Data capture system for urban Cold-War civil defense amenity documentation in the Aarhus municipality, Denmark
civil-defense, urban preparedness, mobile computing, cold-war
This module supports precise documentation of spatial location, layout, and condition of surviving shelters (~250) and other civil defenses around the municipality Aarhus, with focus on the urban environment. The initial prototype and data collection was supported by the SDAM and SHAPE projects of Aarhus University. Continued use and development is funded by the Augustinus Fonden via the MELICA project. This module is in use in 2023-2024 and has the following functionality:
- simultaneous data entry by multiple users
- online and offline functionality (the latter with local server)
- loading of own raster and vector data
- creation of points, lines and polygons
- automatic GPS data capture from on-device and bluetooth GPS
- structured data entry including picture dictionaries, dropdowns
This module was co-developed by Adela Sobotkova, Aarhus University and Christian-Nassif Haynes at the FAIMS Project .
Sobotkova, Adela, Christian Nassif-Haynes. 2023. Aarhus Civil Defense Shelter Monitoring Module (version 3350c9d). Github.
Development of this module was funded by SDAM and SHAPE projects
April 2023
April 2023
FAIMS v2.6 (Android 7+)
This module is licensed under an international Creative Commons Licence (CC-BY-SA 4.0 International).
The module can be downloaded from this GitHub repository and reinstantiated on a FAIMS server, using the following Instructions 103: How to Deploy a module. Check in case an early version is uploaded here.
- coordinates from internal GPS
- controlled vocabularies
- picture galleries
- customised validation
- spatial data collection supported via user-provided map data and GPS
- repeat feature monitoring
For more details about the Shelter monitoring project, please visit []. If you have any questions about the project, contact Adela at
If you have any questions about the module, please contact the FAIMS team at and we will get back to you as soon as possible.