Onto-Graphic Mechanisms for Deep Semantic Search
In human-machine document retrieval frameworks focused on information support for main activity cognitive processes, onto-graph-based mechanisms for deep semantic search are discussed. The mechanisms of the application of examples corresponding to ...
Eliciting and the Use of Information Concerning Regular Structures in the Formalism of Functional Neural Networks in Decision-Support Systems
Methods of increasing the efficiency of systems working with knowledge bases and built in the formalism of functional neural networks are described. The occurrence of regular structures in the FN network in the context of substitutions from the ...
A Study of References in Russian Citing Publications (Sources) on Data from the Web of Science Core Collection
The article presents the results of the first statistical analysis of an array of references (about 30 million) from Russian research articles, reviews, conference proceedings, and monograph chapters published in 1980–2020. The references are ...
Benefits of Using Open Access: Citation Analysis
An assessment of the impact of open access (OA) on bibliometric indicators and the altmetrics of scientific publications is presented. The object of the study was the metadata of articles placed in the RSCI bibliographic database, selected ...
Trends in the Publication Activity of Russian Organizations from 2000 to 2019
As has been noted on numerous occasions, between 2012 and 2021, the pace of publications by Russian researchers rapidly increased; however, this growth was uneven in both quantitative and qualitative terms. Moreover, some research organizations ...
Methodology of Goal-Setting of Scientific Research
The key features of goal-setting in the fields of economics and management of the development of science are considered. The levels of the vertical management of scientific activity are highlighted. The requirements for the scientific strategy are ...