A semi-Bregman proximal alternating method for a class of nonconvex problems: local and global convergence analysis
We focus on nonconvex and non-smooth block optimization problems, where the smooth coupling part of the objective does not satisfy a global/partial Lipschitz gradient continuity assumption. A general alternating minimization algorithm is proposed ...
Strict feasibility for the polynomial complementarity problem
In the present paper, the strict feasibility of the polynomial complementarity problem (PCP) is investigated. To this end, as a generalization of the concept of S-tensor, a concept of S-tensor tuple is introduced. Some properties of S-tensor ...
Existence of solutions to -robust counterparts of gap function formulations of uncertain LCPs with ellipsoidal uncertainty sets
A surrogate-assisted evolutionary algorithm with clustering-based sampling for high-dimensional expensive blackbox optimization
Many practical problems involve the optimization of computationally expensive blackbox functions. The computational cost resulting from expensive function evaluations considerably limits the number of true objective function evaluations allowed in ...
Discrete approximation for two-stage stochastic variational inequalities
In this paper, the discrete approximation of two-stage stochastic variational inequalities has been investigated when the second stage problem has multiple solutions. First, a discrete approximation scheme is given by a series of models with the ...
On inexact versions of a quasi-equilibrium problem: a Cournot duopoly perspective
This paper has two parts. In the mathematical part, we present two inexact versions of the proximal point method for solving quasi-equilibrium problems (QEP) in Hilbert spaces. Under mild assumptions, we prove that the methods find a solution to ...