- Website for shoutcast online radio with history I made when I got bored.
- Wanted to do a PHP for adding articles but lost motivation.
- Uses ShoutCast on port 6262 with streampath "/live" but to overcome ShoutCast not having Access-Control-Allow-Origin, in Apache did this proxy:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName stream
ProxyPass /currentmetadata http://localhost:6262/currentmetadata
ProxyPassReverse /currentmetadata http://localhost:6262/currentmetadata
ProxyPass /played.html http://localhost:6262/played.html
ProxyPassReverse /played.html http://localhost:6262/played.html
ProxyPass /live http://localhost:6262/live
ProxyPassReverse /live http://localhost:6262/live
ProxyPass /shoutindex.html http://localhost:6262/index.html
ProxyPassReverse /shoutindex.html http://localhost:6262/index.html
- This website is created using Bootstrap, plain CSS, JS, JQuery, Video.js. Then Apache or nginx for hosting the site and proxing the ShoutCast or IceCast (would need a rewrite of fetch functions).
- The website nicely scales to all devices, if I don't count the history table. That would need a redo.
- For some more info visit the text file named "pinned.txt" in the articles folder.
- Also this website will play the stream when switching to another pages because it's loaded with JS and back/forwards buttons work too with it :)
- I allow people to use parts of my code, also this entire site with changes to my artwork.
- Some screenshots: Imgur