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Or, in more modern terms, a generator is a device that converts kinetic energy into electric current, or electro-motive force.

Generators work through electromagnetic induction.

A generator is a mechanical device that converts kinetic energy into electricity. There are two major kinds of generators, the dynamo and the alternator. The dynamo produces direct current whereas the alternator produces alternating current.

1992 offering from punk rock band Bad Religion. Containing the usual Bad Religion fare, Generator is somewhat of a transition album from the older Bad Religion style to the new sound that would hit its peak with Stranger Than Fiction and The Grey Race. Generator's lyrical themes are the perils of the modern world, from nuclear bombs to newscasts. The title track rocks, and the album is good as a whole, but doesn't stand out much against the rest of Bad Religion's work.

Bad Religion

1. Generator
2. Too Much To Ask
3. No Direction
4. Tomorrow
5. Two Babies in the Dark
6. Heaven is Falling
7. Atomic Garden
8. The Answer
9. Fertile Crescent
10. Chimera
11. Only Entertainment

In abstract algebra and group theory, a generator is an element of a cyclic group that is capable of producing every element of the group when the group operation is applied to itself repeatedly. Formally, for any cyclic group G, there exists an a such that:

G = {an | n ε Z}

A generator, in the world of computer programming, is a function that can return more than one result.

As in mathematics, a function in a computer program generally returns one result when called with a particular set of parameters. (Included in this "one result" concept are structured values such as records, lists, etc.) For example, a function that returns the next integer greater than its argument will return only one result. Even a square root function that could return two real values given a real parameter (e.g., returning 3 and -3 as the square roots of 9) would still be regarded as returning a single value, which would always be a list of two real numbers. (Standard sqrt() functions, however, only return one number.)

A generator, on the other hand, will, when called with a particular set of parameters, give you one result ... and another ... and another ... until it has no more to give (or you tell it to stop, already). Generators are often spoken of in terms of the Icon programming language, which may have been the first to use them (I'm not sure). Icon has an unusual aspect to it: if it evaluates an expression and it turns out to be "unsuccessful" (a Boolean result of false, and perhaps others -- I don't know the precise definition of unsuccessful in Icon) it will try to re-evaluate it, using new values for any generators that were involved, until it's happy. (If at first you don't succeed, ....) It also provides a more explicit method of repeatedly calling a generator, but its reputation stems from its automatic usage of them.

But why go on about Icon when I can go off about Python? :)

Generators were added to Python in version 2.2. (Because a new keyword was added to the language grammar, it is a transitional feature which must be enabled via the __future__ mechanism. It will be official in version 2.3.) The Python compiler now emits a generator function (rather than a "normal" function) when it sees the keyword yield within the function body; it also adds two slight semantic changes to a generator function:

  • return statements, if any, are not allowed to specify a value to return

    There is no tremendous reason for this. Some people think a return statement should be able to say "Oh, and here's the final value". But with the current restriction, they can simply put one last yield before the return. I think Guido added this restriction in the interest of keeping the implementation clean and simple.

  • yield is not allowed in the try-block of a try...finally statement.

    This is for the simple reason that there could be no guarantee that the finally block would execute, since the generator might never be resumed after the yield in the try.

Some people, even the great Tim Peters, are careful to mention that Python generators are not real generators, like Icon's, though it seems to me they quibble about an implementation detail. The reason is that when you call a Python generator function, you actually don't get its first result back at all! You get an object of a new built-in type called a generator-iterator. While this seems amazingly different than the intuitive Icon behavior, the fact that the generator-iterator follows the Python iteration protocol (also new in version 2.2) makes the typical use of generators and iterators -- as the object of a for loop -- look exactly the same. In non-for loop contexts, you can still use the generator-iterator like any other iterator: each call to its next() method returns the next result from the generator function.

It must be time for an example. Suppose you want to write a function that will read every writeup on Everything2 and return only the ones with a reputation exceeding a threshold that you specify. Here's how you would do it the old way:

    def HighReps(rep):
        highreps = []
        for nodenum in range(E2.GetHighestNodeNumber()):
            node = E2.GetNode(nodenum)
            if node.reputation > rep:
        return highreps
This function returns a list of nodes with high reputations, just like you wanted; you could store a local reference to the list for later use, or iterate over it with a for loop:
    highreps = HighReps(50)
    for node in HighReps(50): print node
There are two important things to notice about this way of doing things:
  • The list might be very large
  • You don't get to see any of the nodes you're looking for until they've all been found
These are two disadvantages that generators are great at getting around. Let's see the generator version of that same function:
    def HighReps(rep):
        for nodenum in range(E2.GetHighestNodeNumber()):
            node = E2.GetNode(nodenum)
            if node.reputation > rep:
                yield node
The for loop above will still work exactly the same if it calls this new version, except that the list of nodes never exists, and the printing of the nodes will begin sooner (and possibly be sporadic rather than continuous as printing from the list would be). The assignment is different now, though. With the generator function,
    highreps = HighReps(50)
no longer returns a list, but a generator-iterator instead. We can use it to fetch the first node that passes our high-reputation test:
    node = highreps.next()
(This is the same node that we could get with highreps[0] with the non-generator version.) Then we can call next again to get the second one. But here's another advantage of the generator solution: we don't have to call it again! If we wanted to just get five high-rep nodes, we could just call next five times, and then throw away the iterator. It won't be hurt that it didn't get to run to completion, and its state (local variables, instruction pointer, etc.) will get cleaned up when the iterator is reclaimed.

Indeed, you could write a generator that will never complete; i.e., a list-constructing version of it would try to generate an infinitely-long list. An example of this would be a generator that generates prime numbers. You could never iterate over it to completion, but you could scoop up the first ten thousand (or however many you want) values that it returns, or keep calling it until the returned value meets some criterion that you have. Notice that to do these things with a list-constructing version, you would either have to pass it a parameter indicating how long a list you wanted to get back, or have it know how to apply your criterion so it knows when to stop finding values and return the list it has built. That makes the function less generally usable in different circumstances. And this generality doesn't even exclude the case where you actually do want the entire list. You can just invoke the list type constructor, and there it is. E.g.,

    highreps = list(HighReps(50))

Like all language features, generators are not a panacea, but they are definitely a tool to reach for when you're uncomfortable about that huge list you're constructing (and that you don't need all at one time), or when you'd like to start getting results sooner (usually so you can begin presenting them to the user). And, they often make your code simpler and shorter to boot!

Python generators, excellently covered above by C-Dawg, are a quick way of transforming old, pre-iterator python code (or just code designed without iterators in mind) into proper iterators.

It's also often claimed (e.g. on www.python.org) that generators make it easier to handle all the transient data on where exactly you are in the middle of your complex enumeration. Using iterators -- so they say -- you'll be in the middle of some huge calculation, and have to store exactly where you were. I've never run into this, personally, and I believe if you start out thinking in iterators, this will never happen. Perhaps if the iterator is running two totally unrelated iterations, and by some wacky design feature one iteration can somehow butt in and get ahead of the other, forcing you to yield one value, while still trying to figure out the other iteration's step...

Still, whether you write your own iterator or go through the generator song and dance, you end up with similar functionality. The only pity is, you never get to have a real iterable object, one of the nicer aspects of python iterators.

Gen"er*a`tor (?), n. [L.]


One who, or that which, generates, begets, causes, or produces.


An apparatus in which vapor or gas is formed from a liquid or solid by means of heat or chemical process, as a steam boiler, gas retort, or vessel for generating carbonic acid gas, etc.

3. (Mus.)

The principal sound or sounds by which others are produced; the fundamental note or root of the common chord; -- called also generating tone.


© Webster 1913

Gen"er*a`tor, n. (Elec.)

Any machine that transforms mechanical into electrical energy; a dynamo.


© Webster 1913

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