Facial keypoint detection that takes in any image with facees
All the data you will need to train the model are located in the given link. Please make sure about the location of your directory.
You can download the dataset by Load and Visualize Data.ipynb file as well.
Link : https://s3.amazonaws.com/video.udacity-data.com/topher/2018/May/5aea1b91_train-test-data/train-test-data.zip
Here I am using Ubuntu 18.04. The commands work for Mac and windows as well.
conda create -n torch python=3.6
conda activate torch
pip install -r requirements.txt
Open the directory of notebooks, using the below command. You'll see all of the project files appear in your local environment. open the file 1 to 4 and run file respectively.
terminal command : jupyter notebook