A Domain-Specific Language for PowerShell that encapsulates and simplifies Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) classes
PS \> $PSVersionTable.PSVersion
Major Minor Build Revision
----- ----- ----- --------
5 1 (any) (any)
PS \> Install-Module -Name WPFBot3000 -Force
Import-Module WPFBot3000
Dialog {
TextBox FirstName
TextBox LastName
TextBox EmailAddress
DatePicker ReminderDate
Import-Module WPFBot3000
Dialog {
TextBox Name -property @{ Padding = '0,4,0,0' }
Button Personalize -Action { $Greeting.Content="Hello, $($Name.Text)!" }
Label 'Hello, World!' -Name Greeting
} -Property @{ Title = 'Hello!'; MinHeight = 144; MinWidth = 233; }