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Wiktionary英語版での「penalty unit」の意味 |
penalty unit
penalty unit (複数形 penalty units)
- (Australia, criminal law) An amount of money, used as a basis of a penalty fine, which can be adjusted by the government without the need to pass new legislation.
- 2002, Kate Warner, Sentencing in Tasmania, page 124:
- In 1987 the Penalty Units and Other Penalties Act introduced a new scheme for financial penalties. The penalty provisions in a number of Acts containing commonly occurring offences were amended to specify the fine in penalty units rather than a specific sum. The value of a penalty unit is specified in the Penalty Units and Other Penalties Act, s 4, currently at $100. All offences now specify fines in penalty units.
- 2008, Jules Aldous, Making and Breaking the Law: VCE Units 3 and 4, page 311:
- Usually an Act sets a maximum fine or penalty for a particular offence, measured in penalty units, which have a monetary equivalent. For example, under Section 46(2) of the Road Safety Act 1986, ‘a person who fails to stop the vehicle when requested or signalled is guilty of an offence. Penalty: eight penalty units’.
- 2010, CCH Australia Limited, Australian Master Human Resources Guide 2010, page 1144:
- A person must not use a listening device to record a private conversation to which the person is a party. Where an individual breaches this provision, the person may be liable to a fine of 50 penalty units ($5,000). Where the offence is committed by a corporation, the corporation may be liable to a fine of 50 penalty units ($25,000).
「penalty unit」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 10件
A penalty setting unit 50 sets penalty values corresponding to obstacle regions according to the heights of obstacles.例文帳に追加
ペナルティ設定部50は、障害領域に対応して障害物の高さに応じたペナルティ値を設定する。 - 特許庁
In the determination, the object position determining unit 53 performs a correction to decrease the evaluation value of each prediction position according to the penalty value at the position.例文帳に追加
当該判定に際して、物体位置判定部53は各予測位置の評価値を当該位置でのペナルティ値に応じて低める補正を行う。 - 特許庁
A tightly coupled dual 16-bit multiply-accumulate (MAC) unit for performing single-instruction/multiple-data (SIMD) operations may forward an intermediate result to another operation in a pipeline to resolve an accumulating dependency penalty.例文帳に追加
単一命令複数データ(SIMD)演算を行なうための密結合デュアル16ビットの積和演算(MAC)ユニットが、蓄積依存性ペナルティーを解決するためにパイプライン中の別の演算へ中間結果を転送し得る。 - 特許庁
To provide an operation method and operation control system for fuel consuming equipment and an energy trading system, capable of positively avoiding a penalty at a low fuel unit price.例文帳に追加
低い燃料単価で、ペナルティを確実に回避できる燃料消費設備の運転方法及び運転制御システム、並びにエネルギー取引システムを提供すること。 - 特許庁
A path selection section 202 allocates packets to any path in the unit of flows on the basis of the result of supervision by the penalty monitor section 201 and data of the flow cache table 203.例文帳に追加
経路選択部202は、ペナルティ監視部201による監視結果およびフローキャッシュテーブル203のデータに基づいて、各パケットをフロー単位でいずれかの経路へ振り分ける。 - 特許庁
In South Korea, the measurement law enacted in 1961 had officially declared to switch into the metric system; however, the usage of tsubo unit was still common in practice for real estate business, thus the government revised the measurement law in July, 2007, imposing a penalty for the usage of tsubo unit in business purpose.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
韓国では1961年の計量法施行によって、公式にはメートル法に移行しているが、不動産の売買には坪を用いる実態があったため、2007年7月施行の改定計量法によって、使用すると罰金が課せられるようになっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The unit allocation plan for achieving a train diagram is prepared by appropriating, for each of the prepared nodes, the unit allocation number of 0 or more so that a predetermined constraint condition is satisfied, and the total of the penalty value of each running arc becomes minimum.例文帳に追加
そして、作成されたアークそれぞれに、所定の制約条件を満たし、且つ、各走行アークのペナルティ値の総和が最小となるように0以上のユニットの割当数が充当されて、列車ダイヤを実現するユニットの割当計画が作成される。 - 特許庁
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「penalty unit」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 10件
An evaluation chart is prepared for each unit operation (supplying, chucking, assembling, attaching and combining) at the time of manufacturing the product and a code No. for indicating a level of difficulty of unit operation at the time of manufacturing the product with the automatic machine and a penalty can be achieved by sequentially answering questions.例文帳に追加
製品を製造する際の単位作業(供給、チャック、組立、付帯、結合)毎に評価チャートが用意されており、質問事項に順に回答することにより自動機を用いて製品を製造する際の単位作業の難度を示すコードNo.及びペナルティに到達することができる。 - 特許庁
According to the law of Kujigata-osadamegaki, the penalty of Karyo was organized into five cases; 'Karyo' was three kanmon (3 kanmon = 30 yen) or five kanmon (5 kanmon = 50 yen); 'A heavy Karyo' was ten kanmon (10 kanmon = 100 yen); 'Karyo adjusted by wealth (or fortune)' was dependent on a personal financial position (or wealth); 'Karyo adjusted by Koma (a small room which used as a measurement unit to calculate the scale of the house)' was dependent on the scale of the personal household (adjusted by wealth); 'A Karyo adjusted by Muradaka (total yields of a village)' was dependent on Kokudaka (a system for determining land value for tribute purposes in the Edo period) of the region when law enforcement would punish a particular region in total.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
同法によれば過料には3貫文もしくは5貫文の(一般的な)「過料」、10貫文の「重き過料」、本人の財力に応じた「身上に応じ過料」、本人の家の規模(財力に準じる)に応じた「小間に応じ過料」、地域単位で罰する場合石高に応じた「村高に応じ過料」の5つの事例に整理された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The arithmetic unit 33 calculates an optimum threshold value and a phase adjustment value whereat the reception sensitivity is highest depending on the calculated waveform distortion amount to control a threshold value adjustment circuit 41 and a phase value adjustment circuit 37 so that the optimum threshold value and phase value with respect to the input distortion amount can be set and the transmission penalty characteristic can be enhanced.例文帳に追加
ここで算出された波形歪み量に応じて、受信感度が最も高感度になる最適しきい値および位相調整値を演算装置33で算出し、しきい値調整回路41および位相値調整回路37を制御することにより、入力歪み量に対して最適なしきい値および位相値を設定することができ、伝送ペナルティ特性の改善が可能となる。 - 特許庁
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