A verification-driven framework for iterative design of controllers
Controllers often are large and complex reactive software systems and thus they typically cannot be developed as monolithic products. Instead, they are usually comprised of multiple components that interact to provide the desired functionality. ...
Read atomic transactions with prevention of lost updates: ROLA and its formal analysis
Designers of distributed database systems face the choice between stronger consistency guarantees and better performance. A number of applications only require read atomicity (RA) (either all or none of a transaction’s updates are visible to other ...
Interactive verification of architectural design patterns in FACTum
Architectural design patterns (ADPs) are architectural solutions to common architectural design problems. They are an important concept in software architectures used for the design and analysis of architectures. An ADP usually constrains the ...
Multiple model synchronization with multiary delta lenses with amendment and K-Putput
Multiple (more than 2) model synchronization is ubiquitous and important for MDE, but its theoretical underpinning gained much less attention than the binary case. Specifically, the latter was extensively studied by the bx community in the ...
Bernhard Steffen, Oliver R¨uthing, and Michael Huth: Mathematical Foundations of Advanced Informatics—Volume 1: Inductive Approaches: Springer, 2 April 2018, 258 pp, 156x16x234mm, ISBN-13: 978-3319683966 (Hardback, £28.99),ISBN: 978-3030098339 (Paperback, £27.99)
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