- Lua since 2017
- C++ since 2020
- 2 years of commercial development in highload systems.
- Email: developspartv@gmail.com
Languages, technologies, stuff, frameworks and tools I've used in some way:
- C++, Lua, LuaJIT, C++17, C++20, Python, Plain HTML + CSS + JavaScript, Groovy
- Boost, telecom (LTE), 3GPP, PostgreSQL, Docker, MySQL, fmt, SQLite, protobuf, webhook, coroutines, async, regex
- CalDAV, Diameter protocol, WebSocket, SOAP API, JSON, REST API, SVG, XML
- Compiler development, web scraping (University sites, Cian.ru, various property developer sites, Notion, hh.ru), C++ reverse-engineering/decompilation (x86-64, ARMv7-M) using IDA and Ghidra, DSL, Bot development (Discord, Telegram, VK, Pachca), logging, game server frontend/backend development, optimizations, gamedev, analytics, game UI development
- Source Engine, Luvit, Raspberry Pi, Nelua, Linux, LÖVE, NodeMCU, Arduino
- CMake, Conan, Grafana, Prometheus
- Hanley bot — Successfull pet-project bot written in C++ with over 200 users made for psychology specialists.
- Lua Patterns — A tool to learn and analyze Lua Patterns.
- Lua Infographics — Collection of infographics dedicated to Lua (Some serious and just for fun).
- LuaJIT Benchmarks — A page about optimizing Lua by benchmarking several variants of the same code and finding the best one (among them).
- LLLua — My language I plan to develop. See the concept for the future version (0.1 version can be already used).
- luamemprof — Memory profiler module for Lua and LuaJIT.
- My Discordia Libraries — The open-sourced part of Toolgun bot developed for the Garry's Mod official Discord server. The server has over 80,000 members as yet replacing the need for additional human moderation for more than 3 years. Includes Lua minidump reader library.
- discordia-slash — Discordia's extension for slash commands.
- Love2D Framework — Framework with GUI, timers and texture loading libraries based on GMod API.
- GodSentTools — Series of GMod addons, mainly for art and moviemakers.
- RemPos — GMod C++ module that connects iOS app with GMod and brings acceleration and gyroscope data.
- My GMod Libraries — Public libraries I made for my GMod server. Server is dead, but libraries can be used/refactored.
- University admission advisor — Bot written in Lua with VK API that downloads lists of applicants from different universities with my specialization, parses them and calculates the chance to pass.
- UniBot — Bot written in Lua with VK API that gives information about the schedule, next lesson and other things.
- LuaCUE — Corsair Utility Engine module for Lua written in C++.
- SparTask — Windows taskbar replacement for focusing on specific task, allows putting only necessary icons.
Since 2017 I've contributed a lot to Garry's Mod. Check out this list as well.
- VSCode GLua Extension — Helped with making bytecode heatmap, uses LLLua bytecode reader rewritten in JS.
- Advent Of Code 2020 — My solutions for Advent Of Code 2020 written in Lua.
- Lua Error Statistics — Statistics of the most common errors reported by users on Facepunch forum.
- globalize — Simple POSIX program to install programs to
. - Langston's Ant Art — Texture generator using Langston's Ant method, written in Love2D.
- Bruteforcer for a task from School 21 — Task I failed to do by hand. Wrote a bruteforcer for it. Written in Love2D.