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Tail-recursive parallel summing of a multi-list
An apparently simple program for summing a list of numbers, with parallel tasks spawned to sum sublists, causes some problem with tail recursion and side effects. It can be solved by combining functional result return with task synchronization.
DDD—a free graphical front-end for UNIX debuggers
The Data Display Debugger (DDD) is a novel graphical user interface to GDB and DBX, the popular UNIX debuggers. Besides "usual" features such as viewing source texts and breakpoints, DDD provides a graphical data display, where data structures are ...
Bottom-up tree rewriting tool MBURG
mburg is a tool for producing bottom up tree rewriters. It has been used for code selection in compilers. It produces hard coded tree pattern matchers from tree grammars, with dynamic programming at runtime. It is comparable in its capabilities with ...
A note on covariance and contravariance unification
Viewing functions with arguments as defining attribute spaces leads to a consistent extension of the conventional object-oriented type system as well as suggesting a more general dispatching strategy which unites the covariant and contravariant views of ...
A model for implementing an object-oriented design without language extensions
This paper proposes a means of implementing an object-oriented design in programming languages that do not directly support the object-oriented paradigm, without requiring language extensions. The model supports information hiding, dynamic binding, ...