This document provides an overview of the Vending Machine REST API project. The project implements a vending machine system using ASP.NET with a three-layer architecture and Entity Framework for database operations.
The API exposes the following endpoints:
- GET /api/products: Retrieves a list of products available in the vending machine.
- POST /api/products: Allows a user to purchase a product from the vending machine.
- POST /api/products{id}: Allows a user to purchase a product from the vending machine.
- PUT /api/products{id}: Allows a user to update a product from the vending machine.
- DEL 67FC ETE /api/products{id}: Allows a user to delete a product from the vending machine.
- RESTful API: Design pattern for building scalable web services.
- C#: Programming language used for implementing the application logic.
- ASP.NET: Framework for building web applications and APIs.
- AutoMapper: A versatile object-mapping library used for efficient mapping between different object types, reducing manual coding efforts and improving maintainability.
- Entity Framework: ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) framework for interacting with databases.
The project follows the three-layer architecture pattern, consisting of the following layers:
- Presentation Layer: This layer handles incoming HTTP requests and provides responses. It includes controllers, models, and any other components related to handling HTTP requests and responses.
- Business Logic Layer: This layer contains the business logic of the application. It implements the rules and operations required by the vending machine system.
- Data Access Layer: This layer interacts with the database. It includes repositories, entities, and any other components responsible for database operations.
The project structure follows the conventions of an ASP.NET application with a three-layer architecture:
- Controllers: Contains API controllers responsible for handling HTTP requests.
- Services: Implements the business logic of the application.
- Data Access: Includes repositories and entities for interacting with the database.
- Models: Defines data models used throughout the application.
- DTOs (Data Transfer Objects): Defines objects used for transferring data between layers.