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editFrom usa, Proto-Malayo-Polynesian *uʀsa, compare Dupaningan Agta ogsa and Malay rusa.
editInherited from Old Czech os, osa, osě, from Proto-Slavic *osь. Cognates include Polish oś, Slovak os and German Achse.
editosa f
- axis (of symmetry or rotation)
- osa souměrnosti ― axis of symmetry
- osa otáčení ― axis of rotation
- axis (of a coordinate system)
- osa x ― x-axis
- vodorovná osa ― horizontal axis
- svislá osa ― vertical axis
editDerived terms
editFurther reading
editFrom Proto-Finnic *osa, from Proto-Finno-Ugric *ońća. Cognates include Finnish osa and Hungarian oszt.
editosa (genitive osa, partitive osa)
editDeclension of osa (ÕS type 17i/pesa, no gradation) | |||
singular | plural | ||
nominative | osa | osad | |
accusative | nom. | ||
gen. | osa | ||
genitive | osade | ||
partitive | osa | osi osasid | |
illative | ossa osasse |
osadesse osisse | |
inessive | osas | osades osis | |
elative | osast | osadest osist | |
allative | osale | osadele osile | |
adessive | osal | osadel osil | |
ablative | osalt | osadelt osilt | |
translative | osaks | osadeks osiks | |
terminative | osani | osadeni | |
essive | osana | osadena | |
abessive | osata | osadeta | |
comitative | osaga | osadega |
Derived terms
editSee also
editFrom Proto-Finnic *osa (compare Estonian osa), from Proto-Finno-Ugric *ońća (compare Northern Sami oažži and possibly Hungarian ágyék), borrowed from Proto-Indo-Iranian *Hónćos (later *Hánćas, compare Sanskrit अंश (aṃśa)).[1]
- part (fraction of a whole)
- Koko Gallia on jaettu kolmeen osaan.
- (All of) Gaul is divided into three parts.
- suurimmaksi osaksi ― for the most part
- suurin osa ― bulk, majority, most
- Suurimmalla osalla ystävistäni on auto.
- Most of my friends have a car.
- (literally, “The largest part of my friends have a car.”)
- Suurin osa vastaajista/vastaajia oli samaa mieltä.
- Most respondents agreed.
- (literally, “The largest part of the respondents were of the same opinion.”)
- Osa heistä oli eri mieltä.
- Some of them disagreed.
- (literally, “A part of them were of a different opinion.”)
- part (distinct element of something larger); piece (one of many very similar or identical elements)
- varaosa ― part / spare part
- yksi osa tästä palapelistä puuttuu ― one piece of this puzzle is missing
- purkaa osiin ― to dismantle
- one/a -th, one/a third, one/a fourth, etc. (used to express fractions by means of an ordinal number as the modifier; see usage notes)
- kolmasosa ― one / a third
- kaksi kolmasosaa ― two thirds
- neljäskymmenesseitsemäsosa ― one forty-seventh
- part (unit of relative proportion in a mixture)
- kolme osaa giniä ja yksi osa vermuttia
- three parts gin and one part vermouth
- part (section of a document)
- role, part (position or role in a play, film, etc.)
- sivuosa ― supporting role
- part (part of a larger whole); piece (when removable)
- Olen osa ihmiskuntaa.
- I am a part of humanity.
- Haluan tämän osan.
- I want this piece.
- proportion, section, part (quantity of something that is part of the whole amount or number)
- En tarkoita kaikkia ystäviäsi - vain pientä osaa heistä.
- I don't mean all of your friends - only a few of them.
- partition, portion, division (separated part of anything)
- bit, part (individual contribution toward an overall effort)
- Olen tehnyt osani.
- (sports, in the plural) bit (fraction of a second)
- Hänen aikansa oli 47 sekuntia ja osia.
- His time was 47 seconds and bits.
- lot, portion (part, or fate, that falls to one without planning)
- share (portion of something, especially a portion given or allotted to someone)
- volume, tome (single book of a publication issued in multi-book format)
- tietosanakirjan kolmas osa ― the third volume of the encyclopedia
- episode, installment (part of a published or broadcast serial)
- Tämä jatkokertomus muuttuu mielenkiintoisemmaksi osa osalta.
- This serial story grows in more interesting with each successive installment.
- (music) movement (large division of a larger composition)
- (as modifier) partial
- osatotuus ― partial truth
Usage notes
edit- (fractions): In common language, one (and specifically one) third, fourth, etc. is more commonly expressed by using -s (kolmas → kolmannes, neljäs → neljännes). "half" is expressed with a different word altogether, puoli (which is used in the plural, puolet, when talking about one half of something, and in singular chiefly only when talking about an abstract quantity). In mathematics, fractions are practically always expressed with osa, as is done when the numerator is not one (as in one of the usage examples).
editInflection of osa (Kotus type 10/koira, no gradation) | |||
nominative | osa | osat | |
genitive | osan | osien | |
partitive | osaa | osia | |
illative | osaan | osiin | |
singular | plural | ||
nominative | osa | osat | |
accusative | nom. | osa | osat |
gen. | osan | ||
genitive | osan | osien osain rare | |
partitive | osaa | osia | |
inessive | osassa | osissa | |
elative | osasta | osista | |
illative | osaan | osiin | |
adessive | osalla | osilla | |
ablative | osalta | osilta | |
allative | osalle | osille | |
essive | osana | osina | |
translative | osaksi | osiksi | |
abessive | osatta | ositta | |
instructive | — | osin | |
comitative | See the possessive forms below. |
edit- (lot): kohtalo
- (share): osuus
- (partial): osittainen
Derived terms
edit- aineosa
- ainesosa
- alaosa
- alkuosa
- autonosa
- biljoonasosa
- edusosa
- elokuvaosa
- eteläosa
- etuosa
- harjaosa
- imaginaariosa
- imaginääriosa
- istuinosa
- itäosa
- jako-osa
- jatko-osa
- johdanto-osa
- juuriosa
- jälkiosa
- kaakkoisosa
- kahdeksasosa
- kahdesosa
- kahdestoistaosa
- kansanosa
- kantaosa
- kasvinosa
- kaupunginosa
- kellonosa
- keskiosa
- koillisosa
- kolmaskymmeneskahdesosa
- kolmasosa
- kolmastoistaosa
- koneenosa
- kuivatusosa
- kunnanosa
- kuoro-osa
- kuudeskymmenesneljäsosa
- kuudesosa
- kuudestoistaosa
- kymmenesosa
- kärkiosa
- lakiosa
- lauluosa
- leijonanosa
- lisäosa
- loppuosa
- lounaisosa
- luonneosa
- luoteisosa
- länsiosa
- maanosa
- miljardisosa
- miljoonasosa
- murto-osa
- myötätuuliosa
- määriteosa
- neljäsosa
- neljästoistaosa
- nimiosa
- osa-aikaeläke
- osa-aikainen
- osa-aikaomistus
- osa-aikaviljelijä
- osa-aikaviljely
- osa-alue
- osaaottava
- osaeläke
- osahankinta
- osajako
- osajono
- osajoukko
- osajärjestelmä
- osakilpailu
- osakokonaisuus
- osakomponentti
- osakukinto
- osakulttuuri
- osakunta
- osakuorma
- osakäsite
- osalakko
- osaluettelo
- osamaksu
- osamanner
- osamatkamittari
- osamatriisi
- osamietintö
- osamurtokehitelmä
- osamurtoluku
- osamäärä
- osanottaja
- osanotto
- osanumero
- osaobjekti
- osaohjelma
- osaomistaja
- osaomistus
- osaottelu
- osapaine
- osapalkka
- osapalkkio
- osapeite
- osapuilleen
- osapuoli
- osapäiväapulainen
- osapäiväduuni
- osapäivähoito
- osapäiväinen
- osapäiväraha
- osapäivätoimi
- osapäivätoiminen
- osapäivätyö
- osarahoitus
- osaraportti
- osaryhmä
- osasairausloma
- osasairauspäiväraha
- osasarja
- osastruktuuri
- osasubjekti
- osasumma
- osasuoritus
- osasyy
- osasyyllinen
- osasyyllisyys
- osasävel
- osatakila
- osatalo
- osatasavalta
- osataso
- osatavoite
- osatekijä
- osatoimitus
- osatotuus
- osatyökykyinen
- osatyökyvyttömyyseläke
- osaurakka
- osavaali
- osavalmistus
- osavaltio
- osavastaus
- osavastuu
- osavuosi
- osavuosikatsaus
- osavuotinen
- osaväli
- osayhdistys
- osayleiskaava
- osaäänes
- palkanosa
- perintöosa
- perusosa
- peräosa
- pikkuosa
- pohjoisosa
- predikaattiosa
- puristinosa
- pääosa
- pääteosa
- päätösosa
- rakenneosa
- rakennusosa
- rataosa
- reaaliosa
- rintaosa
- ruhonosa
- runko-osa
- ruumiinosa
- sadasosa
- seitsemäsosa
- sentiljoonasosa
- sisäosa
- sivuosa
- subjektiosa
- suojaosa
- suuosa
- sydänosa
- tahdinosa
- tahtiosa
- taivasosa
- takaosa
- tekstiosa
- tieosa
- tuhannesosa
- tukiosa
- täydennysosa
- ulko-osa
- valmisosa
- valtaosa
- varaosa
- viidesosa
- viidestoistaosa
- viiraosa
- väestönosa
- ydinosa
- yhdeksäsosa
- yhdestoistaosa
- yhdysosa
- yksittäisosa
- yläosa
- ääriosa
editFurther reading
edit- “osa”, in Kielitoimiston sanakirja [Dictionary of Contemporary Finnish][2] (in Finnish) (online dictionary, continuously updated), Kotimaisten kielten keskuksen verkkojulkaisuja 35, Helsinki: Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus (Institute for the Languages of Finland), 2004–, retrieved 2023-07-03
- third-person singular past historic of oser
editEtymology 1
editFrom Latin ursa (“female bear”).
editosa m (plural osas)
- female bear
Etymology 2
editCognate with Spanish huesa.[1]
editosa f (plural osas)
edit- “osa”, in Dicionario da Real Academia Galega (in Galician), A Coruña: Royal Galician Academy, 2012–2025
- Antón Luís Santamarina Fernández, editor (2006–2013), “osa”, in Dicionario de Dicionarios da lingua galega [Dictionary of Dictionaries of the Galician language] (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela: Instituto da Lingua Galega
- Antón Luís Santamarina Fernández, Ernesto Xosé González Seoane, María Álvarez de la Granja, editors (2003–2018), “osa”, in Tesouro informatizado da lingua galega (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela: Instituto da Lingua Galega
- ^ Joan Coromines, José A[ntonio] Pascual (1983–1991) “fosa”, in Diccionario crítico etimológico castellano e hispánico [Critical Castilian and Hispanic Etymological Dictionary] (in Spanish), Madrid: Gredos
editFrom Proto-Finnic *osa. Cognates include Finnish osa and Estonian osa.
edit- (Ala-Laukaa) IPA(key): /ˈosɑ/, [ˈo̞s̠ɑ]
- (Soikkola) IPA(key): /ˈosɑ/, [ˈo̞ʒ̥ɑ]
- Rhymes: -osɑ
- Hyphenation: o‧sa
- part, share
- 1936, V. I. Junus, Iƶoran Keelen Grammatikka[3], Leningrad: Riikin Ucebno-pedagogiceskoi Izdateljstva, page 3:
- Osa iƶoroist veel nytkii kutsuu itsiätä karjalaisiks.
- Some Ingrians even now still call themselves Karelians.
- (literally, “A part from the Ingrians now still call themselves Karelians.”)
editDeclension of osa (type 3/koira, no gradation, gemination) | ||
singular | plural | |
nominative | osa | osat |
genitive | osan | ossiin |
partitive | ossaa | ossia |
illative | ossaa | ossii |
inessive | osas | osis |
elative | osast | osist |
allative | osalle | osille |
adessive | osal | osil |
ablative | osalt | osilt |
translative | osaks | osiks |
essive | osanna, ossaan | osinna, ossiin |
exessive1) | osant | osint |
1) obsolete *) the accusative corresponds with either the genitive (sg) or nominative (pl) **) the comitative is formed by adding the suffix -ka? or -kä? to the genitive. |
editDerived terms
edit- V. I. Junus (1936) Iƶoran Keelen Grammatikka[4], Leningrad: Riikin Ucebno-pedagogiceskoi Izdateljstva, page 42
- Ruben E. Nirvi (1971) Inkeroismurteiden Sanakirja, Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, page 366
editosa m pl
editradical | eclipsis | with h-prothesis | with t-prothesis |
osa | n-osa | hosa | not applicable |
Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Modern Irish.
All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.
- inflection of osare:
- inflection of ōsus:
edit- "osa", in Charles du Fresne du Cange’s Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition with additions by D. P. Carpenterius, Adelungius and others, edited by Léopold Favre, 1883–1887)
editCognate with Lithuanian ąsà.
editosa f (4th declension)
- handle (part of a cup which is held in the hand when used or moved)
- ear (part of a cup which is held in the hand when used or moved)
editLimos Kalinga
editFrom Proto-Philippine [Term?], from Proto-Malayo-Polynesian *isa, *əsa, from Proto-Austronesian *isa, *əsa, *asa.
editosa (osá)
editFrom usa, Proto-Malayo-Polynesian *uʀsa, compare Malay rusa.
Northern Ndebele
editFrom Proto-Bantu *-jòkia.
editThis noun needs an inflection-table template.
Norwegian Nynorsk
editEtymology 1
editUnknown. Related to or derived from os m (“fume, smoke; stench”).
Alternative forms
edit- ose (e and split infinitives)
editosa (present tense osar/oser, past tense osa/oste, past participle osa/ost, passive infinitive osast, present participle osande, imperative osa/os)
- (intransitive) to have a strong smell, odour
- (intransitive) to reek (av / of)
- (intransitive, figurative) to reek (av / of) (to be evidently associated with something unpleasant)
- (intransitive) to emit fumes, smoke
Etymology 2
editSee the etymology of the corresponding lemma form.
Alternative forms
edit- osane m
editosa n
edit- “osa” in The Nynorsk Dictionary.
Old Galician-Portuguese
editAlready attested by Isidore of Seville in the 6th century. From Proto-Germanic *husǭ (“coverings, leggings, trousers”),[1] from Proto-Indo-European *(s)kewH- (“to cover”). Cognate with English hose.
editosa f (plural osas)
- (usually in the plural) leggings, high boots, spat
- (usually in the plural) a tax paid to the feudal lord when marrying
- Coordinate term: loitosa
edit- Ernesto Xosé González Seoane, María Álvarez de la Granja, Ana Isabel Boullón Agrelo (2006–2022) “osa”, in Dicionario de Dicionarios do galego medieval (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela: Instituto da Lingua Galega
- ^ Xaime Varela Sieiro (2003) Léxico cotián na alta idade media de Galicia: o enxoval (in Galician), A Coruña: Ediciós do Castro, page 123
editEtymology 1
editInherited from Proto-Slavic *osa.
editosa f (related adjective osi)
- wasp (insect)
- Osa użądliła ją w udo. ― A wasp stung her in the thigh.
editEtymology 2
editBack-formation of osika.
editosa f (related adjective osowy)
- (Far Masovian) Synonym of osika
Further reading
editEtymology 1
editInherited from Proto-Slavic *osa.
editòsa f (Cyrillic spelling о̀са)
editDerived terms
editEtymology 2
editInherited from Proto-Slavic *osь.
Alternative forms
editȏsa f (Cyrillic spelling о̑са)
editInherited from Proto-Slavic *osa.
editosa f (relational adjective osí, diminutive osička)
editFurther reading
edit- “osa”, in Slovníkový portál Jazykovedného ústavu Ľ. Štúra SAV [Dictionary portal of the Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics, Slovak Academy of Science] (in Slovak), https://slovnik.juls.savba.sk, 2003–2025
editFrom Proto-Slavic *osa.
editósa f
- wasp (insect)
editFeminine, a-stem | |||
nom. sing. | ôsa | ||
gen. sing. | ôse | ||
singular | dual | plural | |
nominative (imenovȃlnik) |
ôsa | ôsi | ôse |
genitive (rodȋlnik) |
ôse | ôs | ôs |
dative (dajȃlnik) |
ôsi | ôsama | ôsam |
accusative (tožȋlnik) |
ôso | ôsi | ôse |
locative (mẹ̑stnik) |
ôsi | ôsah | ôsah |
instrumental (orọ̑dnik) |
ôso | ôsama | ôsami |
Feminine, a-stem, long mixed accent | |||
nom. sing. | ôsa | ||
gen. sing. | osé | ||
singular | dual | plural | |
nominative (imenovȃlnik) |
ôsa | osé | osé |
genitive (rodȋlnik) |
osé | osá | osá |
dative (dajȃlnik) |
ôsi | osáma | osàm |
accusative (tožȋlnik) |
osó | osé | osé |
locative (mẹ̑stnik) |
ôsi | osàh | osàh |
instrumental (orọ̑dnik) |
osó | osáma | osámi |
Further reading
edit- “osa”, in Slovarji Inštituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU, portal Fran
- “osa”, in Termania, Amebis
- See also the general references
Southern Ndebele
editFrom Proto-Bantu *-jòkia.
editThis noun needs an inflection-table template.
editEtymology 1
editFrom Old Spanish ossa, from Latin ursa, feminine of ursus (“bear”).
editosa f (plural osas)
Derived terms
editEtymology 2
editSee the etymology of the corresponding lemma form.
- inflection of osar:
Further reading
edit- “oso”, in Diccionario de la lengua española [Dictionary of the Spanish Language] (in Spanish), online version 23.8, Royal Spanish Academy [Spanish: Real Academia Española], 2024 December 10
editFrom Proto-Bantu *-jòkia.
editThis noun needs an inflection-table template.
editFrom os (“bad smell”).
editosa (present osar, preterite osade, supine osat, imperative osa)
editactive | passive | |||
infinitive | osa | — | ||
supine | osat | — | ||
imperative | osa | — | ||
imper. plural1 | osen | — | ||
present | past | present | past | |
indicative | osar | osade | — | — |
ind. plural1 | osa | osade | — | — |
subjunctive2 | ose | osade | — | — |
present participle | osande | |||
past participle | osad |
1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.
Derived terms
editSee also
- Abbreviation of om svar anhålles (“RSVP”).
edit- osa in Svensk ordbok (SO)
- osa in Svenska Akademiens ordlista (SAOL)
- osa in Svenska Akademiens ordbok (SAOB)
editBorrowed from Spanish osa, from Old Spanish ossa, from Latin ursa.
edit- (Standard Tagalog) IPA(key): /ˈʔosa/ [ˈʔoː.sɐ]
- Rhymes: -osa
- Syllabification: o‧sa
editosa (feminine osa, Baybayin spelling ᜂᜐ)
Related terms
edit- "Tsuut'ina Nominalized Phrases (Video)." Youtube, uploaded by AlbertaUArts, 30 May. 2019, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_t6EdGunXLc
editFrom Proto-Finnic *osa, from Proto-Finno-Ugric *ońća.
editosa (genitive osa, partitive ossa)
editThis noun needs an inflection-table template.
Derived terms
editFrom Proto-Bantu *-jòkia.
editpositive | negative | |||||
infinitive | ukosa | ukungosi | ||||
imperative | ||||||
simple | + object concord | |||||
singular | yosa | -ose | ||||
plural | yosani | -oseni | ||||
present | ||||||
positive absolute | positive relative | positive participial | negative absolute | negative relative | negative participial | |
1st singular | ngiyosa, ngosa | engosayo, engosa | ngosa | angosi | engingosi | ngingosi |
2nd singular | uyosa, wosa | owosayo, owosa | wosa | awosi | ongosi | ungosi |
1st plural | siyosa, sosa | esosayo, esosa | sosa | asosi | esingosi | singosi |
2nd plural | niyosa, nosa | enosayo, enosa | nosa | anosi | eningosi | ningosi |
class 1 | uyosa, wosa | owosayo, owosa | osa | akosi | ongosi | engosi |
class 2 | bayosa, bosa | abosayo, abosa | bosa | abosi | abangosi | bengosi |
class 3 | uyosa, wosa | owosayo, owosa | wosa | awosi | ongosi | ungosi |
class 4 | iyosa, yosa | eyosayo, eyosa | yosa | ayosi | engosi | ingosi |
class 5 | liyosa, losa | elosayo, elosa | losa | alosi | elingosi | lingosi |
class 6 | ayosa, osa | osayo, osa | osa | awosi | angosi | engosi |
class 7 | siyosa, sosa | esosayo, esosa | sosa | asosi | esingosi | singosi |
class 8 | ziyosa, zosa | ezosayo, ezosa | zosa | azosi | ezingosi | zingosi |
class 9 | iyosa, yosa | eyosayo, eyosa | yosa | ayosi | engosi | ingosi |
class 10 | ziyosa, zosa | ezosayo, ezosa | zosa | azosi | ezingosi | zingosi |
class 11 | luyosa, losa | olosayo, olosa | losa | alosi | olungosi | lungosi |
class 14 | buyosa, bosa | obosayo, obosa | bosa | abosi | obungosi | bungosi |
class 15 | kuyosa, kosa | okosayo, okosa | kosa | akosi | okungosi | kungosi |
class 17 | kuyosa, kosa | okosayo, okosa | kosa | akosi | okungosi | kungosi |
recent past | ||||||
positive absolute | positive relative | positive participial | negative absolute | negative relative | negative participial | |
1st singular | ngosile, ngosē | engosile, engosē | ngosile, ngosē | angosanga | engingosanga | ngingosanga |
2nd singular | wosile, wosē | owosile, owosē | wosile, wosē | awosanga | ongosanga | ungosanga |
1st plural | sosile, sosē | esosile, esosē | sosile, sosē | asosanga | esingosanga | singosanga |
2nd plural | nosile, nosē | enosile, enosē | nosile, nosē | anosanga | eningosanga | ningosanga |
class 1 | wosile, wosē | owosile, owosē | osile, osē | akosanga | ongosanga | engosanga |
class 2 | bosile, bosē | abosile, abosē | bosile, bosē | abosanga | abangosanga | bengosanga |
class 3 | wosile, wosē | owosile, owosē | wosile, wosē | awosanga | ongosanga | ungosanga |
class 4 | yosile, yosē | eyosile, eyosē | yosile, yosē | ayosanga | engosanga | ingosanga |
class 5 | losile, losē | elosile, elosē | losile, losē | alosanga | elingosanga | lingosanga |
class 6 | osile, osē | osile, osē | osile, osē | awosanga | angosanga | engosanga |
class 7 | sosile, sosē | esosile, esosē | sosile, sosē | asosanga | esingosanga | singosanga |
class 8 | zosile, zosē | ezosile, ezosē | zosile, zosē | azosanga | ezingosanga | zingosanga |
class 9 | yosile, yosē | eyosile, eyosē | yosile, yosē | ayosanga | engosanga | ingosanga |
class 10 | zosile, zosē | ezosile, ezosē | zosile, zosē | azosanga | ezingosanga | zingosanga |
class 11 | losile, losē | olosile, olosē | losile, losē | alosanga | olungosanga | lungosanga |
class 14 | bosile, bosē | obosile, obosē | bosile, bosē | abosanga | obungosanga | bungosanga |
class 15 | kosile, kosē | okosile, okosē | kosile, kosē | akosanga | okungosanga | kungosanga |
class 17 | kosile, kosē | okosile, okosē | kosile, kosē | akosanga | okungosanga | kungosanga |
remote past | ||||||
positive absolute | positive relative | positive participial | negative absolute | negative relative | negative participial | |
1st singular | ngōsa | engōsa | ngōsa | angosanga | engingosanga | ngingosanga |
2nd singular | wōsa | owōsa | wōsa | awosanga | ongosanga | ungosanga |
1st plural | sōsa | esōsa | sōsa | asosanga | esingosanga | singosanga |
2nd plural | nōsa | enōsa | nōsa | anosanga | eningosanga | ningosanga |
class 1 | wōsa | owōsa | ōsa | akosanga | ongosanga | engosanga |
class 2 | bōsa | abōsa | bōsa | abosanga | abangosanga | bengosanga |
class 3 | wōsa | owōsa | wōsa | awosanga | ongosanga | ungosanga |
class 4 | yōsa | eyōsa | yōsa | ayosanga | engosanga | ingosanga |
class 5 | lōsa | elōsa | lōsa | alosanga | elingosanga | lingosanga |
class 6 | ōsa | ōsa | ōsa | awosanga | angosanga | engosanga |
class 7 | sōsa | esōsa | sōsa | asosanga | esingosanga | singosanga |
class 8 | zōsa | ezōsa | zōsa | azosanga | ezingosanga | zingosanga |
class 9 | yōsa | eyōsa | yōsa | ayosanga | engosanga | ingosanga |
class 10 | zōsa | ezōsa | zōsa | azosanga | ezingosanga | zingosanga |
class 11 | lōsa | olōsa | lōsa | alosanga | olungosanga | lungosanga |
class 14 | bōsa | obōsa | bōsa | abosanga | obungosanga | bungosanga |
class 15 | kōsa | okōsa | kōsa | akosanga | okungosanga | kungosanga |
class 17 | kōsa | okōsa | kōsa | akosanga | okungosanga | kungosanga |
potential | ||||||
positive absolute | positive relative | positive participial | negative absolute | negative relative | negative participial | |
1st singular | ngingosa | — | ngingosa | ngingose | — | ngingose |
2nd singular | ungosa | — | ungosa | ungose | — | ungose |
1st plural | singosa | — | singosa | singose | — | singose |
2nd plural | ningosa | — | ningosa | ningose | — | ningose |
class 1 | angosa | — | engosa | angose | — | engose |
class 2 | bangosa | — | bengosa | bangose | — | bengose |
class 3 | ungosa | — | ungosa | ungose | — | ungose |
class 4 | ingosa | — | ingosa | ingose | — | ingose |
class 5 | lingosa | — | lingosa | lingose | — | lingose |
class 6 | angosa | — | engosa | angose | — | engose |
class 7 | singosa | — | singosa | singose | — | singose |
class 8 | zingosa | — | zingosa | zingose | — | zingose |
class 9 | ingosa | — | ingosa | ingose | — | ingose |
class 10 | zingosa | — | zingosa | zingose | — | zingose |
class 11 | lungosa | — | lungosa | lungose | — | lungose |
class 14 | bungosa | — | bungosa | bungose | — | bungose |
class 15 | kungosa | — | kungosa | kungose | — | kungose |
class 17 | kungosa | — | kungosa | kungose | — | kungose |
immediate future | ||||||
positive absolute | positive relative | positive participial | negative absolute | negative relative | negative participial | |
1st singular | ngizokosa | engizokosa | ngizokosa | angizukosa | engingezukosa | ngingezukosa |
2nd singular | uzokosa | ozokosa | uzokosa | awuzukosa | ongezukosa | ungezukosa |
1st plural | sizokosa | esizokosa | sizokosa | asizukosa | esingezukosa | singezukosa |
2nd plural | nizokosa | enizokosa | nizokosa | anizukosa | eningezukosa | ningezukosa |
class 1 | uzokosa | ozokosa | ezokosa | akazukosa | ongezukosa | engezukosa |
class 2 | bazokosa | abazokosa | bezokosa | abazukosa | abangezukosa | bengezukosa |
class 3 | uzokosa | ozokosa | uzokosa | awuzukosa | ongezukosa | ungezukosa |
class 4 | izokosa | ezokosa | izokosa | ayizukosa | engezukosa | ingezukosa |
class 5 | lizokosa | elizokosa | lizokosa | alizukosa | elingezukosa | lingezukosa |
class 6 | azokosa | azokosa | ezokosa | awazukosa | angezukosa | engezukosa |
class 7 | sizokosa | esizokosa | sizokosa | asizukosa | esingezukosa | singezukosa |
class 8 | zizokosa | ezizokosa | zizokosa | azizukosa | ezingezukosa | zingezukosa |
class 9 | izokosa | ezokosa | izokosa | ayizukosa | engezukosa | ingezukosa |
class 10 | zizokosa | ezizokosa | zizokosa | azizukosa | ezingezukosa | zingezukosa |
class 11 | luzokosa | oluzokosa | luzokosa | aluzukosa | olungezukosa | lungezukosa |
class 14 | buzokosa | obuzokosa | buzokosa | abuzukosa | obungezukosa | bungezukosa |
class 15 | kuzokosa | okuzokosa | kuzokosa | akuzukosa | okungezukosa | kungezukosa |
class 17 | kuzokosa | okuzokosa | kuzokosa | akuzukosa | okungezukosa | kungezukosa |
remote future | ||||||
positive absolute | positive relative | positive participial | negative absolute | negative relative | negative participial | |
1st singular | ngiyokosa | engiyokosa | ngiyokosa | angiyukosa | engingeyukosa | ngingeyukosa |
2nd singular | uyokosa | oyokosa | uyokosa | awuyukosa | ongeyukosa | ungeyukosa |
1st plural | siyokosa | esiyokosa | siyokosa | asiyukosa | esingeyukosa | singeyukosa |
2nd plural | niyokosa | eniyokosa | niyokosa | aniyukosa | eningeyukosa | ningeyukosa |
class 1 | uyokosa | oyokosa | eyokosa | akayukosa | ongeyukosa | engeyukosa |
class 2 | bayokosa | abayokosa | beyokosa | abayukosa | abangeyukosa | bengeyukosa |
class 3 | uyokosa | oyokosa | uyokosa | awuyukosa | ongeyukosa | ungeyukosa |
class 4 | iyokosa | eyokosa | iyokosa | ayiyukosa | engeyukosa | ingeyukosa |
class 5 | liyokosa | eliyokosa | liyokosa | aliyukosa | elingeyukosa | lingeyukosa |
class 6 | ayokosa | ayokosa | eyokosa | awayukosa | angeyukosa | engeyukosa |
class 7 | siyokosa | esiyokosa | siyokosa | asiyukosa | esingeyukosa | singeyukosa |
class 8 | ziyokosa | eziyokosa | ziyokosa | aziyukosa | ezingeyukosa | zingeyukosa |
class 9 | iyokosa | eyokosa | iyokosa | ayiyukosa | engeyukosa | ingeyukosa |
class 10 | ziyokosa | eziyokosa | ziyokosa | aziyukosa | ezingeyukosa | zingeyukosa |
class 11 | luyokosa | oluyokosa | luyokosa | aluyukosa | olungeyukosa | lungeyukosa |
class 14 | buyokosa | obuyokosa | buyokosa | abuyukosa | obungeyukosa | bungeyukosa |
class 15 | kuyokosa | okuyokosa | kuyokosa | akuyukosa | okungeyukosa | kungeyukosa |
class 17 | kuyokosa | okuyokosa | kuyokosa | akuyukosa | okungeyukosa | kungeyukosa |
present subjunctive | ||||||
positive | negative | |||||
1st singular | ngose | ngingosi | ||||
2nd singular | wose | ungosi | ||||
1st plural | sose | singosi | ||||
2nd plural | nose | ningosi | ||||
class 1 | ose | angosi | ||||
class 2 | bose | bangosi | ||||
class 3 | wose | ungosi | ||||
class 4 | yose | ingosi | ||||
class 5 | lose | lingosi | ||||
class 6 | ose | angosi | ||||
class 7 | sose | singosi | ||||
class 8 | zose | zingosi | ||||
class 9 | yose | ingosi | ||||
class 10 | zose | zingosi | ||||
class 11 | lose | lungosi | ||||
class 14 | bose | bungosi | ||||
class 15 | kose | kungosi | ||||
class 17 | kose | kungosi | ||||
past subjunctive | ||||||
positive | negative | |||||
1st singular | ngosa | ngangosa, angosa, angangosa | ||||
2nd singular | wosa | wangosa, awosa, awangosa | ||||
1st plural | sosa | sangosa, asosa, asangosa | ||||
2nd plural | nosa | nangosa, anosa, anangosa | ||||
class 1 | wosa | wangosa, akosa, akangosa | ||||
class 2 | bosa | bangosa, abosa, abangosa | ||||
class 3 | wosa | wangosa, awosa, awangosa | ||||
class 4 | yosa | yangosa, ayosa, ayangosa | ||||
class 5 | losa | langosa, alosa, alangosa | ||||
class 6 | osa | angosa, awosa, awangosa | ||||
class 7 | sosa | sangosa, asosa, asangosa | ||||
class 8 | zosa | zangosa, azosa, azangosa | ||||
class 9 | yosa | yangosa, ayosa, ayangosa | ||||
class 10 | zosa | zangosa, azosa, azangosa | ||||
class 11 | losa | lwangosa, alosa, alwangosa | ||||
class 14 | bosa | bangosa, abosa, abangosa | ||||
class 15 | kosa | kwangosa, akosa, akwangosa | ||||
class 17 | kosa | kwangosa, akosa, akwangosa |
Derived terms
edit- -osela (applicative)
- -osisa (causative)
- -osayosa, -osawosa (diminutive)
- -osisisa (intensive)
- -oseka (neuter-passive)
- -osiwa (passive)
- -osana (reciprocal)
- isoso
edit- C. M. Doke, B. W. Vilakazi (1972) “osa”, in Zulu-English Dictionary, →ISBN: “osa (6.3)”
- Translingual lemmas
- Translingual symbols
- ISO 639-2
- ISO 639-3
- Cebuano terms inherited from Proto-Malayo-Polynesian
- Cebuano terms derived from Proto-Malayo-Polynesian
- Cebuano lemmas
- Cebuano nouns
- ceb:Cervids
- Czech terms derived from Proto-Balto-Slavic
- Czech terms inherited from Proto-Balto-Slavic
- Czech terms derived from Proto-Indo-European
- Czech terms inherited from Old Czech
- Czech terms derived from Old Czech
- Czech terms inherited from Proto-Slavic
- Czech terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Czech terms with IPA pronunciation
- Rhymes:Czech/osa
- Rhymes:Czech/osa/2 syllables
- Czech lemmas
- Czech nouns
- Czech feminine nouns
- Czech terms with collocations
- Czech hard feminine nouns
- Estonian terms inherited from Proto-Finnic
- Estonian terms derived from Proto-Finnic
- Estonian terms inherited from Proto-Finno-Ugric
- Estonian terms derived from Proto-Finno-Ugric
- Estonian lemmas
- Estonian nouns
- Estonian pesa-type nominals
- Finnish terms inherited from Proto-Finnic
- Finnish terms derived from Proto-Finnic
- Finnish terms inherited from Proto-Finno-Ugric
- Finnish terms derived from Proto-Finno-Ugric
- Finnish terms derived from Proto-Indo-Iranian
- Finnish 2-syllable words
- Finnish terms with IPA pronunciation
- Rhymes:Finnish/osɑ
- Rhymes:Finnish/osɑ/2 syllables
- Finnish lemmas
- Finnish nouns
- Finnish terms with usage examples
- fi:Sports
- fi:Music
- Finnish koira-type nominals
- French 2-syllable words
- French terms with IPA pronunciation
- French terms with audio pronunciation
- French non-lemma forms
- French verb forms
- Galician terms inherited from Latin
- Galician terms derived from Latin
- Galician terms with IPA pronunciation
- Galician lemmas
- Galician nouns
- Galician countable nouns
- Galician nouns with irregular gender
- Galician masculine nouns
- Galician feminine nouns
- Ingrian terms derived from Proto-Uralic
- Ingrian terms inherited from Proto-Uralic
- Ingrian terms derived from Proto-Indo-Iranian
- Ingrian terms derived from Proto-Indo-European
- Ingrian terms inherited from Proto-Finnic
- Ingrian terms derived from Proto-Finnic
- Ingrian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Rhymes:Ingrian/osɑ
- Rhymes:Ingrian/osɑ/2 syllables
- Ingrian lemmas
- Ingrian nouns
- Ingrian terms with quotations
- Irish terms with IPA pronunciation
- Irish non-lemma forms
- Irish noun forms
- Italian 2-syllable words
- Italian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Rhymes:Italian/ɔza
- Rhymes:Italian/ɔza/2 syllables
- Italian non-lemma forms
- Italian adjective forms
- Italian verb forms
- Japanese non-lemma forms
- Japanese romanizations
- Latin non-lemma forms
- Latin participle forms
- Latvian lemmas
- Latvian nouns
- Latvian feminine nouns
- Latvian fourth declension nouns
- Limos Kalinga terms inherited from Proto-Philippine
- Limos Kalinga terms derived from Proto-Philippine
- Limos Kalinga terms inherited from Proto-Malayo-Polynesian
- Limos Kalinga terms derived from Proto-Malayo-Polynesian
- Limos Kalinga terms inherited from Proto-Austronesian
- Limos Kalinga terms derived from Proto-Austronesian
- Limos Kalinga lemmas
- Limos Kalinga numerals
- Limos Kalinga cardinal numbers
- Malagasy lemmas
- Malagasy adjectives
- Mansaka terms inherited from Proto-Malayo-Polynesian
- Mansaka terms derived from Proto-Malayo-Polynesian
- Mansaka lemmas
- Mansaka nouns
- Northern Ndebele terms inherited from Proto-Bantu
- Northern Ndebele terms derived from Proto-Bantu
- Northern Ndebele lemmas
- Northern Ndebele verbs
- Norwegian Nynorsk terms with unknown etymologies
- Norwegian Nynorsk lemmas
- Norwegian Nynorsk verbs
- Norwegian Nynorsk weak verbs
- Norwegian Nynorsk intransitive verbs
- Norwegian Nynorsk non-lemma forms
- Norwegian Nynorsk noun forms
- Old Galician-Portuguese terms derived from Proto-Germanic
- Old Galician-Portuguese terms derived from Proto-Indo-European
- Old Galician-Portuguese terms with IPA pronunciation
- Old Galician-Portuguese lemmas
- Old Galician-Portuguese nouns
- Old Galician-Portuguese feminine nouns
- Polish 2-syllable words
- Polish terms with IPA pronunciation
- Polish terms with audio pronunciation
- Rhymes:Polish/ɔsa
- Rhymes:Polish/ɔsa/2 syllables
- Polish terms derived from Proto-Balto-Slavic
- Polish terms inherited from Proto-Balto-Slavic
- Polish terms derived from Proto-Indo-European
- Polish terms inherited from Proto-Indo-European
- Polish terms inherited from Proto-Slavic
- Polish terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Polish lemmas
- Polish nouns
- Polish feminine nouns
- Polish terms with usage examples
- Polish back-formations
- Far Masovian Polish
- pl:Trees
- pl:Vespids
- pl:Willows and poplars
- pl:Woods
- Serbo-Croatian terms derived from Proto-Balto-Slavic
- Serbo-Croatian terms inherited from Proto-Balto-Slavic
- Serbo-Croatian terms derived from Proto-Indo-European
- Serbo-Croatian terms inherited from Proto-Slavic
- Serbo-Croatian terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Serbo-Croatian lemmas
- Serbo-Croatian nouns
- Serbo-Croatian feminine nouns
- Bosnian Serbo-Croatian
- Serbian Serbo-Croatian
- sh:Insects
- Slovak terms derived from Proto-Balto-Slavic
- Slovak terms inherited from Proto-Balto-Slavic
- Slovak terms derived from Proto-Indo-European
- Slovak terms inherited from Proto-Slavic
- Slovak terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Slovak terms with IPA pronunciation
- Slovak lemmas
- Slovak nouns
- Slovak feminine nouns
- Slovak terms with declension žena
- Slovene terms derived from Proto-Balto-Slavic
- Slovene terms inherited from Proto-Balto-Slavic
- Slovene terms derived from Proto-Indo-European
- Slovene terms inherited from Proto-Slavic
- Slovene terms derived from Proto-Slavic
- Slovene 2-syllable words
- Slovene terms with IPA pronunciation
- Slovene lemmas
- Slovene nouns
- Slovene feminine nouns
- Slovene feminine a-stem nouns
- Slovene feminine a-stem nouns with long mixed accent
- sl:Insects
- Southern Ndebele terms inherited from Proto-Bantu
- Southern Ndebele terms derived from Proto-Bantu
- Southern Ndebele lemmas
- Southern Ndebele verbs
- Spanish 2-syllable words
- Spanish terms with IPA pronunciation
- Rhymes:Spanish/osa
- Rhymes:Spanish/osa/2 syllables
- Spanish terms derived from Old Spanish
- Spanish terms derived from Latin
- Spanish lemmas
- Spanish nouns
- Spanish countable nouns
- Spanish feminine nouns
- Spanish female equivalent nouns
- Spanish non-lemma forms
- Spanish verb forms
- es:Ursids
- Swazi terms inherited from Proto-Bantu
- Swazi terms derived from Proto-Bantu
- Swazi lemmas
- Swazi verbs
- Swedish terms with IPA pronunciation
- Swedish lemmas
- Swedish verbs
- Swedish terms with usage examples
- Swedish weak verbs
- Swedish interjections
- Swedish abbreviations
- Tagalog terms borrowed from Spanish
- Tagalog terms derived from Spanish
- Tagalog terms derived from Old Spanish
- Tagalog terms derived from Latin
- Tagalog 2-syllable words
- Tagalog terms with IPA pronunciation
- Rhymes:Tagalog/osa
- Rhymes:Tagalog/osa/2 syllables
- Tagalog terms with malumay pronunciation
- Tagalog lemmas
- Tagalog nouns
- Tagalog terms with Baybayin script
- Tagalog female equivalent nouns
- Tsuut'ina terms with IPA pronunciation
- Tsuut'ina lemmas
- Tsuut'ina nouns
- Võro terms inherited from Proto-Finnic
- Võro terms derived from Proto-Finnic
- Võro terms derived from Proto-Finno-Ugric
- Võro lemmas
- Võro nouns
- Zulu terms inherited from Proto-Bantu
- Zulu terms derived from Proto-Bantu
- Zulu lemmas
- Zulu verbs
- Zulu verbs with tone L