Key Points
Rab proteins, which constitute the largest family of monomeric GTPases, and their effectors coordinate consecutive stages of transport, such as vesicle formation, vesicle and organelle motility, and tethering of vesicles with target membranes.
The ability of Rabs to cycle regularly between GTP- and GDP-bound forms imposes temporal and spatial regulation to membrane transport.
Rabs mediate the first specific tethering event between a vesicle and its target membrane, and so provide a complementary layer of regulation to that subsequently provided by SNARE pairing.
Specific Rab effectors have been implicated in various membrane tethering events, including delivery of post-Golgi vesicles to the plasma membrane (for example, the exocyst complex), tethering of endosomes (EEA1) or vacuoles (the HOPS complex).
Rabs have been implicated in regulating vesicle motility through interaction with both microtubules and actin filaments of the cytoskeleton.
The structural heterogeneity shown by Rab effectors implies that these are highly specialized molecules whose activities are exclusively tailored for individual organelles and transport systems. Rab5 regulates the activity of several effectors and evidence indicates cooperativity between these molecules.
There is increasing evidence that Rab proteins and their effectors are not randomly distributed but are enriched in membrane domains, termed here Rab domains. In the case of Rab5, effector cooperativity, protein-lipid interactions and oligomerization between effectors are central factors to the formation of a Rab5 domain. The Rab5 machinery can be viewed as a modular system, in which specific biochemical interactions between Rab5 effectors and regulators as well as other endosomal proteins create spatial segregation. Furthermore, the integration between GTPase and ATPase cycles ensures a dynamic state between assembly and disassembly of complexes and so confers a specific control on domain size.
Direct interactions have been characterized between Rab effectors and SNAREs. The authors propose a model in which the selective incorporation of a cis-SNARE complex within a Rab domain is a prerequisite for trans-SNARES pairing, which brings two membranes into close proximity.
Cellular organelles in the exocytic and endocytic pathways have a distinctive spatial distribution and communicate through an elaborate system of vesiculo-tubular transport. Rab proteins and their effectors coordinate consecutive stages of transport, such as vesicle formation, vesicle and organelle motility, and tethering of vesicles to their target compartment. These molecules are highly compartmentalized in organelle membranes, making them excellent candidates for determining transport specificity and organelle identity.
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We thank members of the Zerial lab, R. Lippe, M. Miaczynska and S. De Renzis, as well as our colleagues K. Simons, J. Gruenberg, G. Griffiths, J. Howard for their helpful comments and critical reading of the manuscript. We are grateful to I. Kaestner for superb secretarial help.
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Zerial, M., McBride, H. Rab proteins as membrane organizers. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 2, 107–117 (2001).
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