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The exact online string matching problem: A review of the most recent results
This article addresses the online exact string matching problem which consists in finding all occurrences of a given pattern p in a text t. It is an extensively studied problem in computer science, mainly due to its direct applications to such diverse ...
A systematic approach to classify design-time global scheduling techniques
The scheduling problem is an important partially solved topic related to a wide range of scientific fields. As it applies to design-time mapping on multiprocessing platforms emphasizing on ordering in time and assignment in place, significant ...
Polygon mesh repairing: An application perspective
Nowadays, digital 3D models are in widespread and ubiquitous use, and each specific application dealing with 3D geometry has its own quality requirements that restrict the class of acceptable and supported models. This article analyzes typical defects ...
A survey of cost-sensitive decision tree induction algorithms
The past decade has seen a significant interest on the problem of inducing decision trees that take account of costs of misclassification and costs of acquiring the features used for decision making. This survey identifies over 50 algorithms including ...
Virtualization: Issues, security threats, and solutions
Although system virtualization is not a new paradigm, the way in which it is used in modern system architectures provides a powerful platform for system building, the advantages of which have only been realized in recent years, as a result of the rapid ...
Bidirectional associative memories: Different approaches
Bidirectional Associative Memories (BAM) are systems that allow to associate pairs of patterns. Once a memory has learned, patterns can be recalled in two directions. BAMs have many applications in pattern recognition and image processing. The aim of ...
Sequential pattern mining -- approaches and algorithms
Sequences of events, items, or tokens occurring in an ordered metric space appear often in data and the requirement to detect and analyze frequent subsequences is a common problem. Sequential Pattern Mining arose as a subfield of data mining to focus on ...
P2P group management systems: A conceptual analysis
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks are becoming eminent platforms for both distributed computing and interpersonal communication. Their role in contemporary multimedia content delivery and communication systems is strong, as witnessed by many popular ...
Synthesis and optimization of reversible circuits—a survey
Reversible logic circuits have been historically motivated by theoretical research in low-power electronics as well as practical improvement of bit manipulation transforms in cryptography and computer graphics. Recently, reversible circuits have ...
A survey on ear biometrics
Recognizing people by their ear has recently received significant attention in the literature. Several reasons account for this trend: first, ear recognition does not suffer from some problems associated with other non-contact biometrics, such as face ...
Offline arabic handwritten text recognition: A Survey
Research in offline Arabic handwriting recognition has increased considerably in the past few years. This is evident from the numerous research results published recently in major journals and conferences in the area of handwriting recognition. Features ...
Survey of local algorithms
A local algorithm is a distributed algorithm that runs in constant time, independently of the size of the network. Being highly scalable and fault tolerant, such algorithms are ideal in the operation of large-scale distributed systems. Furthermore, even ...