User:Lingo Bingo Dingo/FWOTD
- Danish: skikkelse (citation, no translation, pronunciation)
- Latin: vulgivagus (citation, no translation, pronunciation)
- German: mein Name ist Hase (citation, no translation, pronunciation)
- German: brandschatzen (no citations, no translation, pronunciation)
- Dutch: lakenlood (citation, no translation, pronunciation)
- Dutch: opvreten (no citations, no translation, pronunciation)
- Egyptian: djw ḥryw rnpt (citation, no translation, no pronunciation)
- Bashkir: сәмреғош (səmreğoş) (no citations, no translation, pronunciation)
- German: Ellenbogengesellschaft (no citations, no translation, pronunciation)
- Polish: gdzie Rzym, gdzie Krym (no citations, no translation, pronunciation)
- Lithuanian: debesis (no citations, no translation, no pronunciation)
- Esperanto: esperantiĝi (no citations, no translation, pronunciation)
- Malagasy: anakandrianify (no citations, no translation, pronunciation)
- Khmer: បរទេស (bɑɑrĕəʼteih) (no citations, no translation, pronunciation)
- Chinese: 狼狽/狼狈 (lángbèi) (no citations, no translation, pronunciation)
- Dutch: aalstreep (no citations, no translation, pronunciation)
- Japanese: どっこいしょ (citation, no translation, no pronunciation)
- Thai: เกรงใจ (greeng-jai) (citation, no translation, pronunciation)
- Ancient Greek: κυμινοπριστοκαρδαμογλύφος (kuminopristokardamoglúphos) (citation, no translation, pronunciation)
- Sanskrit (and other) usexes to find quotes?
- Any Proto-Norse, Primitive Irish, etc if we waive the pronunciation requirement