This project is heavily borowed or 'inspired' from here:
Datum is a PowerShell module used to aggregate DSC configuration data from multiple sources allowing you to define generic information (Roles) and specific overrides (i.e. per Node, Location, Environment) without repeating yourself.
A Sample repository of an Infrastructure, managed from code using Datum is available in the DscInfraSample project, along with more explanations of its usage and the recommended Control repository layout
It is a small PoC to show the benefits with Datum and Infrastructure as Code.
You can build some Node Configurations with the script in Tools / CreateHosts.ps1
[10:12] [189.39ms] .\datum-dsc-for-vmware\Tools [origin/master]
PS> .\CreateHosts.ps1 -Context Lab -Nodes 10 -Role EsxHosts
# 1. Build some Test Hosts to generate configurations
.\Tools\CreateHosts.ps1 -Context Lab -Nodes 10
.\Tools\CreateHosts.ps1 -Context NonProd -Nodes 10
.\Tools\CreateHosts.ps1 -Context Prod -Nodes 10
# 2. Import all modules and Dependencies
.\Build.ps1 -ResolveDependency
# 3a. Build your mof Files from your Lab Environment
.\Build.ps1 -Environment Lab
# 3b. Build your mof for a specific Role
.\Build.ps1 -RoleName Lab_EsxHosts
# 3c. or build'em all!