07/2024: Updates for AVeriTeC Shared Task
If you are participating in the AVeriTeC shared task, we invite you to join the dedicated slack channel. The channel can be found here, and can be used for announcements, as well as questions, discussion, and so on. Feel free to join it at any time!
04/2024: FEVER7 Announced
We are pleased to announce that FEVER7 will be co-located with EMNLP2024. In this year's workshop, we will organise a new shared task AVeriTeC focused on evaluating fact verification systems on real-world misinformation. To learn more about the task and our baseline implementation, read our paper AVeriTeC: A Dataset for Real-world Claim Verification with Evidence from the Web and go to the shared task webpage. You can find the call for papers in our workshop page.
With billions of individual pages on the web providing information on almost every conceivable topic, we should have the ability to collect facts that answer almost every conceivable question. However, only a small fraction of this information is contained in structured sources (Wikidata, Freebase, etc.) – we are therefore limited by our ability to transform free-form text to structured knowledge. There is, however, another problem that has become the focus of a lot of recent research and media coverage: false information coming from unreliable sources. [1]
The FEVER workshops are a venue for work in verifiable knowledge extraction and to stimulate progress in this direction.
In order to bring together researchers working on the various tasks related to fact extraction and verification, we will host a workshop welcoming submissions on related topics such as recognizing textual entailment, question answering and argumentation mining.
All deadlines are calculated at 11:59pm Anywhere on Earth (UTC-12).