This project implements the Q-learning and SARSA algorithms to solve the CartPole-v1 environment from OpenAI Gym. The Q-learning algorithm learns an optimal action-value function, while the SARSA algorithm learns an action-value function based on the current policy. The goal is to balance a pole on a cart by applying appropriate forces.
- Clone the repository or download the source code files.
git clone
- Install the required packages.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Run the script with the desired parameters. Use the following command to see the available options:
python3 --help
This script uses command-line arguments to configure the learning parameters and other settings. You can specify the following options:
: The algorithm to use for learning. Valid options areq_learning
. Default isq_learning
: The learning rate. Default is0.1
: The discount factor. Default is0.995
: The probability of choosing a random action. Default is0.1
: The number of episodes to run. Default is1000
: The maximum number of steps per episode. Default is500
: The number of bins to use for discretizing the state space. Default is20
python3 --algorithm q_learning --alpha 0.2 --gamma 0.99 --num_episodes 2000
- The script will execute the chosen algorithm on the CartPole-v1 environment. It will print the name of the generated file containing the results.
- After the execution, a plot of the rewards obtained during the learning process will be saved in the
directory as a PNG file.
- After the execution, a plot of the rewards obtained during the learning process will be saved in the
- Additionally, frames of the agent's behavior will be rendered and saved as a GIF file in the
directory. This provides a visual representation of the learned policy.
- Additionally, frames of the agent's behavior will be rendered and saved as a GIF file in the
Feel free to use, modify this code. And please feel free to fork the code from Github and send pull requests.
Report any comment or bugs to:
Erfan Fathi