[editar]- hĭp'itrāl", /ˈhɪpiˌtreɪl/, /"hIpi%treIl/
[editar]Nombre propio
- El sendero muy conocido usado por viajeros independientes u alternativos especialmente en lugares exóticos o del tercer mundo, a menudo ironicamente durante intentando escapar los senderos muy conocidos.
[editar]- español: sendero de los hipis
Hippietrail llegó a Wikipedia después de una busqueda “Google” returned una entrada sobre su proyecto, Linguaphile.
Hippietrail ha sido contribuidor de Everything2 y su predecessor, Everything, desde 1999. Por eso, Wikipedia llega facil a el.
Hippietrail aprendió que Wiktionary es más divertido aun que Wikipedia después de un cierto tiempo.
Hippietrail no suele hablar en la tercera persona.
- abigarrada
- acalifa -- some type of plant
- aceptado -- past part. aceptar
- acheques -- (achaque(s)? is std. is this var. or error? malady, ailment)
- adormecer -- to make sleepy; to numb
- adormecerse -- to doze off; to go numb
- adueñar -- appropriate
- adueñarse -- to take possession of
- -adura -- ver of -dura
- aeromoza
- afán -- desire; determination
- se afanar -- try your hardest, hurry up
- afane -- form of afanar
- afiche -- in RAE
- agobiar pos_v
- agotadora pos_a -- tiring, f
- aguamanil m -- washbowl
- aguante m — stamina, patience
- aguardar -- to wait (syn: esperar)
- agua regia
- aguijón m -- bee's sting
- ajada pos_a
- ajeno pos_a — somebody else’s; other people’s
- ají crillo -- a type of hot chile
- ají pico de loro - a type of hot chile - seen in Panama
- ajinomoto -- Costa Rica - food word
- ajuste m -- in RAE
- alborotado — in a state of excitement or confusion
- álbum (disambig: album)
- alcaldesa --- female mayor, mayoress; wife of mayor
- alcaldía -- in RAE
- aleta -- fin, flipper
- aletartgado -- NOT in babelfish. Comes from letargo, be sleepy, slow
- alhucema (agua de ~)
- aliñado
- allanar -- to smoothe, to make something plain and easy
- almádenas -- tups??
- almendrado pos_a -- NOT in babelfish, in RAE.
- almohadilla -- a name for (#); little almohada
- almojábano -- some kind of food in Panama. NOT in RAE
- alocadamente -- wildly
- alquitrán m -- tar
- alumbrado m -- lighting
- alusiva -- allusive
- amañado -- tricked. Votes can be amañandos, for example. Dicc. Oxford Pocket says "comfortable" is this error or dialectal? seems dialectal.
- amarillento pos_a -- a bit yellow
- amenazante pos_a -- threatening
- amol m -- in RAE
- amole m -- in RAE
- amontonadero m -- not in babelfish or RAE. very dialectal! but which dialect?
- amortajada – shrouded
- amueblado pos_a -- furnished
- anafórico -- from anáfora (Anaphore)
- anafrito
- anarcosindicalista -- in RAE. anarchist? cf: anarchista
- anduvo -– irregular past form of andar
- angosto pos_a -- narrow
- anhelar -- yearn for
- antiinmigrante
- añico -- in plural, pieces, destruction
- añorar — miss (syn: extrañar)
- apacible -- calmed, quiet, comfortable, nice
- se apaciguar — calm down
- apaciguar — appease
- apelmazado
- apelontonado pos_a -- apelotonado is correct. this is probably Hippietrail's transcription error but still needs to be checked in case it's a variant
- apelotonado -- crowded together
- aperos -- NOT in babelfish
- apodo m -- nickname
- apogeo -- apogee
- aporte m – contribution
- apresto -- preparation
- apretadita -- food or snack in Costa Rica
- aprovechar
- aprovecharse -- take profit of something, take advantage, exploit
- apurar -- worry (syn: preocupar)
- aquél pronoun -- that one
- arañazo -- scratch
- arbitrariedad f something arbitrary or unfair, arbitraryness
- archipiélago
- archivador -- filing cabinet?
- archivo -- file of papers or on a computer, not a tool
- arcón -- big kind of box to put clothes or swords
- arepa -- Costa Rica - pancake
- argolla f -- rounded part of a chain
- arma de cacería -- kind of weapon
- arquear -- to be nauseated
- arrabal m -- neighbourhood, specially peripheral and poor
- arracache
- arraigo -- root (cf: raíz). arraigo is metaphorical, while raíz can be physical or metaphorical
- arranque -- starting
- arrasa -- devastate
- arrebatar -- snatch
- arreglado -- food or snack in Costa Rica, perhaps same as empanada arreglada
- arrime m -- in RAE, comes from arrimar
- arrodillarse -- kneel down
- arveja
- asaltante -- from asaltar
- asceta -- ascetic?
- aseo -- both the act of washing oneself and the place (cf arch. en. "to do one's toilet"), bathroom
- aserradero
- así y todo -- in RAE, even so (many senses)
- asma f -- as with "agua", a feminine noun which takes the masculine article "el". is there a convenient name for this to use for a category?
- asnejón -- not in babelfish, VERY dialectal form
- asórbico -- NOT in RAE
- asomar(se) -- to lain
- asqueroso pos_a -- in RAE, very disgusting
- asta -- horn
- astucia f -- some kind of trick
- -ata
- atado -- in RAE. form of atar
- atadura -- the act of atar
- atan -- tie (syn: ligar)
- atanor m -- NOT in babelfish, in RAE.
- atarjeas f -- in RAE
- aterciopelado pos_a -- in RAE, made of terciopelo, velvet
- ateridos -- plural, people who are cold, freezing
- atiborrar -- to feed too much, to make someone fed up with food
- atildado -- old word, very proud clothing
- -ato
- atolondrado -- confused
- atónito -- confused, admired
- atosigar
- atrabiliario
- atrayentes -- plural, attracting
- atropello -- upsetting
- atuendos -- in RAE
- audífono m -- hearing aid
- auscultar -- auscultate
- autolote -- where cars are sold: car yard
- aventajar -- surpass
- aventón -- dialectal
- avestruz m -- in RAE
- en ayunas -- without having eaten anything
- azafata -- stewardess, in medieval ages the maid of queen (handmaid?)
- azahar -– orange blossom
- -azgo
- baho italbrac|Nicaragua -- a stew made from beef and yucca
- balboa (needs Spanish)
- barajado pos_a -- shuffled
- bajeza f -- in RAE
- baladí -- trivial
- balazo
- en balde -- in RAE
- baleada -- NOT in RAE. sited at La Mesilla, Guatemala and throughout Honduras - snack made from beans, sour cream, and cheese, sometimes with chirmol / chismol in a Mexican-style flour tortilla. A version with egg is called a bolibaleada or boli baleada in the west, in the east egg is a standard ingredient.
- balneario m -- place like a spa, where you can rest and have treatments
- balsero -- somebody who arrives on a balsa, a boat person
- bamba -- flip-flop, thong (aus)
- bambalina -- border, used only in theatres (cf: frontera)
- bandolero -- brigand
- baqueano
- barbería -- (Guatemala) barber shop. c.f. peluquería? The two terms seem to coexist in most countries where a barbería is for men and a peluquería is for everybody, except I've never seen a barbería in any part of Mexico.
- barbilla f — chin
- barquilla -- cone
- barracón -- large cabin
- barrido pos_a -- sweeping
- barrocanrolera -- NOT in RAE. invented blend of other words
- basquiña f
- batata (syn: camote, see also: ñame)
- batido -- kind of milkshake in Nicaragua and Costa Rica (syns or see also: licuado, malteada)
- baúl m — trunk; trunk / boot (or a car)
- bejuco -- vine
- benzoato -- benzoate
- bergsoniano -- NOT in RAE. eponym. adjective from Bergosn, the author
- berrinchudo -- collloquial adjective, comes from berrinche
- berro -- food word in Panama?
- berro chino
- bicoca -- bargain
- bienaventuranza f -- what Jesus says on the mountain (the poor, the good...)
- biñuelo m -- italbrac|Panama a deep fried snack of yucca with some meat inside. (syns: carimañola, enyucada). NOT in RAE
- biocombustible
- bisturí m -- scalpel
- blockera, blokera -- not in RAE, place selling cement blocks in guatemala
- bocapierna f -- NOT in RAE. americanism
- bofe -- food word in Panma
- boicotear -- to boycott
- bóiler -- boiler, used by Carlos Fuentes
- boletero
- bolibaleada or boli baleada -- NOT in RAE. Western Honduras, a baleada with egg. see also boli
- bolillito m -- a small bolillo bread roll in Mexico
- bolillo m -- bobbin; a type of bread roll in Mexico
- bolita -- meatball (syn: albóndiga?)
- boricua f
- borla -- the end of a curtain rope
- borojó -- a fruit from the border region of Panama and Colombia. NOT in RAE
- borrachera -- drunkenness
- boruca f -- in RAE
- bostezo m -- yawn
- botiquín m -- in RAE, where you can put medecines
- botonadura -- set of buttons
- braga -- woman's slip
- braguetas — fly / flies (UK) (of trousers etc)
- bramar -- to cry, to shout, especially animals
- bramido m -- in RAE, the noun of bramar
- brecha pos_n -- divide (specially "digital divide"), breach?
- azahar
- brete
- brial m
- bribón m -- bad guy, old fashioned
- brindar pos_v -- to make chin chin with glasses to wish luck - to toast
- brioso -- in RAE. with power
- brotar -- appear; sprout; bud; gush
- brote m -- the noun of brotar
- brozal m
- bruces -- in RAE (caer de bruces o darse de bruces). a phrase meaning with the mouth in floor, door, etc
- budín -- a type of cake/pie/dessert in La Palma, El Salvador. in RAE. variant of pudin
- bucle m -- in RAE
- buena estrella – lucky star?
- buhonero -- in RAE. A person who sells things on the streets. (syn: vendedor ambulante)
- bulto m — shape; package
- a bulto — roughly
- buñuelo m -- in RAE
- burgués m -- from town
- burlón pos_a -- mocking
- burlona -- mocking
- butifarra -- a kind of sausage
- butírica -- NOT in RAE. very dialectal
- caballada f
- caballeriza f -- stable
- cabestrillo -- when you broke your arm you put it in cabestrillo with the shoulder - sling?
- cabestro -- cabestro
- cabrilleo -- NOT in babelfish
- cacareo m -- the noise that hens make
- cacería f -- in RAE
- cachete m -- in RAE. smack
- cacizagos m plural -- not in babelfish
- cadejo
- cafetalera: coffee pot
- cafetín m -- in RAE
- cafres m plural -- colloquialism
- cainita pos_a -- in RAE
- calala -- NOT in RAE, fruit in Nicaragua (syn: maracuyá)
- calcomanía -- cartoons that kids stick on their hands, made of ink and water, usually found in sweets
- caliche
- cáliga f -- in RAE
- calina f -- haze
- callejonear -- NOT in RAE. dialectal form: going around streets
- cambur
- camellón -- ridge
- camote (syn: batata, see also: ñame)
- campal pos_a -- pitched
- campechano -- frank; related to Campeche
- campeón -- champion; war hero
- campeonato -- championship
- campestre -- rustic
- canilla
- cáñamo -- in RAE
- cañonazo -- sound or shoot of a cañón (cannon)
- cañoneó -- past form of cañonear, shot cañones (not very used)
- capitalino -- pertaining to a capital, also said of people
- carambola f -- italbrac|Costa Rica star fruit, carambola (syn: fruta china). in RAE
- caraota
- carbonatado pos_a -- carbonated
- carbunco
- carcomido -- decayed (syn: podrido?)
- carencia f -- in RAE
- carey -- a material, typically used for the hard frames of glasses and so on, old
- carimañola f -- italbrac|Panama a deep fried snack of yucca with some meat inside. (syns: biñuelo, enyucada). NOT in RAE
- carnoso pos_a
- carpa f -- tent (cf tienda)
- carpintero m -- carpinter; woodpecker
- carrete -- of photos
- carretela -- a type of coach
- carrizo m -- italbrac|Panama drinking straw
- carroña -- carrion?
- cas m (needs Spanish) -- italbrac|Costa Rica A type of tree and its fruit, Psidium freidrichsthalianum
- casa cural -- in RAE
- casado -- italbrac|Costa Rica a meal served for lunch or dinner based on rice and beans (separate, not gallo pinto), with a meat or eggs and extras such as plaintain, picadillo, and salad (see also: pinto). Also seen in one restaurant in Nicaragua
- cascabeleo -- noise of cascabel
- cascamiento m -- in RAE
- cascarrón m -- eggshell
- casero -- also a noun used to refer to some type of food in Nicaragua
- caserón m -- big house
- castaño m -- many senses: a kind of tree, kind of brown colour...
- castrense
- catear -- colloquial form of "fail an exam" - flunk?
- catedrático -- university teacher with prestige
- catire
- catre m -- bad bed, for example of soldiers
- caudillo (needs Spanish)
- cazón m -- in RAE, type of fish
- cebada -- barley
- cebollana -- a vegetable seen in Panama. spring onion?
- ceibeño m -- somebody from La Ceiba, Honduras
- centésimo (needs Spanish) -- coin equal to 1/100th of a balboa in Panama - possibly of other Latin American currencies. cent. (see also: centavo)
- centolla -- a kind of crustacean
- cerrazón f -- overcast sky
- cérvix
- ceso -- NOT in RAE or BDE, seen on food shop sign in Tuxtla Gtz, Chiapas, Mexico
- -ceta -- diminutive suffix
- -cete -- diminutive suffix
- cevichería f -- place selling ceviche
- chapaleta
- ciénaga f -- dump? bog? marsh? swamp?
- cifa -- NOT in RAE. very dialectal form of ...?
- -cilla -- diminutive suffix
- -cillo -- diminutive suffix
- cimbrantes
- cimiento m -- the basis of a building under floor, foundation?
- cineasta m -- film director
- cinto m
- ciñe -- form of ceñir
- círculo vicioso -- vicious circle
- circunciso – NOT in babelfish. circumcised
- cirio m -- wax candle
- cirquero -- in RAE
- -cita -- diminutive suffix
- -cito -- diminutive suffix
- cítrico -- citric
- claveteadas -- NOT in RAE. nailed, nailed together
- clavetear -- in RAE verb. to nail, to nail together
- clavo m -- in RAE. nail
- clientela f -- clientele
- clueca pos_a -- broody. also noun, a kind of hen
- coartar pos_vt -- in RAE
- cobertizo -- shed
- coctelería -- NOT in RAE, a shop/stall that sells (seafood) cocktails. plenty of Google hits
- cochinita -- a mexican food term. see also pibil
- cocktelería -- NOT in RAE, seen twice in Salina Cruz, Oaxaca. Plenty of Google hits. a shop/stall that sells (seafood) cocktails.
- cocomal or cocomalt -- a drink in Costa Rica
- cocotero m -- coconut tree
- cofia f -- in RAE. a white item worn on the head by maids
- cofre: box; hood, bonnet
- coleccionar -- collect
- coletilla -- in RAE
- colmada -- overwhelmed
- colmillo m -- fang? tusk?
- colorante -- artifical colouring agent
- comadre -- in RAE
- comensal m -- every person invited to a dinner or lunch, formal word. invitees?
- comentarista -- comes from comentar, a person who makes comments (in books or in press). commentator?
- comezón f -- in RAE
- comino m (needs Spanish) -- in RAE
- comiteco -- person from Comitán, Chiapas, Mexico
- cómodo -- comfortable
- compadecerse — feel sorry for
- complot m -- in RAE
- comprobación f
- concentrado m pos_a -- many sense, to be absorbed by a task; concentrated (as juice) etc
- concubinarios – NOT in babelfish. from concubina, concubine
- condimento -- condiment, spice
- confite -- lolly, sweet, candy
- confitería -- sweet shop
- confortable -- comfortable
- confusión -- confusion
- cono -- cone
- consabido -- usual
- consigna -- slogan
- contante -- cash
- contestar -- answer
- contienda f -- fight
- contrabandista m -- smuggler?
- contrasentido -- NOT in babelfish, means something antithetic
- contubernio -- conspiracy
- copaneco -- from Copán, Honduras
- copete m -- in RAE
- copinol
- corpachón -- not in babelfish. big body
- correaje m
- correazo m -- hit with a correa
- corregidor -- a kind of politician, specially in the Americas
- corretiza
- cortaplumas m
- corvina -- a type of fish
- coscorrón m -- in RAE
- cosmetología pos_n -- in RAE
- cosquilleo -- derived from cosquilla
- costarriqueñismo -- a regionalism of Costa Rica
- costosa -- expensive (syn: caro?)
- costumbrismo -- in RAE
- cotilleo m -- gossip. see also: chisme
- creó
- crespo — pos_a curly; m curl
- criadero m
- crotaloteo m
- cuanto -- whatever
- cuánto -- how much
- cuartilla f — sheet of paper
- cuarto (missing sense, or subsense) -- italbrac|Panama coin equal to 25 centésimos de balboa or a US quarter since the currencies and the coins are interchangeable in Panama. (syn: cora in El Salvador). sense NOT in RAE
- cubista -- cubist. derived from cubismo
- cuchitril m -- in RAE
- cucurucho -- cone
- cuajada -- in RAE
- cuarentón -- person in their 40s, usually a bit derogatory
- cuartel m -- house of army
- cuatrero -- NOT in babelfish, in RAE
- cuento m -- story
- cuerda f — rope
- cueriza f
- culantro -- Central American spelling of cilantro
- culata f -- back part of a gun
- culebra f -- snake
- culebrear pos_vi -- in RAE
- cupo -- in RAE
- curtida f -- like coleslaw, used to top pupusas in El Salvador (or is it cortida?)
- cuscatleco -- in RAE
- chacina f -- in RAE
- chacinería f -- deli
- chafarote -- NOT in babelfish
- chalupa -- a type of crude boat; food word - Mexico and Costa Rica, not sure if it's the same item in both countries. also a food item sold at Taco Bell in the USA.
- chambonada f
- chamo -- kid, buddy
- chamoy -- NOT in RAE, defs found with Google: "chile, con limon, sal y vinagre y por lo general le pones fruta, o con papas", "un dulce, que sabe como agridulce y que te deja asi es muy rico, pero es un saborcito ke no a todos les gusta, no pica, pero si como mucho puede irritar tu pansita". Seems to be derived from Cantonese "see mui", the 2nd character of which means plum.
- chan m italbrac|Costa Rica (needs Spanish) -- a type of herb, Salvia chia and its seed used to make a refreshing drink
- changarro m -- (Mexico) small shop, store
- chape m -- in RAE
- chapalear
- chapín m -- in RAE
- chapoteadero m -- in RAE, shallow pool for kids to splash around in
- charcutería f -- deli
- charretera f -- in RAE
- chayote m (needs Spanish) italbrac|Costa Rica a kind of edible plant, Sechium edule
- chelada -- not in RAE, drink of beer, salt, and ice. seen and queried on menu in Playa de Sol, Chiapas, Mexico
- Chepe -- nickname of San Jose, Costa Rica
- chía
- chicha -- colloquial, meat, flesh, important thing; italbrac|Panama some kind of drink. in RAE
- chicheme n -- italbrac|Panama a certain kind of chicha
- chilate -- italbrac|El Salvador|Honduras|Nicaragua|Panama in RAE. a refreshing drink made from toasted corn and chile, of a similar consistency to atol
- chile mundial
- chile panameño
- chilera -- type of spicy salsa in Costa Rica? (related: chile)
- chilote
- chilpachole -- not in RAE or BDM, method of preparing jaiba seen and queried on menu in Playa de Sol, Chiapas, Mexico
- chiltoma –- capsicum?
- chimichurri -- a kind of hot sauce in Panama?
- chimpanchole -- rarer variant spelling of chilpachole
- chiqueadores plural -- in RAE
- chirmol, chismol, chimol m (Guatemala City, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua) -- a type of salsa that looks like what in Mexico is called pico de gallo, in RAE
- chistera -- NOT in babelfish, it's a kinf od old hat, typical of magicians
- chiverre m -- NOT in RAE. some kind of food in Costa Rica (seen as an empanada ingredient). Dicc. Histórico del español de CR says "cicracoyote, Cucurbita ficifolia"
- chocolatería -- shop or stall which sells chocolate and other sweets / candy / lollies. in RAE
- choripán m -- a sausage (chorizo) baked inside a pastry roll (pan. Like a sausage roll in Australia. in RAE
- choriqueso -- not in RAE or DBM, mixture of Mexican chorizo and queso
- chotis singular -- in RAE, kind of regional Madrid dancing
- chucheca f -- italbrac|Costa Rica A species of large oyster (see: ostión)
- chuletería
- churrasco m -- in RAE, meat prepared in a certain way
- churrasquería f
- d’ (needs Spanish) -- NOT in RAE, seen on many signs in Chiapas and Guatemala, is it a variant of de, or some Mayan influence? YES, comes from DE but is not accepted
- dadaísmo -- in RAE literary and artistic period, influenced by Dada
- dadaísta -- in RAE, person belonging to dadaísmo
- daditos
- dagas plural of daga, kind of knife
- dársenas f plural part of harbours
- décimo (missing sense) -- italbrac|Panama coin equal to 10 centesimos de balboa or a US dime since the currencies and the coins are interchangeable in Panama. specific sense NOT in RAE
- decomisar -- in RAE, police "steals" legally sometehing
- déficit -- defecit. antonym: superávit
- deglutir -- swallow, very formal
- delirante pos_a -- delirious
- demás -- lo ~ = the rest
- deprovista -- NOT in babelfish, NOT in RAE. mistake for desprovista?
- derrame m -- in RAE
- derredor -- same as alrededor
- derretido m -- italbrac|Panama a snack consisting of grated cheese toasted in a bread roll
- derrumbamiento m — collapse, demolition
- derrumbe m — collapse, demolition
- des- prefix, meaning dis-
- desafuero -- violation
- desagravio -- make amends for
- desahogar -- relieve
- desaire -- snub
- desamparo -- neglect
- desangrarse -- to bleed to death
- desaprobar -- disapprove
- desafiante pos_a -- a person who likes to defy other, altive attitude
- desafiar -- defy
- desahuciar -- in RAE - police or jury takes someone out of home because he or she has not payed debts
- desbaratar — mess up; undo; ruin
- desbocar -- in RAE, applied to horses
- descarado -- impudent
- descastado
- descremada kind of milk, light
- desdicha f -- unhappiness (formal)
- desenlaces -- outcomes
- deseó -- past form of desear
- desgarrador -- heartrendering
- desgastar: wear out
- deshilado pos_a -- in RAE. "carne deshilada" on Salvadorian menu.
- desidia -- laziness; spleen
- desmandar -- rescind (an order)
- desmelenar -- literally to umcomb hair, means to have big party with no control
- desmigajar -- crumble
- desparramba -- colloquial form
- despedazar -- ... to pieces, for example a dog can tear a dead body to pieces
- despeñáramos (despeñar?) YES!!
- despido -- the act of firing or sacking somebody from a job.
- despilfarro m -- wastefulness
- despojado -- undressed
- despojarse
- destapador -- bottle opener. syn: abreboltellas
- destello -- a short light, brigten
- destierro m -- in RAE
- destrozo -- destruction
- desván m -- attic
- desvelar: keep awake; reveal
- develación f -- in RAE
- develar -- reveal
- desventurada -- NOT in babelfish, in RAE
- un día de estos – one of these days?
- diaplejía -- not in RAE, some illness
- dicho -- saying; form of decir
- dieciochesco -- relating to the 18th century
- digestión -- digestion?
- dígrafo -- digraph (not used for diphthong or ligature)
- dióxido -- dioxide
- dique m -- in RAE
- dis- (needs Spanish)
- disfrazado -- disguised
- disódico -- NOT in RAE
- disparejo -- in RAE
- dispendioso -- expensive
- domeñar -- in RAE
- doña -- in RAE, means Mrs.
- dorado (missing sense) -- a type of fish
- doró
- dril m -- in RAE
- drupa f -- in RAE
- dubitación -- in RAE old word
- ducho -- skillful
- duende m -- in RAE kind of dwarf
- dueño - master
- -dura -- in RAE
- duró
- -ea -- in RAE
- -ear -- verb-forming suffix
- -ececilla -- diminutive suffix
- -ececillo -- diminutive suffix
- -ececita -- diminutive suffix
- -ececito -- diminutive suffix
- -ecilla -- diminutive suffix
- -ecillo -- diminutive suffix
- -ecita -- diminutive suffix
- -ecito -- diminutive suffix
- edecanes
- -edura -- ver. of -dura
- efectivo -- cash
- embadurnado -- full of (outside), for example chocolate. covered in?
- embobar -- in RAE
- emborrado -- NOT in babelfish
- emboscada
- embriaguez -- drunkenness
- empanada arreglada -- food or snack in Costa Rica, perhaps same as arreglada
- emparedado -- (Costa Rica) a sandwich on a long bread rool. sub etc
- emparejar -- match
- empastado -- filled with paste
- empecinarse – try really hard against reasonable
- empeñar – to pawn
- empeñarse – to insist
- empeño -- seen in Honduras
- empinado pos_a — steep
- emprendedor -- entrepreneur
- encaje (de bolillo)
- encallar -- run aground
- encaminado
- enchilar -- in RAE
- encrespar pos_v -- in RAE
- encrucijada -- crossroads
- endiablada pos_a –- bedevilled
- endocarpio m -- in RAE
- enduricido
- enfadado -- angry
- engrudo -- paste
- enjabonar(se)
- enjambre m -- swarm of bees
- enjuntos
- enmarañadas -- confused, messy
- ensanchar -- does it mean "to be high and mighty" or widen or both? (related: ancho)
- ensartado -- in RAE
- ensimismado — lost / absorbed in thought; engrossed
- ensopado
- enteco pos_a -- in RAE
- entintado -- inked
- entreverado -- in RAE
- ensueño -- dream, syn & rel sueño
- entrecruzamiento -- NOT in babelfish, in RAE
- en vez de -- instead of
- envoltorio -- wrapper
- enyucada f -- italbrac|Panama a deep fried snack of yucca with some meat inside. (syns: biñuelo, carimañola). NOT in RAE
- -eña
- -eño
- -eo -- in RAE
- -era -- in RAE
- erizar pos_vt -- in RAE
- -erizar suffix
- -ero -- in RAE
- escabeche -- in RAE
- escabullía -- past form of escabullirse
- escalinata f -- in RAE
- escalopin or is it escalopín?
- escama f -- grudge
- escaramuza -- skirmish
- escasas f plural
- escaso pos_a -- in RAE
- esclava -- female slave; a kind of silver bracelet
- escoba -- broom
- escollo -- stumbling block
- escolta -- bodyguards, protection (syn: guardeespaldas?)
- escudilla f
- escueto pos_a short, specially used with words
- eslabón -- link
- eslogan -- slogan
- espantapajaros m -- scarecrow
- espejuelo m -- in RAE
- espeso pos_a – thick, syn: grueso
- espigada pos_a -- in RAE
- escaquear -- colloquial, to try not work even if it's one's duty
- estera f -- kind of carpet
- estiércol m -- in RAE
- estirar pos_vt to hang, to make force with a rope
- estirpe -- ancestry
- estrago -- damage
- estremecedora -- frightening
- estremecer -- shake
- estribo -- stirrup
- estricnina
- estridentista -- NOT in RAE, used by Carlos Fuentes, personal word coming from estruendo
- estropajo m -- scourer; loofah
- estropear -- spoil
- estruendo m -- roar
- estruendoso adjective form of estruendo
- -eta -- diminutive suffix
- -ete -- diminutive suffix
- eternizarse
- etimológico -- in RAE
- expoventa f
- facha f — (the) look (of); (a real) sight. also a political word, coming from fascismus
- faldón m
- falsario pos_a -- in RAE
- fanfarria -- scandal, noise
- fardo
- farol m -- kind of lamp, also lies in games
- farolito -- diminutive of farol
- farsante m -- in RAE
- favorecedor -- RAE defines as "que favorece"
- faz f -- face
- fécula -- in RAE
- felpa f -- in RAE
- felpudo m -- welcome mat in front of houses
- fichero -- file (paper, not tool)
- fieras f plural -- of fiera, wild animal
- filiqueso -- NOT in RAE or BDM, seen on menu in Puerto Arista, Chiapas, Mexico
- fistol m -- in RAE
- flechado -- comes from flecha, arrow
- flojedad f -- in RAE
- flojo pos_a -- lazy, loose
- fluvial pos_a -- river
- fogoso -- ardent
- fogueado
- folletín m -- in RAE
- forajido -- in RAE
- fornicio -- in RAE
- fosfato -- phosphate
- fósil m -- fossil
- frac -- in RAE
- francofonía -- used in Honduran newspaper
- frasquito m -- NOT in RAE, small frasco
- frialdad f -- coldness
- frigorífico -- fridge, form used in Spain
- fril -- NOT in RAE. one of various names for a small fish on the pacific coast of mexico. may be a local name borrowed from zapotec. other names are robalo, lisa though those seem to be chiefly for distinct species
- fritanga f -- in RAE
- fronterizo -- related to borders
- fructosa -- in RAE
- fructoso -- fruitful
- fruta china -- italbrac|Panama star fruit, carambola. (syn: carambola)
- fugarse – flee, escape, run away
- fúldiga -- used in translation of Demian. very very formal
- fusilamiento
- fusilar -- to kill with a gun, official execution (to execute by firing squad?)
- futurista -- in RAE. realtive to future
- galán m — attractive man; suitor
- galantina -- in RAE
- galardón m -- award
- gallero
- gallo -- italbrac|Costa Rica a kind of food. Lonely Planet Central America says it's like a sandwich but using tortilla rather than bread. A bilingual menu in San José today described it as "a little plate of different food with tortilla"
- galón -- gallon; stripe
- galope m -- gallop
- garapiñado -- (Costa Rica) way of cooking or preparing food
- garete m
- garibaldina f -- in RAE
- garrapateo -- scribble
- garzo pos_a
- gasa f — gauze; bandage
- gaseosa f -- soda, pop, sodapop, fizzy drink, soft drink, lemonade (syn: refresco)
- gavilán -- type of bird
- gelatina f -- jelly / Jell-O
- gentuza f -- bad people (in RAE)
- gerente m f — manager (needs Spanish)
- gises plural
- godo -- in RAE. old people from Europe, Goth
- golear pos_v -- to make a lot of goals to the other team
- goleta f -- in RAE. a kind of old boat
- golosina -- seen in Honduras. sweet. syn of dulce or pastel or all things sweet?
- goloso m — sweet tooth
- gordita f -- NOT in RAE. familiar word for fat
- gorrón m -- in RAE
- grafía -- in RAE, letter. syn: letra?
- granadería -- NOT in RAE. form of granada (weapon)
- granadilla
- grandulón -- in RAE
- greña -- in RAE
- gritería -- comes from gritar
- guacamaya f -- macaw
- guacamol m -- in RAE. variant of guacamole in Central America and Cuba.
- guacho -- food word in Panama
- guajillo -- dialectal
- guajiro m
- guanábana f -- in RAE. a certain tree and its fruit, Anona montana. At least in Costa Rica also known as guanaba
- guapinol
- guardabarranca -- NOT in RAE. a type of bird in honduras
- guardaespaldas m -- bodyguard
- goleta f -- kind of old boat (17th century)
- guarnición f -- two meanings: what goes with main dishes (potatoes, salad...) garnish is probably cognate if not translation; and kind of army
- guarnicionero
- guarura -- in RAE
- guayaba f -- in RAE
- güero pos_a, m -- in RAE
- guiñar — wink
- guineo
- guisado pos_a, m -- in RAE
- guiso -- ellabored cooking
- habichuela -- kind of bean
- hacha m -- a tool for cutting down trees. axe / ax? the expression "ser un hacha" means "be great doing something"
- haré -- future of hacer (irregular)
- hartar -- to be satiated
- hartazgo m -- noun of hartarse
- hava -- NOT in RAE, irregular verb form?, in my copy of Cien años de soledad perhaps a mistake
- hazana -- in RAE
- hebilla -- buckle
- helecho m — fern
- hendidura f -- in RAE, kind of hole
- hepática -- adjective, realted to hígado (liver)
- herrumbre -- comes from hierro, when time passes
- hervidero m -- swarm
- hiel
- hilacha f -- shred
- hipospadia
- hiriente -- harmful
- hitleriana pos_a coming from Hitler (eponym)
- hito -- in RAE (needs Spanish)
- holgazanería
- holgazanes -- lazy
- (hecho un) hombrazo
- hospitalaria -- someone who welcomes you in her house, femenine form
- huacal m (jacal?)
- huarache -- sandal, especially the kind made from old tyres in mexico, possibly also flip-flop
- huarachudo -- in RAE
- hucha f -- pig for coins
- huehueteco -- person from Heuhuetenango, Guatemala
- huestes f plural
- huevos picados -- (Costa Rica) scrambled eggs
- iberoamerica
- ideario -- in RAE
- -idura -- ver. of -dura
- -illa -- diminutive suffix
- -illo -- diminutive suffix
- impavidez f -- quality that some people have when they don't show emotions in face
- ímpetu m -- in RAE
- impúdico -- in RAE
- -ín -- diminutive suffix
- -ina (needs Spanish) -- diminutive suffix
- incauto -- innocent who doesn't take protections and is tricked
- incipiente -- in RAE
- inconcebible -- inconceivable
- incunable -- book printed before 1500
- incursión -- incursion?
- indio viejo
- inerme pos_a -- in RAE
- inframundo m -- underworld?. NOT in RAE
- ínfula
- inmundicia f
- inmutarse – no ~ = not bat an eyelid
- -ino
- instaurar -- to form (a monarchy)
- intelectualista
- intemperie f -- be a la intemperie, without roof - homeless?
- intrincado
- invento -- invention (disambig: inventó)
- irguió -- irregular past tense of erguir
- irrebatible pos_a
- -ísima -- superlative suffix
- isleño -- islander
- -ismo
- -ita -- diminutive suffix
- -ito -- diminutive suffix
- -iza
- -izo
- jalisciense
- jara f -- in RAE
- jaspeadas -- f pl. adj.
- jeranquía f -- not in babelfish
- jicarazos -- in RAE
- jiote -- missing sense: a type of tree in central america - Bursera simaruba, gumbo-limbo tree
- jondo pos_a -- not in babelfish. "cante jondo" kind of flamenco songs
- juego de llaves
- junicuiles -- NOT in RAE. very dialectal
- lacio pos_a -- in RAE, used with hair, meaning smooth
- lacrimosa -- in RAE from lágrima, adjective, formal
- lactosa -- lactose
- ladear -- to tip
- ladrillo m — brick
- lagaña pos_n -- sleep (eye snot). Both spellings are accepted by RAE and both are in my Dicc. Oxford Pocket
- lancero -- in RAE
- landó -- in RAE, kind of car, old
- langostino m -- a type of crustacean. (related: langosta)
- latinajos -- derogative word to say "expressions in latin"
- latinización -- in RAE
- lavamanos m -- in RAE
- lebranche m -- NOT in RAE - french?
- lecho -- bed (cf cama)
- lecitina -- quimical substance
- legaña pos_n -- sleep (eye snot). Both spellings are accepted by RAE and both are in my Dicc. Oxford Pocket
- lejanía pos_n
- lema m - many senses: each word of dictionary - lemma; also a sentence that guides your life - motto?
- lenguaraces
- lenguaraz pos_a -- who talks too much, old word. talkative? chatterbox?
- lenteja -- kind of food, little,. brown, contain Fe
- leñera -- place to store wood, old word
- leñoso pos_a -- in RAE
- leontina
- levantamiento -- when an army or people goes against power
- liderato
- limon criollo
- limosna f – some loose change
- limosnera m f — begger
- linaza -- a drink in costa Rica
- línea blanca -- not in RAE, white goods
- lisa f -- in RAE, smooth
- liso — flat; smooth; plain; straight
- liviano - light, not heavy, formal word
- loable
- lona f -- you put on places, as in parties (placecard?)
- longaniza pos_n -- various types of sausage depending on the region, see es.wikipedia
- loroco -- A pupusa ingredient in Copán, Honduras. I was told it's a kind of requesón. See also ayote
- lote m
- lotificar -- in RAE
- lotificación f -- in RAE. seen many times in El Salvador
- loza -- kind of mud
- luctuosa pos_a
- llamarse -- to be called
- llanamente -- adverb form of llano
- llaneza -- quality of speaking llano, easy, be simple and frank
- llantén
- llantera -- to cry a lot a lot, noun
- llanura -- plains
- llavero -- something to wear keys, a keyring?
- llevadero -- easy to carry, referred to psycological things
- lloriquear --to cry a little
- lloriqueo -- noun of lloriquear
- lloroso -- a person who has cried
- llovedizo
- lloviznar -- to rain a bit
- llueve -- form of verb llover (to rain)
- macabil -- not in RAE or BDE, Google hits, seen and queried on menu in Playa de Sol, Chiapas, Mexico; type of fish
- machaca -- kind of worker, badly payed; also a food word seen on a menu in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico
- machacado pos_a
- macilento -- in RAE
- maciza -- in RAE, lots of senses, one of them is "pretty", colloquial
- maculada -- spotted
- macular
- madeja f -- in RAE
- maduro -- mature; ripe. In Nicaragua and Costa Rica also noun = plátano maduro
- mafa -- a type of long twistry crunchy snack
- magdalena (Guatemala City) -- seen on a menu, in RAE. eaten for breakfast, from a French word
- maguey -- in RAE
- malapodán -- NOT in RAE
- Malasia -- Malaysia
- maleza -- bad herbs and plants
- malgastar pos_v -- to waste
- malinchista pos_a -- in RAE
- malla f -- mesh
- malsano -- unhealthy
- maluco, malucho -- under the weather
- malversación
- la mamá de Tarzán -- the cat's meow/pyjamas/whiskers, the bee's knees, etc
- mamasanta f -- in RAE
- mamey m -- in RAE
- mamón m -- italbrac|Costa Rica a type of tree and its fruit, Mammea americana
- mampostería -- rubblework
- manchas f plural of mancha, spot
- manchemantales m -- a type of sauce in Mexico
- manco pos_a -- in RAE
- mancornado
- mandinga -- in RAE
- manecilla f -- it's the thing you use to open door
- manejo -- used, specially used for machines, second hand?
- maduro -- (Costa Rica) same as plátano maduro
- manga -- (missing sense) a fruit or vegetable in Costa Rica
- manifestó -- past form of manifestar
- maniquí m — mannequin, dummy
- mansión f -- mansion, great house
- mantilla f (needs Spanish)
- manzo (needs Spanish)
- mara f -- (needs Spanish) in RAE, gang (some countries, syn pandilla)
- marero -- in RAE, related to a gang, a gang member (some countries)
- mariscal -- over general and coronel
- marmahón -- couscous? Seen in Honduran newspaper article about North African cuisine
- martilleo -- noise made with hammer
- matarife m -- in RAE
- mazo -- food word in Panama
- mazorca -- food word in Panama. a kind of maíz or something similar to maíz
- mecedor
- mechón m plural -- tuft
- medrar -- to go up in society or a company thanks to plans
- melena -- in RAE. long hair
- melocha pos_n -- not in babelfish
- mentar -- in RAE. to speak about
- marsellés -- in RAE, from Marsella, the city of France
- martillo -- hammer
- martingalas – NOT in babelfish. colloquial form
- mascarón -- mask, used in mesoamerican architecture rather than the usual máscara. Also used in boats
- matarratón m -- NOT in RAE. compound, not accepted, comes from matar and ratón (kill and mouse). used by Gabriel García Márquez in Memoria de mis putas tristes. mousetrap? rat poison? mouser?
- matorral m - (the) scrub
- mecedor -- in RAE, a kind of furniture you can sit and move
- mecha f – wick, fuse
- médano m
- medroso -- who has fear, very formal
- melaza
- mentón
- mercadería f -- in RAE, seen in Guatemala and Honduras, gets Google hits, things to buy, colloquial
- merced -- favour / favor
- merendero -- seen on shop signs in western Honduras
- mermelada f -- jam / jelly
- merodeo -- to go around
- mesocarpio m -- in RAE, anatomy
- mezquina -- synomin of ruin
- michelada -- NOT in RAE or BDE, very common drink in Mexico based on beer and spicy sauce
- microbusero -- driver of microbús, small bus
- mido f -- NOT in RAE. perhaps midón
- migajón -- not in babelfish. augmentative form of miga
- miliciano m
- mingitorio noun, m -- in RAE. old and formal word to say WC
- miniestra -- NOT in RAE
- minuta -- missing sense: Ëa kind of drink in El Salvador
- mirón -- onlooker
- mirra -- NOT in babelfish, myrrh
- mitin -- meeting
- mocetón -- not in babelfish, familiar word coming from mozo
- mocho -- in RAE
- modistería -- related to moda?
- mojito -- kind of cocktail with mint and certain other ingredients
- molleja -- some kind of meat from a chicken, or a food or meal made from some part of a chicken. seen in Panama. in RAE
- monacales pos_a -- relative to monastery
- monaguillo m – altar boy
- mondongo -- m -- in RAE
- monseñor m -- in RAE, form to refer to priests
- montaraz
- montículo m -- mound?
- monto m (needs Spanish)
- moño m -- in RAE, you tie your hair made a "ball" on neck
- moronga
- morro m -- in RAE, mouth, specially colloquial or for animals
- mortaja f -- in RAE, what you use to veil corps before bury them
- mote m (needs Spanish) -- a type of nickname
- mozalbete m -- in RAE, old word for boy
- mozote m italbrac|Costa Rica a type of grass or herb?? Bidens pilosa
- muchedumbre f -- crowd
- mudar m, pos_vt -- to change
- muladar m
- muletilla f -- in RAE, typical phrases people use to help them to think and talk
- multitudinario -- with lots of people
- mundialista -- relating to a world championship or world champion. in RAE
- nacarada pos_a -- of nácar (what pearls are made of)
- nacatamal
- naranjilla -- a fruit in Costa Rica (related: naranja)
- narvura -- the veins of a leaf
- natalicio -- (see also: cumpleaños)
- natilla -- sour cream (related: nata, syn: crema cortada)
- necedad f -- silly thing, very formal
- nervadura -- ribbing
- nica -- nickname for a person from Nicaragua, is it also used as an adjective? does it have a masculine form too? (syn: nicaragüense)
- niñota -- NOT in RAE. colloquial and derogatory form of niña, not very common
- Noé -- Noah, proper noun
- noni or nonis? -- a fruit or vegetable in Costa Rica and Panama
- normatividad
- novelería f -- in RAE
- novelística -- productions of novels of an author or a period
- noviazgo m -- engagement
- nuégado m -- food seen in El Salvador
[editar]- ñame baboso -- variety of yam or sweet potato
- ñame diamante -- variety of yam or sweet potato
- ñampi -- a fruit or vegetable in Costa Rica
- ocote -- in RAE
- ofuscado -- NOT in RAE. if someone is ofuscado they can't think clearly because of anger or confussion
- ojal m -- the hole wher you pass button to fasten it
- hojaldre (also ojaldre, ojaldra, etc?) -- unleavened wheat flour dough pulled to a rough shape and briefly deep fried. plays a similar role in meals as a tortilla. in RAE?
- olán
- -ón -- augmentative suffix
- -ona (needs Spanish) -- augmentative suffix
- opúsculo
- orégano (disambig: oregano)
- organillo
- oriunda -- native, femenin
- -osa -- in RAE
- óseo pos_a -- adjective of hueso - bony?
- -oso (needs Spanish) -- in RAE
- -ota -- augmentative suffix
- -ote -- augmentative suffix
- otoe -- some kind of vegetable in Panama. NOT in RAE. (see also: yuca; tiquisque - possibly a synonym?)
- otorgar -- to award
- pa’ -- colloquial version of "para". not accepted as standard
- pachanga -- relaxed party
- pache (Guatemala City) -- seen on a menu, NOT in RAE
- pachucos m plural
- pacoya -- not in RAE. a vegetable in El Salvador.
- pagamonedas -- NOT in RAE, seen in Nicaragua possibly a play on tragamonedas, referring to the same thing: a one-armed bandit or poker machine
- pajueleándonos (pajuelear?) -- very slang bad word, from pajearse (to masturbate)
- palaciega -- related to palacio, palace
- paleográfica -- in RAE
- paliza -- beating
- pambazo m -- NOT in RAE
- pandillero -- gang member. syn: marero
- panela -- food word found in Panama
- pan español -- (Costa Rica) some kind of bread (see also: pan francés)
- panga
- pañalera
- paño de la Verónica -- a place
- pañolones
- papada
- paradisiacal, paradisíacal -- from Eden
- pararrayos m -- to prevent lights in a storm
- paredón m -- in RAE
- parénquima m -- in RAE
- parentesco -- any relationship between relatives, of a family
- pargo m -- in RAE
- parpadeo — blink
- parvada -- in RAE
- pasacalle m
- pasamanería -- Costa Rica - some type of shop / store
- paslama
- pasmado pos_a -- astonished
- pasquín -- in RAE
- pastorcillas -- diminutive feminine for pastora
- patacón -- a type of coin; a type of bond; italbrac|Nicaragua|Costa Rica|Panama - same as a tostón (Nicaragua): a fat, deep-frid round plantain slice. in RAE
- pataleta f -- children do this, crying, no reason...
- patraña f -- in RAE
- patririo -- NOT in RAE
- patrulla f -- round of police
- paulatino pos_a -- in RAE. slowly
- pavimentación
- pavimentar -- to put stones or bircks in streets - to pave. see also: adoquinar
- peca: freckle
- pecado mortal – mortal sin
- pecaminosos -- sinful
- pecenista -- related to the Salvadorian political party, the PCN
- pedacito m -- small piece
- pedazo -- piece, syns trozo, pieza
- pedregal -- not in RAE, used by Juan Rulfo
- pegatina -- something you can glue
- pejibaye m italbrac|Costa Rica a type of palm tree, Guilielma utilis and its fruit which is edible when cooked
- peladura -- NOT in babelfish
- pelambre f -- in RAE
- peldaño m -- step
- pelea -- fight
- pellejo -- in RAE
- pelón -- without hair, familiar word
- pelotón
- pelusa
- penca f
- penoso -- laborious
- percatar -- to be aware
- perejil m — parsley
- pereza f -- in RAE
- pericarpio m -- in RAE
- permanganato
- perro caliente -- hot dog
- perro de presa -- a dog used to hunt and attack, hound?
- persiana -- used in windows to prevent light to enter, made of wood. shutter? venetian blind?
- pervivencia -- in RAE
- pescadería -- fish shop, fishmonger's. in RAE
- pescadilla f -- a kind of fish; also a Mexican snack, the ones I've had so far would be described a "fish tacos" by Americans but not Mexicans
- pescozón -- to hit with the fist in the neck or the head, old word
- pescozones
- pescuezo m -- neck (only of chicken?)
- pesebre m — creche, crib
- pestaña f -- eyelash
- petates m plural
- petimetre -- in RAE
- pichel -- pitcher of beer, Costa Rica
- pibil pos_a -- in RAE
- piadoso pos_a -- pious
- piangua -- Costa Rica - food word
- pícara -- in RAE
- picaresco pos_a -- picaresque
- pícaro
- pico de gallo -- a type of spicy Mexican salsa
- picop -- (Central America) pickup truck (syn: camioneta (Mexico)
- piedrimentación
- pillastrón -- not in babelfish. invented word, comes from pillastre, meaning pillo
- pillo
- pilluelos -- diminutive plural of pillo
- piloncillo m -- in RAE
- pimentón -- some kind of vegetable in Panama. in RAE
- pimpinela — pimpernel? -- in RAE
- pincho
- pingüicas f -- NOT in RAE. dialectal and familiar
- pinolillo m italbrac|Costa Rica a drink made from toasted corn flower mixed with cocoa (syn: pinol m)
- pinto (sense missing) -- a type of food in Costa Rica
- piñuela f italbrac|El Salvador|Costa Rica -- a type of tree, Bromelia pinguin. seen used as a food in el salvador as "atol de piñuela"
- pipa -- italbrac|Costa Rica|Panama seems to refer to coconut but may be different from coco in some way
- pipí — pee, wee, piddle
- pipián m -- in RAE. seen on menu in El Salvador.
- pirujo -- (Guatemala) type of crusty bread roll, this sense NOT in RAE
- pirujón (Guatemala City) a torta made with a pirujo, NOT in RAE
- pito (needs Spanish)
- pitahaya f A certain plant, Cereus pitahaya, and its fruit. Central America only or also Mexico, or all Latin America?
- pithaya -- NOT in RAE, seen in "Como agua para chocolate", a novel from Mexico; and the Nicaragua section of Lonely Planet Central America. Is this a transcription error for pitahaya? It does get a few thousand Google hits.
- pizarra -- blackboard
- pleito m — lawsuit; fight
- plisar -- in RAE
- pluma de indio -- a plant
- plumada f
- podredumbre -- abstract noun of podrido, rotten, both moral and physical senses. rottenness? putrefaction?
- poliglicerol -- NOT in RAE. chemial substance
- polirricinoleato -- NOT in RAE, probably "polyricinoleate"
- polvareda f — cloud of dust
- polvorín m -- in RAE
- ponte (needs Spanish)
- pormenorizado m -- explained with all details
- portaviandas -- in RAE
- porvenir: future
- posguerra
- postizo -- in RAE
- postor
- preceptor (needs Spanish)
- predio m
- presidir — preside at/over
- prestanombres m singular and plural -- NOT in RAE
- pretina f
- prever -- anticipate
- probar suerte -- to try one's luck?
- profundidad -- deepness
- profundizado
- progreseño
- protética -- in RAE
- prótesis -- in RAE
- provecho
- pudibunda pos_a
- pudor m (needs Spanish) -- in RAE
- pueblecito -- NOT in RAE. small town
- puente levadizo -- drawbridge
- puerro m -- some kind of vegetable in Costa Rica and Panama. in RAE
- pulpería f -- in RAE, (Central America) a small shop / store
- pulque -- in RAE
- punche
- pupusería f -- in RAE, place selling pupusas, a type of snack
- puyaso
- quebraley -- NOT in RAE, invented word coming form quebrar and ley: lawbreaker
- quebrantado pos_a-- broken
- quebrantar – to break
- queque -- cake? Seen in Managua, Nicar (see also: panqueque)
- quequisqe
- quesillo -- used for a different type(s) of cheese in Central America than in Mexico where it has similarities to Mozarella
- queso derretido
- quién -- who?
- quisiera -- subjunctive imperfect of querer
- rábano
- rabón -- not in babelfish. colloquial
- ráfaga -- wind or shoots [shots? bullets?] go by ráfagas. gust?
- ramo -- branch
- rapada -- shaved
- rapado m
- rápel -- not in RAE
- rappel (needs Spanish) -- not in RAE
- raquitismo m
- rasca -- form of rascar
- rasguño -- scratch
- raso m -- flat
- rastra f -- in Honduran newspaper seems to be used for semi trailer
- raudo -- NOT in babelfish, very quick, formal word
- rayar -- in RAE
- rebanada -- slice
- rebatir -- to counterdebate an argument
- rebenque m
- rebosante
- recadar -- not in babelfish. check if an error for recaudar
- recámara -- room or bedroom; firing chamber
- recaudar -- collect
- rechupete -- not in babelfish
- reclamación -- claim
- reclamo -- reclamation
- recluso -- prisoner
- recluta m (needs Spanish) -- recruit
- recoger -- gather
- recopilar -- collect
- récord -- record, sport, you break a time
- recostar
- recacción -- essay
- redactar -- write
- reemplazante
- reencauchadora
- refacción -- spare part
- referendo -- referendum
- referéndum -- referendum
- refrán -- saying
- refresquería f -- a refreshment stand or snack bar in some countries including Panama
- refrigerador, refrigeradora
- regaló -- past tense of regalar, to give a present
- regatear pos_v
- regidor -- political of a town or departamento
- régimen -- diet; a monarchy, republic or similar
- regocijó m — delight
- reguetón -- NOT in RAE, kind of latin music
- rejilla f -- grille, grating
- relato -- story
- relucir -- shine
- relumbrar -- shine
- remitente -- in RAE
- rellenito m -- in RAE, guatemalan snack
- remanso m -- place peaceful, for example in a river or an argument
- remate -- kind of football kick
- remendado -- mended
- remiendo m -- patch
- remolacha -- a fruit or vegetable
- remolancha -- possibly an error for remolacha
- remolón -- lazy
- renegrida -- blackish
- renglón -- line
- rentar -- rent (syn: alquiler)
- repartida pos_a
- repique m -- in RAE
- repocheta
- repollo -- italbrac|Nicaragua|Costa Rica|Panama cabbage (syn: col)
- repollo chino -- probably bok choy
- reposar -- to rest
- reposera
- reposo -- peace
- repostería -- the art of making cakes; type of bakery or cake shop seen between Honduras and Costa Rica but not further north in the Americas.
- repuesto -- spare part
- requesón -- in RAE
- resbaladera -- type of food in Costa Rica
- resbalón -- slide
- rescoldo m
- respingo -- jump a little because of fear or surprise
- resplandecer -- shine
- resquicio m -- small part, for example you close a door and let just a "resquicio" open. crack? whisker?
- reto m -- challenge
- retozar
- retraído pos_a -- introverted
- reuma m or f
- reumatismo m -- ilness of bones
- revenchismo -- NOT in RAE (is it possible a confussion with "revanchismo"?)
- reventazón -- in RAE
- reventón -- party (Latin America); when a tire breaks - puncture?
- revestir -- to cover
- revisión -- revision
- revuelo -- commotion
- rezo -- prayer
- riego -- act of regar, to water plants
- riña -- fight, argument
- riña de gallo f
- roano pos_a -- in RAE
- róbalo, robalo m -- in RAE
- rodaja -- slice
- rodete m -- in RAE
- rol m
- rollo primavera -- spring roll. seen in Panama. (syn: taco chino?). NOT in RAE.
- rompope m -- in RAE
- ronquido pos_n -- snore
- rotulación -- signage?
- ruana f -- in RAE
- rubor m -- blush
- rubro
- rufo -- in RAE
- ruibarbo m, a kind of fish
- rumbera f -- not in babelfish, from rumba, kind of music
- rutelero
- saborina -- Costa Rica - food word
- saborizante
- sacar a flote – reflota, put something back on its feet
- sacerdocio m -- in RAE
- sacristán m -- kind of religious man who helps priests
- salchipapas -- type of fast food in Costa Rica (probably: salchichón or salchicha + papa)
- salcochar -- to cook with only water and salt
- salonero -- a profession - something like a waiter? (related: salón)
- salpicón m -- in RAE. In Suchitoto, El Salvador it was a kind of cold shredded meat with herbs. In Oaxaca, Mexico it was cold shredded meat with cilantro, tomato, and onion, used as a topping for memelitas.
- salvaguarda f -- safeguard?
- sampedrano
- sancocho -- food word in Panama. in RAE
- sandalia -- sandal
- sandinista -- a follower of Sandino, a left-wing leader in Nicaragua
- sanguijuelas plural
- sansara m
- santoral m -- where are the names and the days of saints, book
- sarao m -- in RAE
- sarna f -- scabies; scab?
- secamanos m -- in RAE, hand dryer
- sede f — (needs Spanish) -- headquarters
- seguramente -- surely
- semidescremada -- NOT in RAE. half descremada
- seño -- NOT in RAE. colloquial form of señor
- sepa -- form of an irregular verb?
- sepelio m -- ceremonies for burdening people
- sesentón -- in RAE
- siembra -- act of planting seeds, sowing?
- sigiloso pos_a -- someone who goes slowly and silently
- silbar -- whistle
- silicio (needs Spanish) -- silicon
- simiente f – NOT in babelfish. seed
- simón -- a cool way of saying sí in at least Mexico and Costa Rica
- simulacro -- maneuvers
- sinapismos
- sincronizada f -- mexican snack related to the quesadilla
- sindicalista
- síndrome m -- syndrome
- sirviente -- people whose job is to serve in a house, a bit derogatory. servant? (syn: criado?)
- sisa f
- sobra
- sobrellevar
- soda (needs Spanish) -- (Costa Rica) small food or refreshment stand or shop (syns: refresquería, comedor, lonchería, merendero). in RAE
- soez -- (plural: soeces) bad and vulgar in language and temper. (syn: bruto?)
- sogas -- pural of soga, rope
- somocista
- sonámbulo m -- sleepwalker, somnambulist
- sopa negra -- italbrac|Costa Rica a soup made from a certain type of beans
- soplo m — pos_a blow or gust
- sopor m – NOT in babelfish. sleep
- soporífico -- soporific
- sorbato -- sorbate?
- sorbetería f -- place where sorbetes are sold
- sorna -- sarcasm
- soslayar -- avoid
- spinning pos_n (needs Spanish) -- not in RAE, a form of exercise that involves using a stationary bicycle in a classroom setting, seen and heard in Mexico
- suadero -- seems similar to arrachera
- subasta f
- subversión f
- suceder -- happen
- sujeción f -- noun of sujetar
- sujetar -- to hang, to keep
- superponer
- súplica -- plea
- supuraban
- surco m -- in RAE
- surime -- Costa Rica - food word
- suscitar pos_vt RAE
- suscrito
- tabanco -- not in babelfish. perhaps tabaco?
- tabaquismo
- tablaroca -- not in RAE, plenty of Google hits, seen in signage in Mexico
- tablón -- plank
- tabula rasa (needs Spanish) -- not in RAE. Latin expression used in Spanish
- tachilhuil
- tacaco m -- italbrac|Costa Rica The plant Polakouskia tacaco and its fruit.
- tacaño pos_a -- stingy
- taco chino -- (Costa Rica) spring roll
- taína -- in RAE
- tajada -- slice. seen in Honduras for fried plantain chips which are a cheaper alternative to french fries
- tajo m -- cut
- talabarte m
- talabartería -- seen in Honduras
- talabartero m
- talego m -- bag
- talud m
- tamal -- snack in Mexico and Guatemala, originally indigenous
- tamiz m -- sieve
- taparrabos -- prehistoric clothes, male, to just cover the genital parts, like a tanga but wore in front of body. loin cloth?
- TAPO -- major long-distance bus terminal in Mexico City
- taponazo m
- tardanza f -- in RAE
- tartrazina
- tasajo m -- some kind of meat in parts of Mexico and in Panama
- tascalate
- teas f plural (needs Spanish)
- tejones (tejón or tejone?)
- teleño -- from Tela, Honduras
- telera f, telerita f -- a type of bread roll in mexico, cf bolillo
- telón m — curtain
- temible
- tenducho -- derogative form of tienda
- téngase -- form of tener (or maybe tenerse)
- tenista m f — tennis placer
- teñido m -- tainted
- terco pos_a -- stubborn
- tepezcohuite m -- NOT in RAE
- tepozteca -- not in babelfish. civilization of south america
- tercera edad f -- old people, usually more than 65 years (similar to middle-aged in English but for older people)
- terciar -- intervene
- terco pos_a, m -- someone who wants to be always right and doesn't change his mind
- tesorería -- treasury
- a tientas -- walk without seeing, touching shapes for orientation
- sopa negra
- tico -- nickname for a person from Costa Rica. pretty sure the feminine form also exists, unlike the case with nica for Nicaraguans. also used as an adjective?
- timón m -- piece to drive a boat
- tinajos m -- NOT in RAE. comes from tinaja, big tina
- tintero m – inkwell?
- tiple -- in RAE, kind of opera singer
- tiquete -- italbrac|Costa Rica ticket. (alt spell: tique, possibly tiquet. syn: boleto)
- tiquisque m -- italbrac|Nicaragua|Costa Rica A plant, Xanthosoma sagittifolium, eaten as a vegetable. Similar or related to the yucca? Different spelling used in Nicaragua? (see also: otoe - possible syn?)
- tiste
- titiles
- tiza -- cary??, thing used to write in blackboard. chalk?
- tlacoyo
- tlapeño
- tlayuda f -- a mexican snack based on a large crunchy tortilla about the size of a pizza, mainly in oaxaca state
- tobillo m — ankle
- tocar de oídas – play by ear
- tocineta -- bacon (Costa Rica) (related: tocino)
- todoterreno -- all terrain vehicle?
- tomate de árbol
- tomillo -- Costa Rica - food word
- torerito m -- not in babelfish, diminutive of torero
- torito m -- in RAE, small toro, bull
- torta de huevo -- (Costa Rica) Spanish tortilla?
- torzón -- in RAE
- tos ferina -- NOT in babelfish
- tostón -- very boring, colloquial word; (Nicaragua) fat deep fried plantain slice - different to a tajada which is thinner
- tozudez -- in RAE, noun of stuborn (I think) when you want always to be right
- traba f -- in RAE
- trabapalancas m -- NOT in RAE
- tracatera f
- tráfago
- trajín m -- rushy
- trama
- tramposo m -- in RAE, tricky in games
- trancar -- stride along
- trasponer
- trastornado pos_a -- ill (mental)
- travesura f — prank
- trazado -- in RAE
- trazo -- outline
- trecho m -- a stretch (of road etc)
- trillizo -- to born 3 children at the same time. triplet?
- trinche m -- not in babelfish
- tripulación f -- crew
- triquiñuelas – NOT in babelfish. tricky things
- trompa -- nose of elephant
- trompetista m -- (cats: irreg. gender)
- tronar -- roar
- tronera f
- tropel m -- bustle
- tropelías f plural
- tropezón -- in RAE
- trotamundos pos_n
- Trotski -- Trotsky
- trozo -- piece, syns pedazo, pieza
- tarde o temprano
- tuera
- tufo m -- colloquial word for bad smell - stink, stench
- tugurio -- bad shop or bar, derogative - dive, hole, joint. The Moon Guidebook to Costa Rica claims it means slum.
- tullido m -- in RAE
- tumbona
- tur (needs Spanish) -- Panama and some other parts of Latin America, tour. (syn: excursión). NOT in RAE
- turrón m — Spanish nougat
- tusar -- in RAE
- tuso -- in RAE
[editar]- urdiendo -- gerund of urdir
- vainica -- tradicional kind or knitting; a fruit or vegetable in Costa Rica
- valse m
- vecindario m
- vejado -- NOT in babelfish
- ventolera f -- in RAE
- veraneante -- summer holiday maker?
- verdugones -- NOT in babelfish, like "morados", bruises
- verse (needs Spanish)
- verdirrojo m
- verdosa -- greenish
- vereda f -- path
- vergajazo
- vericueto – NOT in babelfish. formal word to mean turning
- vetas f plural
- viceministro
- vicio -- vice
- vigorón -- NOT in RAE, seen in Nicaragua
- villista m -- Pancho Villa supporter
- vinculación
- viñeta f -- in RAE
- vitores -- NOT in babelfish, to say "bravo!", to aplaud orally
- volcada f
- vomitona f -- in RAE
- vuelve a la vida -- seen in Mexico and Costa Rica - food word - not sure if it refers to the same thing in both places
- xantana -- NOT in RAE. something to do with xanthum gum?
[editar]- yugular pos_vt (verb sense needed)
- zambullar -- plunge (zambullir?)
- zapatillo -- a fruit or vegetable in Costa Rica (related: zapato)
- zarpazo m -- in RAE
- zarzales
- zuavo m -- in RAE
- zuchiny
- zuquini -- zucchini italbrac|US|Canada|Australia, courgette italbrac|UK. Also seen other weird spelling variants. NOT in RAE