Yeah this is my GitHub for school related stuff (and maybe some personal stuff c:)
DoublyLinkedList Public
Header-only simple Doubly Linked List implementation with iterators. Will not maintain unless there are major issues.
C++ Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License UpdatedSep 20, 2022 -
BinarySearchTree Public
Header-only simple Binary Search Tree implementation. Will not maintain unless there are major issues.
C++ Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License UpdatedSep 6, 2022 -
BlockchainTS Public
Blockchain Demo written in TypeScript for Blockchain Development assignment.
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedAug 26, 2022 -
CovidVisualizer Public
Functional programming implementation of a COVID-19 dataset visualizer with Prolog utilization for APLC assignment.
C++ MIT License UpdatedAug 22, 2022 -
Patient-Management-System Public
Doubly-linked List based Patient Management System that manages Doctors, Nurses and Patients for DSTR.
C++ UpdatedNov 8, 2021