A Review of Hashing based Image Copy Detection Techniques
Images are considered to be natural carriers of information, and a large number of images are created, exchanged and are made available online. Apart from creating new images, the availability of number of duplicate copies of images is a critical ...
3D Face Factorisation for Face Recognition Using Pattern Recognition Algorithms
The face is the preferable biometrics for person recognition or identification applications because person identifying by face is a human connate habit. In contrast to 2D face recognition, 3D face recognition is practically robust to illumination ...
ISAR Imaging of a Rotating Asteroid Irradiated by Pulsar’s Electromagnetic Emission
The aim of the present study is imaging of moving objects, asteroids illuminated by continuous coherent wideband pulsar’s signals. As pulsars are located on more than thousands of light years from Earth, objects crossing pulsars’ emission beams ...
A Study on Various Techniques Involved in Gender Prediction System: A Comprehensive Review
Predicting gender on the foundation of handwriting investigation is a very invoking research area. Handwriting analysis also has numerous applications. It is useful for forensic experts to investigate classes of writers. This prediction is ...
Fuzzy Supervised Multi-Period Time Series Forecasting
The goal of this paper is to propose a new method for fuzzy forecasting of time series with supervised learning and k-order fuzzy relationships. In the training phase based on k previous historical periods, a multidimensional matrix of fuzzy ...
Optimisation of System Dynamics Models Using a Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm with Fuzzy Control
This paper presents a new real-coded genetic algorithm with Fuzzy control for the Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm (F-RCGA) aggregated with System Dynamics models (SD-models). The main feature of the genetic algorithm presented herein is the ...
Genetic Algorithms vs. Knowledge-Based Control of PHB Production
The paper proposes an approach using Genetic Algorithm (GA) for development of optimal time profiles of key control variable of Poly-HydroxyButyrate (PHB) production process. Previous work on modeling and simulation of PHB process showed that it ...
Performance Analysis and Optimization Techniques for Oracle Relational Databases
Databases provide an efficient way to store, retrieve and analyze data. Oracle relational database is one of the most popular database management systems that is widely used in a different variety of industries and businesses. Therefore, it is ...
An Approach to Evaluation of Clinically Healthy People by Preventive Cardio Control
This article presents the main algorithms and the methodology for the development of the evaluation criteria and the results of the work of the program environment developed for evaluation and analysis of the electrocardiographic signals in the ...
Optimized Focused Web Crawler with Natural Language Processing Based Relevance Measure in Bioinformatics Web Sources
In the fast growing of digital technologies, crawlers and search engines face unpredictable challenges. Focused web-crawlers are essential for mining the boundless data available on the internet. Web-Crawlers face indeterminate latency problem due ...