From the editors
Happy New Year! We look forward to serving you in 2006 which marks our fifth, and final, year as co-editors of Data Base. We will work with the next co-editors to make the transition as smooth as possible.As of January 1, 2006 Andrew Scwartz at ...
From the chair
Thanks to all of our members and their guests who attended the "Fifth Annual ACM-SIGMIS Reception," held as an ACM-SIGMIS event on Saturday, December 10, 2005, prior to the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS2005) in Las Vegas, NV USA. ...
The high wire balancing act of the IS project director
The implementation of a cross-functional enterprise system requires a more sustained and comprehensive change management program than does classical Information System (IS) application development. The tools and techniques used in such projects will ...
Towards developing a framework for measuring organizational impact of IT- enabled BPR: case studies of three firms
This article reports on a case study of three firms which examined the organizational-level measures and process-level measures that were used to identify the effects of IT-enabled BPR (Business Process Redesign) projects. Firms in three distinct ...
Towards a process model of information systems implementation: the case of customer relationship management (CRM)
The failure rate of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) implementations is estimated to be greater than 65%. Lowering the failure rate and supporting the success of information systems (IS) are the ultimate goals of IS practitioners and researchers. ...
The data-document distinction revisited
The Data Retrieval and Document Retrieval models have a number of differences which influence their design, use and management. This paper discusses the most prominent of these differences and shows that they all arise from the more fundamental problem ...
Object prefetching using semantic links
To date the most common means of gaining access to the Internet continues to be via dial-up modem connections. These slow communication channels significantly affect the rendering of the majority of web pages. Higher speed communications channels can ...