- 🎓 I am a Master's of Computer Science student @ University of Malaya / FCSIT.
- My research is supervised/co-supervised by: Dr. Norisma Idris & Dr. Nurul Japar.
- Curriculum Vitae.
- 📚 I’m currently preparing my thesis and a journal paper under the field of Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis & Radiology Report Generation.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Machine Learning & Deep Learning projects/papers related to my research interests.
- 💬 I am passionate about research and new-ideas that glue together interdisciplinary fields via Machine Learning & Deep Learning technologies. Furthermore, I am working my way to earn a PhD eventually and contribute significantly towards academic research under AI-ML.
- ⚡ Fun Facts:
- I like to read technical books.
- I love to listen raps & violin OSTs.
- I kill time by watching anime/tv-shows.
- I like to have conversations about code/computer-science/philosophical topics in general.
- Interdisciplinary Machine Learning & Deep Learning.
- Multimodal Representation/Architectures.
- Natural Language Processing.
coming soon...
Let's connect, collaborate, and have a conversation about potential papers/projects related to AI-ML.