comic book will be remembered in the future as one of the great
Dumb Things Marvel Comics Has Done.
So let's say you've got a big-time hit
movie on your hands (namely, "
X-Men") that adapts one of your most
popular comic titles (namely, "
X-Men"). So do you work to create
awareness of your comic and allow the
buzz from the movie to carry over into increased
sales for your existing comic books? Well, sure, that's what you and I would do, but
Marvel chose to create an
entirely new comic book (namely, "
Ultimate X-Men") that replicates the look and mood of the
movie while casting aside over 30 years of comics
continuity and alienating existing
fans who now have to fork over extra bucks to buy yet another X-Men comic book. Right now, the series appears to be generating a lot of
good press, but it's all coming from either
rabid Marvel Zombies or
Wizard Magazine, which seems to have an
editorial policy requiring them to love everything Marvel does. And of the three "
Ultimate" Marvel books, "X-Men" has been way, way
inferior to both "
Ultimate Spider-Man" and "
The Ultimates"...
In short, if you've bought this comic,
sell it now while everyone still thinks it's
hot, 'cause when the buzz wears off and the
readers and
speculators go away, "Ultimate X-Men" is heading straight for the "Four Comics for a
Quarter" bins...