Ob*scene" (?), a/ [L. obscenus, obscaenus, obscoenus, ill looking, filthy, obscene: cf. F. obsc'ene.]
Offensive to chastity or modesty; expressing of presenting to the mind or view something which delicacy, purity, and decency forbid to be exposed; impure; as, obscene language; obscene pictures.
Words that were once chaste, by frequent use grew obscene and uncleanly.
I. Watts.
Foul; fifthy; disgusting.
<-- 2 illegible chars; "bands"? -->
A girdle foul with grease bds his obscene attire.
Inauspicious; ill-omened.
[R.] [A Latinism]
At the cheerful light,
The groaning ghosts and birds obscene take flight.
Syn. -- Impure; immodest; indecent; unchaste; lewd.
-- Ob*scene"ly, adv. -- Ob*scene"ness, n.
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