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Joy is also the name of a branch of shops in the U.K. The shop is rapidly expanding and is becoming better known as a shop as it keeps expanding. There are often articles about it in renowned fashion magazines. The shop is loosely based on the style of Urban Outfitters and has a lot of urban clothing and gifts.

Established in 1999 its original store was found in Brixton, it soon grew with shops appearing in Chiswick, Greenwich, Clapham, Fulham and most recently Putney. It has clothes for men and women and gifts for all people. The shop has a very original flair and stands out from others in the street. Personally it is one of my favourite stores in London and has a very warm atmosphere inside, all the clothes in the shops are different yet link up extraordinarily well.

There are different styles all the time with retro often appearing, the clothes are aimed at people between 18-35 and there is always something for everybody. The clothes compliment the area and all the shops have different styles inside. The shops are very appealing to the eye with interesting assortments of colour and the staff are friendly and helpful.

The shop lives up to its motto and is always vibrant and is a wonderful place to go when you're near:

Joy: Love, Life, Laughter

Joy can also be used as an expression of success, and can be used (with its partner, No Joy when giving instructions).

Example: "Place Tab A into Slot B. If Joy, then place Tab B into Slot C. If No Joy, widen Slot B and repeat."

Example 2: "Hey, the date last night, joy/no joy?" "Joy. I'll tell you more later"

This probably originated as a military slang, and that is probably where "Joy" is applied most frequently. In military terms, Joy can mean anything from "successful aquisition of a target" to "target destroyed" or "enemies captured".

Joy in Paul's Teaching

To preface this essay, it is important to familiarize oneself with the story of Saul, the zealous persecutor of Christians and his transformation into the Apostle Paul (see Acts 9), as this is a large part of his reason for feeling such joy: "one of the main consequences of his reconciliation with God was his ability to 'rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ' (Rom. 5:11) in spite of the afflictions, hardships and trials that came his way" (DPHL 511). According to W.G. Morrice, 131 of the 326 uses of the word for joy in the New Testament are ascribed to Paul. He also calls Paul the "theologian of joy as he undoubtedly was... of grace" and notes that both charis and chara in Greek are derived from the same root: char-

Paul's joy as a Christ-follower can be seen throughout his epistles, and this will focus on Philippians, joy as a fruit of the Spirit in Galatians, and joy in the midst of suffering or persecution.


The letter of Philippians was probably written by Paul while he was in prison (or under house arrest) in Rome before AD 70, yet this letter is known for the theological theme of joy that runs throughout. According to G.F. Hawthorne, the joy described here is "a settled state of mind characterized by peace, an attitude that views life... with equanimity. It is a confident way of looking at life that is rooted in faith in the living Lord of the church" (DPHL 713).

He talks often of the joy he finds in the Philippians, writing that he always offers "prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all" (Phil. 1:4) because of their "participation in the gospel" which could mean their obedience to support his ministry as well as their maturity in Christ. Later, he asks them to "make my joy complete" by being unified {Phil. 2:2), which is another major theme in Philippians. Still later he reminds them to "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing..." (Phil. 4:4-6). In a sense, he is giving them reasons to rejoice: First he wants them to show their joy (with gentleness) so that others may witness the hope they have. Next the fact that Jesus is near is pretty exciting- He is present and working in us! Therefore, they shouldn't have to worry, but rather rejoice and learn to be "content in whatever circumstances" (Phil. 4:11) because the man upstairs has got it all under control. But where on earth is this abnormal joy supposed to come from in a world that is pretty messed up? Well it's a gift...

The Fruit of Joy

So in Galatians 5:22 Paul describes what the fruits of the Spirit are, in contrast to the "deeds of the flesh" (Gal. 5:19). The fruits of the Spirit are as follows: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. This is supposed to be what overflows from the life of a Christ-follower as they slowly are transformed by the working of the Holy Spirit in their lives, which is Christ's Spirit. More of this sanctification process is discussed in Romans 8, and another good resource is A Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster.

Joy in the midst of suffering...

"...I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us" (Romans 8:18). Paul was persecuted as a follower of the Way. He was beaten (Acts 16:19-24, Acts 18:17), imprisoned, mocked by intellectuals (Acts 17:18), under a death warrant (Acts 23:12), and eventually killed. In his letter to the Philippians, Paul wrote that during his imprisonment, others have been emboldened to preach, though some out of "selfish ambition rather than from pure motives" (Phil. 2:17), but that regardless he rejoices because Christ is proclaimed and exalted. So where does he find the motivation for all of this joy? Well not only does Paul wait in hopeful expectation for his chance to see God's glory and to be with Jesus and fellowship in His suffering, death and resurrection (Phil. 3:10-11). See, when he calls the Philippian believers "my joy and crown" (Phil. 4:1), he's reminding them that he is running his race to win a heavenly prize (y'know, storing up those treasures in heaven, away from all the mothballs).

works cited

"Joy" by W.G. Morrice in Dictionary of Paul and His Letters.
"Letter to the Philippians" by G.F. Hawthorne in Dictionary of Paul and His Letters.
New American Standard Bible

Joy is hardly the most complex character to come about in the NBC/FOX turnover series, My Name Is Earlwriteup needed!, but her straightforward aggressive self-centeredness makes her definitely one of the funniest creatures in comedy ever to arise. Full name: Joy Farrah Darville Hickey Turner (having been previously wed to main character Earl Hickey, and presently to Darell "Crab-Man" Turner"). Her comedy chops are not at all hurt by her portrayal by wryly scrumptious Jaime Pressly.

Over the course of the series, she has hilariously committed various degrees of theft, assault, and adultery, and her scheming/planning nature is often overtaken by her impulsiveness. She sometimes figures into the list of wrongs from Earl's past that Earl is trying to right, that being the central gimmick of the show. Other times, Earl gets dragged into Joy's own absurdist tangential subplots, such as the time she stole a truck from a big box store (complete with an unwitting kidnapping victim in the back) because they would not accept return of a piece of furniture that got ruined in the rain because it was too big to fit through the door of her trailer.

She has borne three children, but who can ever be certain who the fathers were? Her first pregnancy prompted her to trick Earl into marrying her (although it ultimately turned out, to everyone's surprise, that the child, Dodge Hickey, really was his); her second occurred during their marriage and was to yet another man, supposedly Darnell (who she later cheated on with Earl, married anyway, and who is eventually hinted not to be the true father of the second child). The second child is clearly not Earls, as it is black -- prompting Joy to comment that she has two children, one white and one black, but she doesn't see race, and so can't tell which is which. The third was as a surrogate mother for her half-sister.

Despite her wicked ways, she occasionally displays a soft streak, such as when Darnell's beloved turtle dies. But mostly she's an outright, cussin', fussin', hollerin', "Oh Snap"-in' queen bitch. And delightfully so.

Camille had only just arrived at Neiman’s, but already she carried an armload of clothes to try on. A black silk Chanel sheath. Some lacy La Perla undergarments. Givenchy slacks that carried a price tag of more than the average family’s mortgage payment. And a few other sundries that had caught her attention. She had her eye on a sumptuous pair of Balmain calfskin stiletto boots, but her hands were quite full; she’d have to come back for them later. Stopping for a moment to balance the clothes she held in her arms, she glanced at her reflection in a nearby mirror. Her brunette chignon looked as it had when she'd fixed it earlier: flawless, without a single errant strand. Briskly, she made her way toward the fitting rooms; she didn’t need to ask where they were.

Bill had absentmindedly handed her his American Express card and waved her off as he pored over financial documents of some sort; what kind, she never really knew. Why the man worried about money, she couldn’t fathom. He’d never know what it was really like to worry about money, she mused as she entered the stall and hung up the articles of clothing. Not like back home. All those years ago, when she’d lived in that insignificant little town in southern Illinois, she never dreamed that she would one day be living in the Gold Coast neighborhood of Chicago, in a spectacular high-rise that overlooked the lakefront. She’d never have pictured herself patronizing high-end department stores and buying an endless array of gowns, handbags and shoes, things that would give her a moment of joy but eventually end up stored in her enormous closet, forgotten. The only things she had dreamed about back then were wearing clothes that weren’t hand-me-downs and not being hungry.

After zipping herself into the Chanel dress, she studied her reflection critically, feeling a longing she couldn’t quite place, a longing she felt often these days. Loneliness? She had friends, people who attended the lavish dinner parties she and Bill gave. She had a wonderful husband who provided for her, who ensured that she was never wanting for anything, at least when it came to material comforts. But something wasn’t there, something unidentifiable. When she was finished trying on the clothes she’d selected, she walked towards the cashier to ring up her purchases, suddenly feeling tired. But on impulse, she veered towards the cosmetics department to browse through the multitude of face creams and lipsticks on display, the riot of colors and elegant packaging competing for her attention. While perusing the latest collection of Dior lip glosses, she noticed the fragrance counter and decided to sample a few.

Just as she was about to leave the perfume counter empty-handed, Camille noticed a familiar shape. The squat little bottle of Joy de Patou was unmistakable; she had, after all, worn the fragrance religiously at one point in her life. It had been the first present Bill had ever given her, and she’d worn it every day for years after. It had been a while, though, since she’d last worn it. She remembered how different things had been for her and Bill back then, with their whole lives ahead, just waiting to be lived. Each time she’d dabbed the perfume behind her ears, she’d thought of Bill and smiled. Bill was different than any man she’d ever known, and they were going to be so happy when they were married, she remembered thinking. Breathing in the scent again, she sighed. It felt good to remember.


As she carefully placed two Loewe suitcases in the trunk of her sleek black Aston Martin, she paused, looking up at the vast estate she shared with Bill. She would have to telephone him tomorrow and explain, of course. Camille sat in the driver's seat, twisting the champagne diamond solitaire ring she wore around her finger, contemplating what she was about to do. Then she pressed the button to start the car and drove away, heading south.

Joy (?), n. [OE. joye, OF. joye, joie, goie, F. joie, L. gaudia, pl. of gaudium joy, fr. gaudere to rejoice, to be glad; cf. Gr. to rejoice, proud. Cf. Gaud, Jewel.]


The passion or emotion excited by the acquisition or expectation of good; pleasurable feelings or emotions caused by success, good fortune, and the like, or by a rational prospect of possessing what we love or desire; gladness; exhilaration of spirits; delight.

Her heavenly form beheld, all wished her joy. Dryden.

Glides the smooth current of domestic joy. Johnson.

Who, for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame. Heb. xii. 2.

Tears of true joy for his return. Shak.

Joy is a delight of the mind, from the consideration of the present or assured approaching possession of a good. Locke.


That which causes joy or happiness.

For ye are our glory and joy. 1 Thess. ii. 20.

A thing of beauty is a joy forever. Keats.


The sign or exhibition of joy; gayety; mirth; merriment; festivity.

Such joy made Una, when her knight she found. Spenser.

The roofs with joy resound. Dryden.

Joy is used in composition, esp. with participles, to from many self-explaining compounds; as, joy-hells, joy-ringing, joy-inspiring, joy-resounding, etc.

Syn. -- Gladness; pleasure; delight; happiness; exultation; transport; felicity; ecstasy; rapture; bliss; gayety; mirth; merriment; festivity; hilarity.


© Webster 1913.

Joy, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Joyed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Joying.] [OF. joir, F. jouir. See Joy, n.]

To rejoice; to be glad; to delight; to exult.

I will joy in the God of my salvation. Hab. iii. 18.

In whose sight all things joy. Milton.


© Webster 1913.

Joy, v. t.


To give joy to; to congratulate.

[Obs.] "Joy us of our conquest."


To joy the friend, or grapple with the foe. Prior.


To gladden; to make joyful; to exhilarate.


Neither pleasure's art can joy my spirits. Shak.


To enjoy. [Obs.] See Enjoy.

Who might have lived and joyed immortal bliss. Milton.


© Webster 1913.

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