Cloudiness or opacity (cloudy appearance) is an important property in citrus beverages, since it enhances their juice-like appearance and gives it a natural fruit juice appeal. This property is achievable through the addition of oil-in-water emulsions known as clouding agents. These emulsions are thermodynamically unstable and tend to break down during storage. Moreover, product and legal constraints put severe limits on materials that can be used to insure emulsion stability, particularly the introduction of weighting agents into the oil phase. Weighing agents (density-adjusting agents) are lipophilic compounds with specific gravity higher than that of water and have a restricted use because of the perceived health risk disadvantage, undesirable taste, and oxidative instability. The stability of beverage emulsions is a problem of serious concern faced by the flavor and beverage industry. This paper provides an overview of research carried out by the authors on basic factors affecting the physical stability of beverage cloud emulsions having a bearing on droplet size/distribution, rheological properties of emulsion and phases components, and the stability of emulsion in concentrated and diluted forms with or without addition of weighting agents.
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- BVO:
brominated vegetable oil
sucrose acetate isobutyrate
- EG:
ester gum
- DG:
damar dum
- OSA:
octenyl Succinate anhydrate
- ppm:
part per million
- ϕ :
volume ratio
- η relative :
relative viscosity
- n:
flow behaviour index
- NTU:
nephelometric turbidity unit
- mv:
- nm:
- mPa.s:
millipascal second
- G′:
storage modulus, Pa
- G″:
loss modulus, Pa
- δ :
Phase shift angle, G″/G′
- G*:
complex modulus, G′ + jG″, Pa.
- U Stoke :
velocity of creaming or sedimentation, m s−1
- G :
acceleration due to gravity
- R :
droplet radius, μm
- ρ :
density, kg/m3
- η :
viscosity, Pa.s
- P:
weight fraction of weighting agent (weight of weighting agent/weight of oil mixture)
- G :
specific gravity of weighting agent
- E :
specific gravity of oil
- N 0 :
numbers of droplets per unit volume of emulsion at time 0
- N t :
Numbers of droplets per unit volume of emulsion at time t
- D c :
rate of droplets coalescence (nm/day)
- t :
time, s
- D :
mean droplet size (nm)
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Taherian, A.R., Fustier, P., Britten, M. et al. Rheology and Stability of Beverage Emulsions in the Presence and Absence of Weighting Agents: A Review. Food Biophysics 3, 279–286 (2008). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11483-008-9093-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11483-008-9093-4