A Configuration Tool to Increase Product Competitiveness
Product configuration is a bottleneck for many products during their development because of increased customer demands and market competition. The salesPLUS system is a commercial product-configuration tool that can effectively solve complex ...
Product Configuration Frameworks-A Survey
The manufacturing trend toward mass customization has awakened great interest in automatic product configuration techniques. The authors identify specific aspects of configuration as a reasoning task and describe the most representative frameworks that ...
Using Resource Balancing to Configure Modular Systems
Our goal is to show how resource balancing can be used as a basic model for configuring modular systems. We begin by trying to convey an intuitive understanding of the basic idea of the resource model and its application to configuring. We then describe ...
Configuring Large Systems Using Generative Constraint Satisfaction
Generative constraint satisfaction solves problems using a constraint network that is extended during the configuration process. Generative constraints hold for all components of a given type and are used as generators for extending the configuration ...
An Industrial Strength Description Logics-Based Configurator Platform
Modern telecommunications equipment is highly modular and can scale to a wide range of applications. Usually, the equipment's cost and complexity requires that it be manufactured-to-order, or at least assembled-to-order. In this context, orders double ...
Sales Configuration in Business Processes
The author discusses the general problem of adding a sales configurator to SAP's R/3 business software suite and outlines specific work to provide enhanced high-level configuration capabilities in the SCE. The SCE represents the third generation of ...