Shape similarity measures for open curves
The shape of an open curve is defined which does not depend on its position, size and orientation. Two distance measures between shapes are constructed on the basis of which two shape similarity measures are defined.
Digital connectedness: An algebraic approach
Let E be the incidence matrix of a graph G having m nodes; then the number of connected components of G is equal to m - r, where r is the rank of E. In particular, if G represents an adjacency relation between points in a digital picture (or higher-...
Automatic grey level thresholding through index of fuzziness and entropy
Algorithms for automatic thresholding of grey levels (without reference to histogram) are described using the terms 'index of fuzziness' and 'entropy' of a fuzzy set. Their values are seen to be minimum when the crossover point of an S-function ...
Some notes on digital triangles
This note discusses some simple properties of digital triangles, whose vertices are lattice points and whose side lengths are measured using city block distance. Many of the familiar theorems of geometry break down in this situation.
Path generated digital metrics
A new class of metrics, called path-generated metrics, is defined for the digital plane. There are essentially five different metrics in the class, including the classical city block and chessboard metrics.
Albedo estimation for scene segmentation
Standard methods of image segmentation do not take into account the three-dimensional nature of the underlying scene. For example, histogram-based segmentation tacitly assumes that the image intensity is piecewise constant, and this is not true when the ...
Constrained bidirectional propogation and stroke segmentation
A new method for decomposing a complex figure into its constituent strokes is described. This method, based on constrained bidirectional propogation, is suitable for parallel processing.Examples of its application to the segmentation of Chinese ...
Bimean clustering
An algorithm is presented which finds the best-fitting pair of constants, in the least squares sense, to a set of scalar data; we call this pair of constants the 'bimean' of the data. The relationship of the bimean clustering to the ISODATA clustering ...
A test of randomness based on the minimal spanning tree
We present a test of randomness based on the edge length distribution of the Minimal Spanning Tree.
An application of ispahan to the typological classification of some Italian upper Paleolithic end-scrapers
In this communication we show some of the results obtained applying the interactive system ispahan to a specific archaeological problem, i.e. the classification of some very characteristic stone tools of the upper Paleolithic: the end-scrapers. ...
Normality tests and transformations
Powerful univariate and multivariate normality tests are surveyed. The advantages and disadvantages of each procedure are exposed, furthermore, a few transformation methods which can be used for classification purposes in case of non-normality, are ...