Welcome to COSSAS on GitHub! In this organization, we share all of our open-source security components, ready for you to use. All repositories are push-mirrored from GitLab.
- Do you want to contribute to any of our repositories? Check out our contributor guidelines
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- BigPhish is an all-in-one solution to identify and monitor phishing kit deployment
- SOARCA is our Security Orchestrator for Advanced Response to Cyber Attacks
- SACTI to securely aggregate CTI sightings and report them on MISP
- DGA Detective to hunt domains generated by Domain Generation Algorithms to identify malware traffic
- SH4CS extends Kubernetes and Docker platforms with self-healing properties inspired by the human immune system
- Certitude is a Python package to classify malicious URLs
- NeDaGen is our Network traffic Dataset Generator for Network-based Intrusion Detection Systems