Get hands-on skills and one-on-one coaching from instructors with experience at some of the world’s most innovative companies — including Adobe, Google, PayPal, Amazon, Gartner, and many others.
Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
Get hands-on skills and one-on-one coaching from instructors with experience at some of the world’s most innovative companies — including Adobe, Google, PayPal, Amazon, Gartner, and many others.
“I jumped on the opportunity to teach at GA because of the focus on active learning. I think people learn best when they get to be hands-on and apply their learning to what they care about.”
GA Instructor
“We all have valuable insights and information to share, and GA provides the facilities and the logistics to take what you know and expand it to hundreds or thousands of interested people.”
GA Instructor
Our instructors come from different backgrounds, but share a passion for bringing next-level experience straight from the field to the classroom to help you move your career forward. Stat.
Join our global community of instructors and help shape the next generation of industry leaders. Move your own career forward through communicating your subject matter expertise, gaining leadership experience, and refining your public speaking skills. Teach online or on campus, full-time or part-time.