- workspaces
- wlr-layer-shell
- binary workspaces
- optimization in output_frame
Thank you all for showing how 2 do stuff <3