Unicode Version 7.0
The Unicode Consortium approved the following characters as part of Unicode 7.0, released on June 16, 2014. Support for these emoji characters rely on updates from platform vendors such as Apple, Google, and Microsoft.
Initially, 250 new characters in Unicode 7.0 were approved for emoji presentation, however this was later reduced to 103 Standard Additions which are listed below. The other characters remain part of Unicode, but are not recommended to be included as emojis.
The exception to this was the Left Speech Bubble, and as such wasn't initially specified on other platforms as an emoji. A later-accepted proposal updated this.
đSlightly Smiling FaceđSlightly Frowning Faceđŗī¸Holeđ¨ī¸Left Speech Bubbleđ¯ī¸Right Anger Bubbleđī¸Hand with Fingers SplayedđVulcan SaluteđMiddle Fingerđī¸Eyeđĩī¸Detectiveđ´ī¸Person in Suit Levitatingđī¸Person Golfingđī¸Person Lifting WeightsđPerson in BedđŖī¸Speaking Headđŋī¸Chipmunkđī¸Doveđˇī¸Spiderđ¸ī¸Spider Webđĩī¸Rosetteđļī¸Hot PepperđŊī¸Fork and Knife with Plateđēī¸World Mapđī¸Snow-Capped Mountainđī¸Campingđī¸Beach with Umbrellađī¸Desertđī¸Desert Islandđī¸National Parkđī¸Stadiumđī¸Classical Buildingđī¸Building Constructionđī¸Housesđī¸Derelict Houseđī¸Cityscapeđī¸Racing Carđī¸MotorcycleđŖī¸Motorwayđ¤ī¸Railway Trackđĸī¸Oil Drumđŗī¸Passenger ShipđĨī¸Motor BoatđŠī¸Small AirplaneđĢAirplane DepartuređŦAirplane Arrivalđ°ī¸Satelliteđī¸Bellhop Bellđ°ī¸Mantelpiece ClockđĄī¸Thermometerđ¤ī¸Sun Behind Small CloudđĨī¸Sun Behind Large CloudđĻī¸Sun Behind Rain Cloudđ§ī¸Cloud with Rainđ¨ī¸Cloud with SnowđŠī¸Cloud with LightningđĒī¸TornadođĢī¸FogđŦī¸Wind Faceđī¸Reminder Ribbonđī¸Admission Ticketsđī¸Military Medalđ
Sports Medalđšī¸Joystickđŧī¸Framed Pictuređļī¸Sunglassesđī¸Shopping Bagsđī¸Studio Microphoneđī¸Level Sliderđī¸Control KnobsđĨī¸Desktop Computerđ¨ī¸Printerđąī¸Computer Mouseđ˛ī¸Trackballđī¸Film FramesđŊī¸Film Projectorđ¸Camera with Flashđ¯ī¸Candleđī¸Rolled-Up Newspaperđˇī¸Labelđŗī¸Ballot Box with Ballotđī¸Fountain Penđī¸Penđī¸Paintbrushđī¸Crayonđī¸Card Index Dividersđī¸Spiral Notepadđī¸Spiral Calendarđī¸Linked Paperclipsđī¸Card File Boxđī¸File Cabinetđī¸Wastebasketđī¸Old Keyđ ī¸Hammer and WrenchđĄī¸DaggerđĄī¸Shieldđī¸Clampđī¸Bedđī¸Couch and Lampđī¸Omâ¸ī¸Pause Buttonâšī¸Stop Buttonâēī¸Record Buttonđ´Black Flagđŗī¸White FlagđĸBlack DropletđŖWhite SunđHeart with Tip On the LeftđBouquet of FlowersđMusical Keyboard with JacksđBeamed Ascending Musical NotesđBeamed Descending Musical NotesđąWhite Pennantđ˛Black PennantđļBlack RosetteđžPortable StereođžLower Right Shadowed White CircleđŋUpper Right Shadowed White CircleđNotched Right Semicircle with Three Dotsđ
Symbol for Marks ChapterđWhite Latin CrossđHeavy Latin CrossđCeltic Crossđ¨Right SpeakerđŠRight Speaker with One Sound WaveđĒRight Speaker with Three Sound WavesđĢBullhornđŦBullhorn with Sound WavesđRinging BellđŽBookđąBlack Skull and Crossbonesđ˛No PiracyđģLeft Hand Telephone ReceiverđŧTelephone Receiver with PageđŊRight Hand Telephone ReceiverđžWhite Touchtone TelephoneđŋBlack Touchtone TelephoneđTelephone On Top of ModemđClamshell Mobile PhoneđBack of EnvelopeđStamped EnvelopeđEnvelope with Lightningđ
Flying EnvelopeđPen Over Stamped EnvelopeđBlack PushpinđLower Left PencilđLeft Writing HandđTurned Ok Hand SignđReversed Raised Hand with Fingers SplayedđReversed Thumbs Up SignđReversed Thumbs Down SignđReversed Victory HandđWhite Down Pointing Left Hand IndexđSideways White Left Pointing IndexđSideways White Right Pointing IndexđSideways Black Left Pointing IndexđSideways Black Right Pointing IndexđBlack Left Pointing Backhand IndexđBlack Right Pointing Backhand IndexđSideways White Up Pointing IndexđSideways White Down Pointing Indexđ Sideways Black Up Pointing IndexđĄSideways Black Down Pointing IndexđĸBlack Up Pointing Backhand IndexđŖBlack Down Pointing Backhand IndexđĻKeyboard and Mouseđ§Three Networked ComputersđŠPocket CalculatorđĒBlack Hard Shell Floppy DiskđĢWhite Hard Shell Floppy DiskđŦSoft Shell Floppy DiskđTape CartridgeđŽWired Keyboardđ¯One Button Mouseđ°Two Button MouseđŗOld Personal Computerđ´Hard DiskđĩScreenđļPrinter IconđˇFax Iconđ¸Optical Disc IconđšDocument with TextđēDocument with Text and PictuređģDocument with PictuređŊFrame with TilesđžFrame with an XđŋBlack FolderđFolderđOpen Folderđ
Empty NoteđEmpty Note PageđEmpty Note PadđNoteđNote PageđNote PadđEmpty DocumentđEmpty PageđEmpty PagesđDocumentđPageđPagesđDesktop WindowđMinimizeđMaximizeđOverlapđClockwise Right and Left Semicircle ArrowsđCancellation XđIncrease Font Size SymbolđDecrease Font Size SymbolđPage with Circled Textđ Stock ChartđĸLipsđ¤Three Rays AboveđĨThree Rays BelowđĻThree Rays Leftđ§Three Rays RightđŠRight Speech BubbleđĒTwo Speech BubblesđĢThree Speech BubblesđŦLeft Thought BubbleđRight Thought BubbleđŽLeft Anger Bubbleđ°Mood BubbleđąLightning Mood Bubbleđ˛Lightning Moodđ´Ballot Script XđĩBallot Box with Script XđļBallot Bold Script XđˇBallot Box with Bold Script Xđ¸Light Check MarkđšBallot Box with Bold CheckđTriangle with Rounded CornersđProhibited SignđCircled Information SourceđBoys SymbolđGirls SymbolđĻUp-Pointing Military Airplaneđ§Up-Pointing Airplaneđ¨Up-Pointing Small AirplaneđĒNortheast-Pointing AirplaneđąOncoming Fire Engineđ˛Diesel Locomotive