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Towards efficient indexing of arbitrary similarity: vision paper
The popularity of similarity search expanded with the increased interest in multimedia databases, bioinformatics, or social networks, and with the growing number of users trying to find information in huge collections of unstructured data. During the ...
Research endogamy as an indicator of conference quality
Endogamy in scientific publications is a measure of the degree of collaboration between researchers. In this paper, we analyze the endogamy of a large set of computer science conferences and journals. We observe a strong correlation between the quality ...
Information diffusion in online social networks: a survey
Online social networks play a major role in the spread of information at very large scale. A lot of effort have been made in order to understand this phenomenon, ranging from popular topic detection to information diffusion modeling, including ...
Discovering semantic relations from the web and organizing them with PATTY
PATTY is a system for automatically distilling relational patterns from the Web, for example, the pattern "X covered Y" between a singer and someone else's song. We have extracted a large collection of such patterns and organized them in a taxonomic ...
What does an associate editor actually do?
What does a Associate Editor (AE) of a journal actually do? The answer may be far from obvious. This article describes the steps that one AE follows in handling a submission. The aim is to shed light on the process, for the benefit of authors, reviewers,...
The relational model is dead, SQL is dead, and I don't feel so good myself
We report the opinions expressed by well-known database researchers on the future of the relational model and SQL during a panel at the International Workshop on Non-Conventional Data Access (NoCoDa 2012), held in Florence, Italy in October 2012 in ...
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