They claimed that Ukraine is full of Nazis - yet they were the Nazis all along.
They claimed Ukraine is the most corrupt country in the world - yet they are the oligarchs who openly bought their way into the government.
Now they claim that Ukraine isn’t the victim, but the aggressor who wants war - yet they threaten numerous countries with invasion.
Now they claim Ukraine is ungrateful and greedy - yet they demand us to give up our country’s resources to them while gaining nothing in return.
Now their leader claims Ukraine is ruled by a dictator - yet he praises the real dictator, who’s been ruling a totalitarian regime and starting wars for 25 years.
Now they claim Ukraine isn’t a democracy - yet they openly call their leader a king and want him to rule forever.
Every accusation is an admission. Always.
What do you mean, “yours”?
Merlin 3x08 | The Eye of the Phoenix
Tis the season for seeing chubby little birds out and about!
Get Prints Here!
What is the PRIMARY emotion you usually feel when someone asks what your pronouns are? (Or what WOULD you feel if someone did?)
Mildly surprised
Mildly pleased
Absolutely delighted
Something else
We ask your questions anonymously so you don’t have to! Submissions are open on the 1st and 15th of the month.
If there’s sexual abuse subtext no there isn’t, if there’s allusion to sexual abuse you’re ruining it for everyone else by talking about it, if there’s a metaphor for sexual abuse you’re reading too far into it and it’s actually a metaphor for anything more palatable, and if there’s on-screen sexual abuse? Well that’s exploitative torture porn, of course.