Theory and practice of data citation
Citations are the cornerstone of knowledge propagation and the primary means of assessing the quality of research, as well as directing investments in science. Science is increasingly becoming "data-intensive," where large volumes of data are collected ...
Assessing perceived organizational leadership styles through twitter text mining
We propose a text classification tool based on support vector machines for the assessment of organizational leadership styles, as appearing to Twitter users. We collected Twitter data over 51 days, related to the first 30 Italian organizations in the ...
Data set mentions and citations: A content analysis of full-text publications
This study provides evidence of data set mentions and citations in multiple disciplines based on a content analysis of 600 publications in PLoS One. We find that data set mentions and citations varied greatly among disciplines in terms of how data sets ...
Metadata records machine translation combining multi-engine outputs with limited parallel data
One way to facilitate Multilingual Information Access MLIA for digital libraries is to generate multilingual metadata records by applying Machine Translation MT techniques. Current online MT services are available and affordable, but are not always ...
Consumer valuation of personal information in the age of big data
In a big data environment, there are growing concerns about the violation of consumer rights regarding information privacy. To induce rational regulations for protecting personal information, it is necessary to separately estimate consumers' values ...
Understanding scientific collaboration: Homophily, transitivity, and preferential attachment
Scientific collaboration is essential in solving problems and breeding innovation. Coauthor network analysis has been utilized to study scholars' collaborations for a long time, but these studies have not simultaneously taken different collaboration ...
Understanding success through the diversity of collaborators and the milestone of career
Scientific collaboration is vital to many fields, and it is common to see scholars seek out experienced researchers or experts in a domain with whom they can share knowledge, experience, and resources. To explore the diversity of research collaborations,...
Exploring the social influence of multichannel access in an online health community
Social influence has a great impact on human behavior, which has been widely investigated in various research fields. Even so, it has rarely been investigated in the online health community. In this paper, we focus on the multichannel access in online ...
Internet usage and patient's trust in physician during diagnoses: A knowledge power perspective
Does patients' Internet search of disease information affect their trust in physicians during diagnosis? This study proposes a research model from a knowledge power perspective, that is, Internet search affects patients' perception of their knowledge ...
Toward effective automated weighted subject indexing: A comparison of different approaches in different environments
Subject indexing plays an important role in supporting subject access to information resources. Current subject indexing systems do not make adequate distinctions on the importance of assigned subject descriptors. Assigning numeric weights to subject ...
Understanding the "expanded notion" of videogames as archival objects: A review of priorities, methods, and conceptions
This paper aims to show how videogames are construed as archival objects in the videogame-preservation literature by investigating drivers and motivations, selection of material, and methods of preservation. The review focuses on the expanded notion of ...
Metric assessments of books as families of works
We describe the intellectual and physical properties of books as manifestations, expressions, and works and assess the current indexing and metadata structure of monographs in the Book Citation IndexBKCI. Our focus is on the interrelationship of these ...
How quickly do publications get read? The evolution of mendeley reader counts for new articles
Within science, citation counts are widely used to estimate research impact but publication delays mean that they are not useful for recent research. This gap can be filled by Mendeley reader counts, which are valuable early impact indicators for ...
"Take an opportunity whenever you get it": Information sharing among African-American women with hypertension
Nearly half of African-American women have hypertension, which increases their risk for cardiovascular disease and stroke. A plethora of consumer health information products and services exist to inform people with hypertension and to promote self-...
A parametric "parent metric" approach for comparing maximum-normalized journal ranking metrics
This article proposes a parametric approach for facilitating inter-metric and inter-field comparisons of citation-based journal ranking metrics. The mechanism is simple to apply and adjusts for metric magnitude differentials and distributional ...
Tracing the traces: The critical role of metadata within networked communications
The information sciences have traditionally been at the center of metadata-focused research. The US National Security Agency NSA intelligence documents revealed by Edward Snowden in June of 2013 brought the term "metadata" into the public consciousness. ...