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Free imperial cityとは 意味・読み方・使い方
意味・対訳 帝国自由都市(ていこくじゆうとし、独:Freie Reichsstadt)は、中世よりドイツ(神聖ローマ帝国)で見られた都市の一形態。
Wiktionary英語版での「Free imperial city」の意味 |
free imperial city
A calque of German Freie Reichsstadt (short 単数形 form of Freie und Reichsstädte) or Latin urbs imperialis libera.
free imperial city (複数形 free imperial cities)
- (historical) A self-ruling city within the Holy Roman Empire that had some autonomy and was represented in the Imperial Diet.
- A free imperial city held the status of Imperial immediacy, and was thus subordinate only to the Holy Roman Emperor, whereas a territorial city or town (Landstadt) was subordinate to a territorial prince – either an ecclesiastical lord (prince-bishop または prince-abbot) or a secular prince (duke (Herzog), margrave, count (Graf), etc.).
- 1996, John Dornberg, Western Europe, Oryx Press, page 56,
- 2007, Carlos Ramirez-Faria, Concise Encyclopedia Of World History, Atlantic Publishers, page 243,
- 2012, Joel Van Amberg, A Real Presence: Religious and Social Dynamics of the Eucharistic Conflicts in Early Modern Augsburg 1520—1530, BRILL, page 7,
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