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Live in Jakarta Indonesia
Born : Karanganyar Kebumen Indonesia
at October 31st 2004 was my 10.000th days of my life
Web Sites:
1995 - 1999 - Bachelor of Engineering (ST) - Civil Engineering - Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University
2004 - 2006 - Magister Manajemen (MM) - Financial Manajemen - STIE Supra Kelapa Gading Indonesia
2006 - 2014 - Doctor of Phillosopy (Dr) - Economics - Borobudur University Indonesia
1999, Concrete Structure Optimatization on Space Frame
2006, Empirical Study, Influence of Variable at Technical Analysis for Forecasting Stock Price, Jakarta Stock Exchange
2014, Non-Linear Analysis Economics and Non-Economica Factors with Genetics Algorithm