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Replica management in real-time Ada 95 applications
In this paper, we present some of the fault tolerance management mechanisms being implemented in the Multi-μ- architecture, namely its support for replica non-determinism. In this architecture, fault tolerance is achieved by node active replication, ...
The Ravenscar Tasking Profile—experience reporting
The Ravenscar Profile was defined at the 18th International Real-Time Ada Workshop as a simple subset of the tasking features of Ada, in order to support efficient, high integrity applications that need to be analysed for their timing properties. Ada ...
Transparent replication for fault tolerance in distributed Ada 95
In this paper we present the foundations of RAPIDS ("Replicated Ada Partitions In Distributed Systems"), an implementation of the PCS supporting the transparent replication of partitions in distributed Ada 95 using semi-active replication. The ...
Dynamic ceiling priorities and Ada 95
Ada 95 provides dynamic priorities for tasks but ceiling priorities for protected objects are statically assigned by means of a pragma. The semantic complexity as well as the potential inefficiency of any resulting implementation seem to have been the ...
Combining tasking and transaction
This position paper discusses the issues in design and development of a transaction support for Ada 95. Transactions and other fault tolerance mechanisms are reviewed, and their applicability in a concurrent programming language is analyzed. Possible ...
Extendable, dispatchable task communication mechanisms
The addition of object-oriented features to Ada has left a disconnection between the object-oriented paradigm and the intertask communication and synchronisation paradigms. The lack of extensibility of tasks and protected types as well as the task ...
SimpleGraphics: Tcl/Tk visualization of real-time multi-threaded and distributed applications
Visualization of complex software applications is an exciting and challenging field. Useful displays are invaluable for developers in analysis of their software systems, and for meaningful system presentations to customers at a higher conceptual ...
Prioritizing remote procedure calls in Ada distributed systems
In this paper we discuss the assignment of priorities to the execution of remote procedure calls in distributed real-time systems that are programmed using the Distributed Systems Annex (DSA) of Ada 95. We first discuss the current priority model used ...
Real-time programming with GNAT: specialised kernels versus POSIX threads
The fact that most of the GNAT ports are based on non real-time operating systems leads to a reduced usability for developing real-time systems. Otherwise, existing ports over real-time operating systems are excessively complex, since GNAT uses only a ...
How to verify concurrent Ada programs: the application of model checking
Ada 95 is an expressive concurrent programming language with which it is possible to build complex multi-tasking applications. Much of the complexity of these applications stem from the interactions between the tasks. This paper argues that model ...
An experimental testbed for embedded real time Ada 95
The modifications made to Ada during the 9X process have resulted in a language that is ideally suited to programming real-time systems. In this paper we investigate the difficulties in realising this potential. In particular, we consider the issues ...
Distributed programming with intermediate IDL
Several heterogeneous-language distributed programming systems have been developed which either use an explicit Interface Definition Language (IDL) for the specification of distributed objects or which directly translate server language specifications ...
A Linux kernel module implementation of restricted Ada tasking
An Ada tasking kernel is implemented as a layer beneath the Linux operating system on a PC-compatible machine. This implementation is derived from Yodaiken's Real-Time Linux kernel, with new scheduling and synchronization primitives introduced ...