Other-periodical Downloads
Measuring the Impact of Negative Demand Shocks on Car Dealer Networks
The goal of this paper is to study the behavior of consumers, dealers, and manufacturers in the car sector and present an approach that can be used by managers and policy makers to investigate the impact of significant demand shocks on profits, prices, ...
Commentaries and Rejoinder to “Measuring the Impact of Negative Demand Shocks on Car Dealer Networks” by Paulo Albuquerque and Bart J. Bronnenberg
This series of discussions presents commentaries and a rejoinder on strategic and managerial issues arising from Albuquerque and Bronnenberg [Albuquerque, P., B. J. Bronnenberg. 2012. Measuring the impact of negative demand shocks on car dealer ...
Marketing of Vice Goods: A Strategic Analysis of the Package Size Decision
Consumers are often unable to resist the temptation of overconsuming certain products such as cookies, crackers, soft drinks, alcohol, etc. To control their consumption, some consumers buy small packages or abstain from purchasing the product ...
Commentaries and Rejoinder to “Marketing of Vice Goods: A Strategic Analysis of the Package Size Decision” by Sanjay Jain
Jain [Jain, S. 2012. Marketing of vice goods: A strategic analysis of the package size decision. Marketing Sci.31(1) 36--51] examines the impact of consumers' self-control problem on the equilibrium package sizes offered by firms marketing vice goods. ...
Ad Gist: Ad Communication in a Single Eye Fixation
Most ads in practice receive no more than a single eye fixation. This study investigates the limits of what ads can communicate under such adverse exposure conditions. We find that consumers already know at maximum levels of accuracy and with high ...
Cloak or Flaunt? The Fashion Dilemma
There exists a dichotomy in the communication strategies of fashion firms---some firms purposefully cloak information on the tastefulness of their products, whereas others openly flaunt their tasteful or “it” products. This divide in communication ...
Quantifying Transaction Costs in Online/Off-line Grocery Channel Choice
Households incur transaction costs when choosing among off-line stores for grocery purchases. They may incur additional transaction costs when buying groceries online versus off-line. We integrate the various transaction costs into a channel choice ...
Disentangling Preferences and Learning in Brand Choice Models
In recent years there has been a growing stream of literature in marketing and economics that models consumers as Bayesian learners. Such learning behavior is often embedded within a discrete choice framework that is then calibrated on scanner panel ...
Measuring Consumer Preferences Using Conjoint Poker
We develop and test an incentive-compatible Conjoint Poker (CP) game. The preference data collected in the context of this game are comparable to incentive-compatible choice-based conjoint (CBC) analysis data. We develop a statistical efficiency measure ...
Customer Bill of Rights Under No-Fault Service Failure: Confinement and Compensation
Service providers and their customers are sometimes victims of failures caused by exogenous factors such as unexpected bad weather, power outages, or labor strikes. When such no-fault failures occur in confined zones, service providers may confine ...
Exclusive Channels and Revenue Sharing in a Complementary Goods Market
This paper evaluates the joint impact of exclusive channels and revenue sharing on suppliers and retailers in a hybrid duopoly common retailer and exclusive channel model. The model bridges the gap in the literature on hybrid multichannel supply chains ...