step句子 steal句型模板
step句子 steal句型篇一
2. 精品牛肉特质牛排,高端享有独特口味。
3. if i stay in, my boyfriend cooks a wonderful lasagne or chicken or steak.(我呆在家里的话,我男朋友会做一顿美味的意大利宽面条或鸡肉或牛排。)
4. my steak is so tough that it tastes like shoe leather.
5. theres no classier food than shellfish, except maybe steak soaked in champagne.没有比贝类食物跟美味的了,当然浇上香槟的牛排也不错。
6. 友情不是一幕短暂的烟火,而是一幅真心的画卷;友情不是一段长久的相识,而是一份交心的相知。
7. steak什么意思
8. i cooked t-bone steak on our electric barbecue, which was delicious!我在电烧烤机上烹饪的t字牛排非常美味!
9. this steak is okay, but ive had better.
10. and that night in the ladies room of the rustler steak house, he chose me.那一晚,在那家牛排馆的女厕所里,他选了我。
11. the group -- sitting in a private booth upstairs -- ordered kobe beef meatballs and lamb and steak satays.
12. he dug his fork into the steak.(他把餐叉叉进牛排。)
13. 牛排美酒夜光杯,举杯同庆祖国美!
14. swordfish, shark, tilefish, fresh tuna steak, and king mackerel are the main culprits.(剑鱼、鲨鱼、方头鱼、新鲜的金枪鱼排和鲭鱼是罪魁祸首。)
15. 肉滑溜醇香,肥而不腻,食之软烂醇香。当你咀嚼一块,满嘴流油的时候,你会感觉它一点不肥腻。
16. ill have the steak, french fries, and chocolate ice-cream for dissert.(我要牛排、炸薯条,还有甜点巧克力冰淇淋。)
17. thank you i usually like a good juicy steak will it be long谢谢您,我通常喜欢吃浇汁排骨,这道菜时间长吗?
18. the celestial empress wanted to get hold of the mirror and sent a deity to steak it away.
19. the steak is so delicious that he is licking his lips.肉排是这么香,使得他垂涎欲滴了。
20. 适合与味道厚重的肉类美食相配,来衬托出口感的鲜美,如牛排烤羊烧鸡烤鸭红烧肉炖猪蹄炖牛肉等,都是搭配此款红酒不错的选择。
21. 在忙碌的生活中别忘了抽个时间,让自己轻松一下,永远保持一颗年轻快乐的心。
22. 初游唐安饭薏米,炊成不减雕胡美。大如苋实白如玉,滑欲流匙香满屋。〖28字〗
23. 兄弟们醒醒吧!女生说喜欢会做菜的男生是喜欢帅哥穿着一尘不染的厨师服,面带微笑的做甜品和牛排,不是一个满头大汗的胖子光着膀子在那里炒面…别问我怎么知道的…〖73字〗
24. shall i order some sirloin steak for you?我可以为您点一份牛腰排骨吗?
25. 我们有牛排炸鸡或炸虾特餐,以及时菜炒饭等。〖19字〗
26. id like a steak and baked potato with some chocolate gateau for dessert.我想要一块牛排和烤土豆,还有巧克力蛋糕作为甜点。
27. the escargot could be a little more spiced up, my salad was very refreshing and my steak was great.
28. it would be inappropriate to serve steak or hamburgers.(提供牛排或汉堡包是不合适的。)
29. dashan: its a small steak and a lobster tail.
30. one hot steak on a sizzlin platter.一份热牛排,还在盘子里咝咝作响呢。
31. it is my steak.(它是我的牛排。)
32. 吃着盘子中的牛排,看着面前的女朋友,觉得生活也就是这样吧,她在我的心中,牛排在我的味蕾上。
33. 牛排:而不是一般说的 牛排(steak) 是 broiled而不是一般说的 牛排(steak) 是 broiled而不是一般说的 牛排(steak) 是 broiled而不是一般说的 牛排(steak) 是 broiled
34. 你的味蕾,钟意牛排;而我,更钟意…就不告诉你。
35. 口感除了香嫩之外有因骨头带筋在咀嚼时有多了一份咀劲
36. 优质选料,秘制工艺,美味口感,今天你get了吗?
37. small steak cut from the thick end of a beef tenderloin从腰部嫩肉的厚端切下来的小块牛排。
38. i said i want my steak rare!我说过我要半生不熟的牛排!
39. 吃牛排,是一件纯粹而美好的事。
40. 我本来看到牛排就反胃结果还被带来吃牛排自助!好崩溃。〖24字〗
41. despite the initial taste of grilled chopped steak, it seemed a poor counterpoint to the preceding salad.
42. i specifically asked for this steak rare.(我明确要求了要把这份牛排做成半熟的。)
43. quotes about the love and marriage - paul newman: xxxi have steak at home; why go out for hamburger?xxx婚姻之道——保罗·纽曼:家有花香,何必捻草?
44. my steak is a bit tough but please dont kick up a fuss and call the waiter.我的这块牛排有点老,但不必介意,不要把服务员叫来。
45. 吃一份好的牛排,就像谈恋爱一样。
46. 夜雨剪春韭,新炊间黄梁。〖10字〗
47. 点上蜡烛,来一杯浓郁的红酒,吃着鲜嫩的牛排,回忆着你们曾经手牵手过马路的情景,美食的成就感不言而喻。
48. .美好的周五晚上,我却独自吃牛排,该找对象了。
49. 就像英国人酷爱吃用果酱作作料的带血的牛排一样,绿色蝈蝈酷爱甜食。
50. david chewed energetically on the gristly steak.(大卫干劲十足地嚼着尽是软骨的牛排。)
51. 充满原始烟火气息的厚实牛排,是我钟意的牛扒。
52. 美味就是盖特牛排,盖特牛排就是美味。
53. 吃牛排要半成熟的,一刀切下去~噗~溅了一脸的血~切血管上了。〖25字〗
step句子 steal句型篇二
1. kill the fish good to wash clearly, chop the bottom tail, the slice becomes fillet, and leave of the salmon steak chop a few pieceses.
2. a slice of meat cut from the fleshy part of an animal or large fish
3. 先把要造句的词扩展成词组,然后再把句子补充完整。如用“增添”造句,可以先把“增添”组成“增添设备”、“增添信心”或“增添力量”,然后再造句就方便多了。
4. on my moms birthday, we have chicken, and on my dads birthday we have steak.(我妈妈生日那天,我们吃鸡肉,爸爸生日那天我们吃牛排。)
5. 今天吃了很好吃的牛排,吃了那么多家的牛排,只有今天让我记住了,嗯,以后吃牛排就这家了
6. 鱼片;鱼排
7. 用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。
8. 每次吃牛排,牛排吃完了,面永远是剩下的。〖17字〗
9. youll find the classic irish pub fare like fish and chips, cottage pie and a mean steak sandwich served with the works.
10. yes, ill have a steak with barbecue sauce.好的,我想要一客烧烤汁牛排。
11. you can still eat only one steak at a time, talk to one person at a time一次吃一块牛排,一次跟一人谈话;做事要耐心,条理化。
12. 肉质松软,肉筋及肥肉非常少,较易消化此牛肉细嫩,肉快当中油花分布很平均,吃起来香嫩无草腥之外,也可感觉到一股牛油的香味〖54字〗
13. other great lean cuts are flank steak, skirt steak, tri-tip, and london broil.
14. 牛排看着都能流口水了,吃起来更加赞不绝口。
15. 在分析并理解词义的基础上加以说明。如用“瞻仰”造句,可以这样造:“我站在广场上瞻仰革命烈士纪念碑。”因为“瞻仰”是怀着敬意抬头向上看。
16. i would like to have a sirloin steak and a mixed salad.我想点牛脊肉排和什锦色拉。
17. the main course is carpetbag steak for two, and dessert is flambe strawberry and chocolate ice cream cake.
18. 肉质松软肉筋及肥肉非常少较易消化此牛肉细嫩肉快当中油花分布很平均吃起来香嫩无草腥之外也可感觉到一股牛油的香味
19. 有的形容词造句可以用一对反义词或用褒义词贬义词的组合来进行,强烈的对比能起到较好的表达作用。如用“光荣”造句:“讲卫生是光荣的,不讲卫生是可耻的。”用“光荣”与“可耻”作对比,强调了讲卫生是一种美德。
20. 脆嫩酥香,麻辣味鲜。质地韧嫩,干香味浓。全熟的牛排虽不带血丝,却异常鲜嫩,咬劲十足。牛排创新吃法,口味与众不同,极具中国风味。口感除了香嫩之外有因骨头带筋在咀嚼时有多了一份咀劲肉质松软肉筋及肥肉非常少较易消化此牛肉细嫩肉快当中油花分布很平均吃起来香嫩无草腥之外也可感觉到一股牛油的香味深红牛肉酥软汁浓味厚肉滑溜醇香,肥而不腻,食之软烂醇香。当你咀嚼一块,满嘴流油的时候,你会感觉它一点不肥腻。
21. they are what make your cell phones vibrate with a tiny but intensified magnet or harden a porcelain knife sharp enough to cut a steak.
22. whats the best way to cook steak?(牛排怎么做最好?)
23. a complete food it may be, but not quite as complete as a juicy steak.(它可能是一种完整的食物,但不像多汁的牛排那么完整。)
24. ben had planned a steak dinner for himself after seeing jackie off on her plane.(本已计划好在把杰基送上飞机后自己吃顿牛排晚餐。)
25. 我家傻先生拉我吃牛排,我说我不会他说他会他给我切。结果呢,自己气的用筷子吃牛排。
26. 吃西餐,从一份美味的牛扒开始。
27. the steak was tough and the peas were like bullets.(牛排硬得嚼不动,豌豆就像子弹。)
28. if you want your steak cooked just how you like it, would you rather talk to the busboy or the chef thats actually cooking it?(如果你想要你的牛排按照你喜欢的方式烹饪,你是宁愿和一个餐馆工说,还是应该和那个真正在烹饪牛排的大厨讲呢?)
29. 用形容词造句,可以对人物的动作、神态或事物的形状进行具体的描写。如用“鸦雀无声”造句:“教室里鸦雀无声,再也没有人说笑嬉闹,再也没有人随意走动,甚至连大气都不敢出了。”这就把“鸦雀无声”写具体了。
30. it is a big wine and needs appropriate food, such as a casserole or steak.
31. then a steak for me, plea se.那么我要一份牛排。
32. 周末到了,辛苦了一周,让我们好好享受一顿美食吧!西餐来点披萨牛排,中餐吃点川菜粤菜,甜品来份慕司蛋糕,祝你周末胃口好,心情好,什么都好!〖59字〗
33. 不吃牛排,枉为吃货!
34. we had beef steak for dinner.
35. 忽如一夜春风来,黑椒汁淋煎牛排。
36. i’d like to have a steak please.我要一客牛排。
37. i cant bear my steak overcooked, and want it underdone.我受不了牛排做得太熟,我想要它做得嫩。
38. 滋滋作响的牛排,真是人生一大享受!
39. there are two steak dishes, one served with vegetables and the other with prawns and clams.
40. 亲爱的朋友,友情,如蓝天下碧蓝的湖水,美丽安然;祝福,如夜空中的繁星点点,夺目耀眼。祝福依然,愿不变的幸福,陪伴在你生命中的每一天!
41. they combine best with assertively flavored foods, such as paella or steak with spicy sauces.
42. 深红牛肉酥软,汁浓味厚〖10字〗
43. 初食牛排不知曲中意,再食牛排已是曲中人。
44. i`d like my steak rare, please.
45. 看,今天你做的牛排多棒。这种生活,我很满足。
46. i put a forkful of fillet steak in my mouth.(我往嘴里塞了一叉无骨鱼排。)
47. ill have the steak, french fries, and lets see, chocolate ice-cream for dessert.(我要牛排、炸薯条,让我们想想,甜点要巧克力冰淇淋。)
48. 扒:讲到烧牛扒这门艺术,没有人比xxx做得出色,所以吃牛扒(steak)还是要到美式扒房(steakhouse). 但到了扒房不懂得叫,不是太可惜了吗? 今天就跟大家谈牛扒英语. 当然,陈的声明非全无沙石,
49. are you coming for dinner this evening? ive got a steak here with your name on it!(今晚你来吃饭吗?我为你准备了一块牛排。)
50. then he cuts off the leather top of the shoe as if it were the finest steak.
51. 世界上有两个我,一个吃货的我,一个真心想减肥的我。
52. 我们有牛排炸鸡或炸虾特餐,以及时菜炒饭等。
53. 牛排:肉食者的天堂。
54. 今天给你发就是要批判你,爱情握在手中,朋友丢满一沟;淘金一日一斗,还把朋友忘丢;幸福生活紧搂,福运把你掳走;不要执迷不悟,赶快回信求佑。
55. .今天中午一个人吃牛排,明天想一个人吃海底捞,哈哈生活真美好。
56. some diners were crying full before the generous steak arrived, but it was seared to perfection and they savored it regardless.
57. 脆嫩酥香麻辣味鲜质地韧嫩干香味浓全熟的牛排虽不带血丝却异常鲜嫩咬劲十足牛排创新吃法口味与众不同极具中国风味口感除了香嫩之外有因骨头带筋在咀嚼时有多了一份咀劲肉质松软肉筋
58. 我的梦想是住在食家庄,日日食全食美,夜夜碟碟不休。〖22字〗
59. 牛排创新吃法,口味与众不同,极具中国风味。〖18字〗
60. 澳洲特级进口,盖特牛排不尝口?
61. a boneless steak cut from the tenderloin of beef从牛的腰部嫩肉切下来的无骨肉排。
62. why did you leave the steak to fry, and the ale to run, and then spoil all the meal?(你为什么离开了,却让牛排继续煎着,让麦芽啤酒继续流着,结果把饭全糟蹋了?)
63. 我对牛排的爱,差点超过对你,你在我的心中,它在我的味蕾上。
64. steak and kidney pies and meat and potato pies are a staple of food outlets in stadiums.
65. 人是铁,饭是钢,吃货总比痴货好。〖13字〗
66. 好想回家吃牛排,好想有人在家等我,我需要个会做饭的男盆友。〖26字〗
67. sell the sizzle not the steak on ebay - theres a major copywriting axiom that applies equally to the technique of listing products on ebay.
68. 品位美食,而不是品位菜单,烧一锅好菜,也绝不是烧钱。〖22字〗
69. bar hoppers will find the classic irish pub fare like fish and chips, cottage pie and a mean steak sandwich served with the works.
70. the steak was tough and the peas were like bullets.牛排硬得嚼不动,豌豆就像 * 。
71. 一个人逛街,一个人吃牛排,自言自语,一个人,原来单身也可以如此优秀。〖29字〗
72. steak的意思
73. 烤肋眼牛排,新鲜的辣根炒蘑菇和芦笋,香草酸豆黄油。
74. these traditional dishes include fish and chips, steak and kidney pie and large pieces of roasted meats.(这些传统菜肴包括鱼和薯条、牛排和腰子馅饼以及大块烤肉。)
75. it would be inappropriate to serve steak or hamburgers.提供牛排或汉堡包是不合适的。
76. something else you might use is a set of these knives, you know, carving knives, bread knives, steak knives, fruit knives, potato peeling knives.(你还可以用一套这样的刀,就像是:切肉刀、面包刀、牛排刀、水果刀、土豆削皮刀。)
77. ill have a sirloin steak.
78. steak的解释
79. 茫茫人海,虽然是擦肩而过,那也是一种缘份,让我们彼此珍惜这份友情,到天长地久,地远苍穹
80. 从前连一个人吃牛排都干的出来的人,原来有一天也会因为没有人陪着就搁浅自己想做的事情,想去的地方。〖45字〗
81. .最近爱上了吃秋葵,没有刀叉只能用筷子吃牛排,努力把生活过得精致。
82. 全熟的牛排虽不带血丝,却异常鲜嫩,咬劲十足。
83. 你总看到女神自拍美食,偏偏她还怎么吃都不胖。其实她每道菜就吃了一口就放下筷子了。〖37字〗
84. i would like to have a sirloin steak and a mixed salad我想点牛脊肉排和什锦色拉。
85. 前几天做梦吃牛排 今天终于有时间来吃了。
86. 每次吃牛排,牛排吃完了,面永远是剩下的。