On the effectiveness of alternative paths in QoS routing: Research Articles
We propose a routing strategy in which connection requests with specific bandwidth demands can be assigned to one of several alternative paths connecting the source to the destination. The primary goal of this multiple-path approach is to compensate for ...
Broadband consumer electronics networking and automation: Research Articles
Although a critical mass of households worldwide have access to the information superhighway, the broadband consumer networking and automation market is still evolving very slowly. Two reasons may be identified for this delay. The first one is related ...
Ant based probabilistic routing with pheromone and antipheromone mechanisms: Research Articles
Using the idea of probabilistic routing, calls in an ant based decentralized scheme are not routed according to the largest probabilities in the pheromone tables but randomly according to these probabilities. This principle can be particularly helpful ...
Parlay-based service provision in circuit- and packet-switched telecommunications networks: Research Articles
- Andreas E. Papadakis,
- Emmanuel S. Chaniotakis,
- Prokopis E. Giannakakis,
- Nikolaos D. Tselikas,
- Iakovos S. Venieris
The spectrum of potential value added services over Internet telephony is wide, but the current service provision solutions are inadequate or proprietary. The nature of Internet differs significantly from that of circuit switched network, however, VoIP ...
Limiter discriminator detection of narrow-band duobinary FSK in a land mobile channel: Research Articles
Error rates (BER) for narrow-band duobinary FM with discriminator detection and integrate and dump (LDI) post-detection filtering in land mobile channel characterized by fading and Doppler frequency shift are obtained. The fading process is assumed to ...