Code Reviewer is a online platform for conducting anonymous peer reviews, designed for helping students write better code by learning from their peers.
- Code Review (review your peers' code anonymously)
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Single Page App
- Mobile Responsiveness
- Angular 5.0+
- Node 8.11.3+
- MongoDB 3.6+
- Yarn 1.9.4+
- Angular CLI 6.0.8+
git clone
cd code-reviewer-2.0
// install front-end dependencies in front-end directory
cd angular-front-end-2
// install back-end dependencies in back-end directory
cd ../back-end-API
// install dev environment dependencies
cd ../simulate-dev-environment
// start Mongo server
// open a new terminal and cd into root/simulate-dev-environment
// this step will create required dummy data for development
node load_data.js
// cd into back-end-API and start backend
node app.js
// open a terminal and cd into root/angular-front-end-2
ng serve
// open your favourite browser and go to localhost:4200
// you'll see the frontend here
// login as an instructor, username:
// passwords for all dummy users are 1
// now you're logged in as an instructor. then the next step is to load assignments
1. click on assignments button in the header
2. click on + add assignment
3. put a2 in assignment name, repo path and folder name
4. put 4 under number of peers review
5. put under required files
6. click on the + button beside required files input box
7. leave all other input boxes blank and click on the submit button
8. click on manage button
9. click on load/reload all submissoins & required files
10. click on distribute/re-distribute a2 to all students
11. close the modal and click to logout
12. login as a student. username:
13. click on a2 under assignments
14. click on Peer 1 to see a peer's assignment
You can also find Code Reviewer 1 at