8000 GitHub - FlyBrainLab/FlyBrainLab: An interactive computing platform for studying the function of executable circuits constructed from fly brain data.
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An interactive computing platform for studying the function of executable circuits constructed from fly brain data.


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FlyBrainLab is an interactive computing platform for studying the function of executable circuits constructed from fruit fly brain data. FlyBrainLab is designed with three main capabilities in mind: (i) 3D exploration and visualization of fruit fly brain data, (ii) creation of executable circuits directly from the explored and visualized fly brain data, and (iii) interactive exploration of the functional logic of the devised executable circuits.

FlyBrainLab provides an environment where computational researchers can present configurable, executable neural circuits, and experimental scientists can interactively explore circuit structure and function ultimately leading to biological validation.

More details about FlyBrainLab can be found in the following publication:

This repository serves as the entry point for FlyBrainLab, where documentation and installation scripts can be found.


  1. Installation
  1. Basic Usage
  1. Troubleshooting

1. Installation

FlyBrainLab consists of backend components and user-side components. There are a few options for installation.

  1. Installing only User-side Components: provides instructions for installing a copy of all FlyBrainLab user-side components that, by default, connect to backend servers hosted by the Fruit Fly Brain Observatory Team. If you only need to visualize and explore the biological data, this will be the fastest way to install. However, the public backend servers do not provide capabilities for executing neural circuits on GPUs using Neurokernel. It may also be helpful to visit BrainMapsViz where you can directly interact with the NeuroNLP web application without any installation.
  2. Full Installation: provides instructions for installing both the user-side and backend components on the same machine. By default, FlyBrainLab will connect to the backend servers locally hosted.
  3. Docker Image: We maintain this Docker image with a full FlyBrainLab installation. If you are set up with Docker with GPU support, this will be the easiest way to try FlyBrainLab that runs locally.
  4. Amazon Machine Image: We also maintain AMI ami-02218ae5a3d1fd06d that has the FlyBrainLab fully installed. It is helpful in case you do not have a machine with NVIDIA GPU handy, but still want to try out the full installation.

1.1 Installing Only User-side Components

System Requirement

Additional requirement for macOS:

  • Xcode Command Line Tools: use the following command to install:
xcode-select --install

If you encounter error:

Can’t install the software because it is not currently available from the Software Update server.

you can download the installer directly at https://developer.apple.com/download/more/ (Apple ID Login required), and select the latest stable version. If you encounter further error, you can try installing Xcode and then the Command Line Tools again.

Installing the Latest Release Version

conda create -n flybrainlab python=3.9 git -y
conda activate flybrainlab
python -m pip install git+https://github.com/mkturkcan/autobahn-sync.git \
                      git+https://github.com/FlyBrainLab/Neuroballad.git \
                      nxt_gem==2.0.1 \
                      git+https://github.com/mkturkcan/nxcontrol \
                      flybrainlab\[full\] \

Note that the line conda activate flybrainlab above can raise an error. If that happens, you should use source activate flybrainlab instead.

After installation finishes, go to Launching FlyBrainLab from User-side Only Installation.

conda create -n flybrainlab python=3.9 git -y
activate flybrainlab
python -m pip install git+https://github.com/mkturkcan/autobahn-sync.git git+https://github.com/FlyBrainLab/Neuroballad.git nxt_gem==2.0.1 git+https://github.com/mkturkcan/nxcontrol flybrainlab[full] neuromynerva

Note that the line conda activate flybrainlab above can raise an error. If that happens, you should use source activate flybrainlab instead.

After installation finishes, go to Launching FlyBrainLab from User-side Only Installation.

Build from Source Step-by-step

If you want to use the latest development code instead of the release, you can build FlyBrainLab using the following command line code:

# create anaconda environment called flybrainlab with appropriate packages installed
conda create -n flybrainlab python=3.9 git -c conda-forge -y
# activate the flybrainlab environment just created
conda activate flybrainlab
# if you have conda<4.4, you may need to use `source activate flybrainlab` instead
# If you are on Windows, use `activate flybrainlab` instead.

# Create a preferred installation directory and go into that directory, For example:
# mkdir ~/MyFBL
# cd ~/MyFBL

# Clone packages into your preferred directory (~/MyFBL) in the example above
git clone https://github.com/FlyBrainLab/Neuroballad.git
git clone https://github.com/FlyBrainLab/FBLClient.git
git clone https://github.com/FlyBrainLab/NeuroMynerva.git

# Install FBLClient
# If you are a user 
python -m pip install ./Neuroballad
python -m pip install ./FBLClient\[full\]

# If you are a developer
# python -m pip install -e ./Neuroballad
# python -m pip install -e ./FBLClient[full]

# Install NeuroMynerva
cd ../NeuroMynerva
# If you're a user using JupyterLab 3.x
python -m pip install .
jupyter lab

# If you're a user using Jupyter Lab 2.x
# conda install nodejs cookiecutter git yarn -c conda-forge -y
# jlpm
# jupyter labextension install .
# jupyter lab

# If you're a developer using JupyterLab 3.x
# python -m pip install -e .
# jupyter labextension develop . --overwrite
# jlpm run watch
# jupyter lab  # in separate terminal

# If you're a developer using JupyterLab 2.x
# conda install nodejs cookiecutter git yarn -c conda-forge -y
# jlpm
# jupyter labextension link .
# jlpm run watch:src 
# jupyter lab --watch  # in separate terminal

You may be prompted.

After installation, go to Launching FlyBrainLab from User-side Only Installation.

1.2 Full Installation

System Requirement

  • Supported OS (64-bit): Ubuntu 16.04 or later.
  • CUDA enabled GPU and CUDA Toolkit.
  • Minimum 30GB disk space, preferrably on SSD (including 3 default databases).
  • A machine with at least 32GB of memory is recommended. Otherwise reduce the size of DATABASE_MEMORY and DATABASE_DISKCACHE in the steps below.
  • The following ubuntu packages: wget default-jre curl build-essential tar apt-transport-https tmux.
  • conda: See its Installation Instructions.

Installing from Script

Download the installation script fbl_full_installation_ubuntu.sh.

Uncomment the following code in the script if you have not installed all required Ubuntu packages (requires sudo privilege):

#echo "Installing prerequisites"
#sudo apt update
#sudo apt install -y wget default-jre curl build-essential tar apt-transport-https tmux sendmail graphviz graphviz-dev

Then edit the following lines:

# existing directories
CUDA_ROOT=/usr/local/cuda # root directory where you installed cuda

# To be installed
BASE=$HOME # base directory where the folders will be installed
CROSSBAR_ENV=crossbar # conda environment for crossbar/ffbo processor
FFBO_ENV=ffbo # conda environment for main fbl
NLP_ENV=ffbo_legacy # additional conda environment for NLP
FFBO_DIR=$BASE/ffbo # directory to store local repositories
ORIENTDB_ROOT=$BASE/orientdb # root directory where you want to install OrientDB
FFBO_PORT=8081 # main port number of the FFBO processor, make sure to use an uncommon port that will not be used by other program
ORIENTDB_BINARY_PORT=2424 # Binary port of OrientDB, please change this if you are on running this on a multi-user machine to avoid running OrientDB on a wrong port
ORIENTDB_HTTP_PORT=2480 # HTTP port of OrientDB, please change this if you are on running this on a multi-user machine to avoid running OrientDB on a wrong port
DATABASE_MEMORY=8G # maximum amount of memory you want to assign to the database for java heap in GB
DATABASE_DISKCACHE=10240 # amount of memory assigned to caching disk in MB

Then run the script in bash:

bash fbl_full_installation_ubuntu.sh

If installation fails, and you want to reinstall, please remove the previous (perhaps partial) installation.

To cleanly remove the FlyBrainLab full installation:

rm -rf $FFBO_DIR
rm -rf ~/.ffbo
conda env remove -n $FFBO_ENV
conda env remove -n $NLP_ENV
conda env remove -n $CROSSBAR_ENV

where the environment variables should match the ones during installation. Also remove the following 3 lines in your ~/.bashrc:

export ORIENTDB_OPTS_MEMORY='-Xms1G -Xmx8G' # increase or decrease Xmx to fit the memory size of your machine
export ORIENTDB_SETTINGS=-Dstorage.diskCache.bufferSize=10240 # the amount of memory in MB used for disk cache. This plus Xmx above must be smaller than the total size of memory on your machine.

If installation complete without error, please log out and log in again (or source .bashrc). Then go to Launching FlyBrainLab from Full Installation.

1.3 Docker Image

System Requirement

  • Supported OS: Linux, Windows (via Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 using Microsoft Windows Insider Program Build version 20145 or higher).
  • CUDA enabled GPU (NVIDIA driver must be installed. For WSL2, get NVIDIA driver here. See also here for enabling CUDA on WSL2).
  • Docker CE 19.03 or higher.
  • NVIDIA Container Toolkit.
  • Minimum 30GB disk space, preferrably on SSD (including 3 default databases).
  • A machine with at least 32GB of memory is recommended.

Pull Docker Image

Pull the FlyBrainLab Docker Image:

docker pull fruitflybrain/fbl:latest

For usage, see Launching FlyBrainLab from FlyBrainLab Docker Image.

1.4 Amazon Machine image

We provide an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that has the FlyBrainLab Docker Image built in and meets all its requirements. The AMI ID is ami-02218ae5a3d1fd06d in us-east-1 region. It must be launched using a GPU instance (a Tesla GPU is recommended), with at least 50 GB of storage volume. You can launch a GPU instance directly using the following link:


Once an instance is launched, first update the docker image by

docker pull fruitflybrain/fbl:latest

Then it can be used the same way as the Docker Image installation. For usage, see Launching FlyBrainLab from FlyBrainLab Docker Image. Note that all default databases are stored in ~/databases.

2. Basic Usage

2.1 Launching FlyBrainLab

Launching FlyBrainLab from User-side Only Installation

conda activate flybrainlab
jupyter lab

Default port is 8888. Go to browser with url: localhost:8888, and refer to FlyBrainLab User Interface. Note that if you are using an environment with a different name than flybrainlab, you will need to change the first line above accordingly. After installation, to learn more about how to use FlyBrainLab, check out the tutorials at the Tutorials repository.

Launching FlyBrainLab from Full Installation


where $FFBO_DIR is the directory you configured to install FlyBrainLab in.

Default port is 8888. Go to browser with url: localhost:8888, and refer to FlyBrainLab User Interface.

A set of NeuroArch databases should have been downloaded during the installation process. For more information, see the Dataset Version Tracker. After installation, to learn more about how to use FlyBrainLab, check out the tutorials at the Tutorials repository.

Launching FlyBrainLab from FlyBrainLab Docker Image

Assuming all GPUs will be available to the docker container, run

docker run --name fbl --gpus all -p 9999:8888 -it fruitflybrain/fbl:latest

You will be prompted to download datasets. Select to install the databases you needed. For more information, see the Dataset Version Tracker.

(TIP): If you would like to keep the databases after the docker container is removed, bind an empty directory on your machine when launching the container:

docker run --name fbl --gpus all -p 9999:8888 -v /path/to/directory:/home/ffbo/orientdb/databases -it fruitflybrain/fbl:latest

Go to browser with url: localhost:9999. Note that the default jupyter notebook port in the Docker container is 8888 and is mapped to 9999 on host machine. Then refer to FlyBrainLab User Interface.

For advanced usage of the Docker image, please refer to the FlyBrainLab Docker Image Page.

2.2 FlyBrainLab User Interface

Once FlyBrainLab is launched, you will find in the browser a typical JupyterLab interface, with an additional selection of FlyBrainLab buttons, as shown here:

Click on the Create FBL Workspace button and choose a dataset to work with. By default, you will find the Hemibrain, the FlyCircuit and the L1EM Larva datasets.

This will open the main FlyBrainLab user interface, as shown in the following figure (positions of the windows can be arbitrarily rearranged):

If you encounter a popup window showing error, you may need to check if the configuration of servers is correct. See Configuring Backend Servers.

In order for a opened notebook to interact with the NeuroNLP and NeuroGFX windows, please select the kernel correspoding to the kernal used by the NeuroNLP window (e.g. Untitled.ipynb in the following figure).

2.3 Configuring Backend Servers

Please read https://github.com/FlyBrainLab/FlyBrainLab/wiki/Installation for instructions on adding/changing servers.

2.4 Getting Started Tutorials

Several tutorials are available in the form of notebooks. They are available in the Tutorials repository.

3. Troubleshooting

Please see the wiki page for Troubleshooting.

You can also report bugs and get help in this Issue Tracker.

Citing FlyBrainLab

To cite FlyBrainLab:

@article {Lazar2021eLife,
	author = {Lazar, Aurel A. and Liu, Tingkai and Turkcan, Mehmet Kerem and Zhou, Yiyin},
	title = {Accelerating with FlyBrainLab the Discovery of the Functional Logic of the Drosophila Brain in the Connectomic Era},
	year = {2021},
	doi = {10.7554/eLife.62362},
	journal = {eLife}

Reference Documentations

Coming Soon!


An interactive computing platform for studying the function of executable circuits constructed from fly brain data.







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