A systematic review of transformation approaches between user requirements and analysis models
Model transformation is one of the basic principles of Model Driven Architecture. To build a software system, a sequence of transformations is performed, starting from requirements and ending with implementation. However, requirements are mostly in the ...
Goal-driven risk assessment in requirements engineering
Risk analysis is traditionally considered a critical activity for the whole software system’s lifecycle. Risks are identified by considering technical aspects (e.g., failures of the system, unavailability of services, etc.) and handled by suitable ...
Supporting agile software development through active documentation
Agile development processes are adaptive rather than predictive. Therefore, agile processes emphasize operational system code rather than its documentation. To overcome the absence of comprehensive documentation artifacts, agile methods require constant ...
Integrating ontologies, model driven, and CNL in a multi-viewed approach for requirements engineering
Research in requirements engineering (RE) has been growing in the last few years. RE researchers are generally concerned with a set of open issues such as: (i) the need for a well-defined process to identify and specify the requirements scope, (ii) ...