Complete simulation of automata networks
Consider a finite set A and n ≥ 1. We study complete simulation of transformations of A n, also known as automata networks. For m ≥ n, a transformation of A m is n-complete of size m if it may simulate every transformation of A n by ...
Deciding semantic finiteness of pushdown processes and first-order grammars w.r.t. bisimulation equivalence
The problem if a given configuration of a pushdown automaton (PDA) is bisimilar with some (unspecified) finite-state process is shown to be decidable. The decidability is proven in the framework of first-order grammars, which are given ...
Faster Graph bipartization
In the Graph bipartization (or Odd Cycle Transversal) problem, the objective is to decide whether a given graph G can be made bipartite by the deletion of k vertices for some given k. The parameterized complexity of Odd Cycle ...
Hitting minors on bounded treewidth graphs. III. Lower bounds
For a finite fixed collection of graphs F, the F -M-Deletion problem consists in, given a graph G and an integer k, decide whether there exists S ⊆ V ( G ) with | S | ≤ k such that G ∖ S does not contain any of the graphs ...
Learning the truth vector in high dimensions
Truth Discovery is an important learning problem arising in data analytics related fields. It concerns about finding the most trustworthy information from a dataset acquired from a number of unreliable sources. The ...
Boolean approximate counting CSPs with weak conservativity, and implications for ferromagnetic two-spin
We analyse the complexity of approximate counting constraint satisfactions problems # CSP ( F ), where F is a set of nonnegative rational-valued functions of Boolean variables. A complete classification is known if F contains arbitrary ...
Subexponential algorithms for variants of the homomorphism problem in string graphs
We consider subexponential algorithms finding weighted homomorphisms from intersection graphs of curves (string graphs) with n vertices to a fixed graph H. We provide a complete dichotomy: if H has no two vertices sharing two common ...