Michael-Naguib.github.io Public
My personal portfolio website containing code I have written as well as projects and contact information; The Main branch houses the 'transpiled' site
HTML UpdatedSep 29, 2023 -
Sum-Of-Integers Public
Jupyter book derivation and demonstration of the Sum of Integer's formula.
GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 13, 2022 -
PiDay Public
This was some code I wrote a while ago.... just some neat stuff with the digits of pi
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedMar 15, 2021 -
Hair-Classification Public
For nearly all of the Fall 2020 Semester, Several of my friends have been arguing as to the color classification one one individual's hair! So I decided to settle the matter or at least provide macβ¦
Intel-Image-Classification Public
Last summer during TURC research at the University of Tulsa for a few days we experimented with designing different convolutional architectures for neural nets to classify the Intel Image Dataset :β¦
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJan 8, 2021 -
Collatz Public
A repo for the purpose of exploring the Collatz conjecture and plotting points graphically; Most of the code is based off my Chaotic IFS Fractal repo
ChaoticIFSFractal3D Public
This is a 3D version of my Chaotic IFS fractal generator. This version includes a few predefined constants. The main reason I was able to do this code was because I found a fantastic library for viβ¦
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedMar 16, 2020 -
MonteCarloPi Public
An admittedly somewhat naive approach to computing PI using a Monte Carlo Simulation with standard python floating point implementation
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 16, 2020 -
BoidsSimulation Public
Boids are a way of modeling the complex flocking behavior of birds as well as many marine life including schools of fish; the simple rules which are able to generate complex behaviors have been desβ¦
ProjectEuler Public
-The only way to learn to code is to code and to code a lot hence this is my progress on Project Euler
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 2, 2019 -
Chaotic-IFS-Fractal Public
fractal generator in python using matplot lib numpy etc...
TagMediatedEvolution Public
This code is based off of the paper: http://sandip.ens.utulsa.edu/aamas05LAMAS_LNAI-tags.pdf
Python UpdatedJul 8, 2019 -
GoldenRatio Public
committing old code that was a exploration of tests on the digits of the golden ratio code.
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 13, 2019 -
CertamenServer Public
This is the repo containing the server for the certamen site
Oct 10, 2018
Jay-Redfearn.github.io Public
a website to be hosted on github pages and linked to a google domain for a client
KickstartCodeJam Public
Code written during a Google Kickstart Code event at Tulsa University campus 9-21-18. The code was later edited and finished. Thanks to Rodrigo Chandia and Evan Forbes
Simple-Cryptography Public
This is a small(currently) few pieces of code that preform rudimentary encryption and decryption sequences and is written in Python 3.5.1
Mersenne Public
Python 3 project for calculating Primes and Mersenne Primes. Fun in general...
great_gatsbys Public
Forked from tinybagel/great_gatsbysArt blog to display my art online with nice descriptions and such
ftc_app Public
Forked from ftctechnh/ftc_appFTC Android Studio project to create FTC Robot Controller app.
Certamen Public
A app for (latin -jeopardy) Certamen for the site chancellorjcl.noip.me (link may change) that will be a work in progress