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Mixin layers: an object-oriented implementation technique for refinements and collaboration-based designs

Published: 01 April 2002 Publication History


A "refinement" is a functionality addition to a software project that can affect multiple dispersed implementation entities (functions, classes, etc.). In this paper, we examine large-scale refinements in terms of a fundamental object-oriented technique called collaboration-based design. We explain how collaborations can be expressed in existing programming languages or can be supported with new language constructs (which we have implemented as extensions to the Java language). We present a specific expression of large-scale refinements called mixin layers, and demonstrate how it overcomes the scalability difficulties that plagued prior work. We also show how we used mixin layers as the primary implementation technique for building an extensible Java compiler, JTS.


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ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology  Volume 11, Issue 2
April 2002
142 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 01 April 2002
Published in TOSEM Volume 11, Issue 2


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