Neural-genetic synthesis for state-space controllers based on linear quadratic regulator design for eigenstructure assignment
Toward the synthesis of state-space controllers, a neural-genetic model based on the linear quadratic regulator design for the eigenstructure assignment of multivariable dynamic systems is presented. The neural-genetic model represents a fusion of a ...
Automated large-scale control of gene regulatory networks
Controlling gene regulatory networks (GRNs) is an important and hard problem. As it is the case in all control problems, the curse of dimensionality is the main issue in real applications. It is possible that hundreds of genes may regulate one ...
Fractional particle swarm optimization in multidimensional search space
In this paper, we propose two novel techniques, which successfully address several major problems in the field of particle swarm optimization (PSO) and promise a significant breakthrough over complex multimodal optimization problems at high dimensions. ...
Coupled simulated annealing
We present a new class of methods for the global optimization of continuous variables based on simulated annealing (SA). The coupled SA (CSA) class is characterized by a set of parallel SA processes coupled by their acceptance probabilities. The ...
On the transient and steady-state estimates of interval genetic regulatory networks
This paper is concernedwith the transient and steadystate estimates of a class of genetic regulatory networks (GRNs). Some sufficient conditions, which do not only present the transient estimate but also provide the estimates of decay rate and decay ...
Globally exponential synchronization and synchronizability for general dynamical networks
The globally exponential synchronization problem for general dynamical networks is considered in this paper. One quantity will be distilled from the coupling matrix to characterize the synchronizability of the corresponding dynamical networks. The ...
Distributed coordination of networked fractional-order systems
This paper studies the distributed coordination of networked fractional-order systems over a directed interaction graph. A general fractional-order coordination model is introduced by summarizing three different cases: 1) fractional-order agent dynamics ...
Boolean derivatives with application to edge detection for imaging systems
This paper introduces a new concept of Boolean derivatives as a fusion of partial derivatives of Boolean functions (PDBFs). Three efficient algorithms for the calculation of PDBFs are presented. It is shown that Boolean function derivatives are useful ...
Neural network output feedback control of robot formations
In this paper, a combined kinematic/torque output feedback control law is developed for leader-follower-based formation control using backstepping to accommodate the dynamics of the robots and the formation in contrast with kinematic-based formation ...
Efficiently mining time-delayed gene expression patterns
Unlike pattern-based biclustering methods that focus on grouping objects in the same subset of dimensions, in this paper, we propose a novel model of coherent clustering for time-series gene expression data, i.e., time-delayed cluster (td-cluster). ...
Active learning of plans for safety and reachability goals with partial observability
Traditional planning assumes reachability goals and/or full observability. In this paper, we propose a novel solution for safety and reachability planning with partial observability. Given a planning domain, a safety property, and a reachability goal, ...
Credal semantics of Bayesian transformations in terms of probability intervals
In this paper, we propose a credal representation of the interval probability associated with a belief function (b.f.) and show how it relates to several classical Bayesian transformations of b.f.'s through the notion of "focus" of a pair of simplices. ...
Impedance learning for robotic contact tasks using natural actor-critic algorithm
Compared with their robotic counterparts, humans excel at various tasks by using their ability to adaptively modulate arm impedance parameters. This ability allows us to successfully perform contact tasks even in uncertain environments. This paper ...
A multiobjective optimization approach to obtain decision thresholds for distributed detection in wireless sensor networks
- Engin Masazade,
- Ramesh Rajagopalan,
- Pramod K. Varshney,
- Chilukuri K. Mohan,
- Gullu Kiziltas Sendur,
- Mehmet Keskinoz
For distributed detection in a wireless sensor network, sensors arrive at decisions about a specific event that are then sent to a central fusion center that makes global inference about the event. For such systems, the determination of the decision ...
A new iterative learning controller using variable structure Fourier neural network
A new iterative learning control approach based on Fourier neural network (FNN) is presented for the tracking control of a class of nonlinear systems with deterministic uncertainties. The proposed controller consists of two loops. The inner loop is a ...
Mobile robot navigation modulated by artificial emotions
For artificial intelligence research to progress beyond the highly specialized task-dependent implementations achievable today, researchers may need to incorporate aspects of biological behavior that have not traditionally been associated with ...
Modeling a student's behavior in a tutorial-like system using learning automata
This paper presents a new philosophy to model the behavior of a student in a tutorial-like system using learning automata (LAs). Themodel of the student in our system is inferred using a higher level LA, referred to as a meta-LA, which attempts to ...
On cooperative and efficient overlay network evolution based on a group selection pattern
In overlay networks, the interplay between network structure and dynamics remains largely unexplored. In this paper, we study dynamic coevolution between individual rational strategies (cooperative or defect) and the overlay network structure, that is, ...
Switching fuzzy dynamic output feedback H∞ control for nonlinear systems
This paper studies the problem of dynamic output feedback control for nonlinear systems, which are described by Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy parts with measurable premise variables and uncertainty parts. The uncertainties are parameter dependent, unknown, and ...
A division algebraic framework for multidimensional support vector regression
In this paper, division algebras are proposed as an elegant basis upon which to extend support vector regression (SVR) to multidimensional targets. Using this framework, a multitarget SVR called εX-SVR is proposed based on an ε-insensitive loss function ...
Adaptive inferential sensors based on evolving fuzzy models
A new technique to the design and use of inferential sensors in the process industry is proposed in this paper, which is based on the recently introduced concept of evolving fuzzy models (EFMs). They address the challenge that the modern process ...
Optimal consensus seeking in a network of multiagent systems: an LMI approach
In this paper, an optimal control design strategy for guaranteeing consensus achievement in a network of multiagent systems is developed. Minimization of a global cost function for the entire network guarantees a stable consensus with an optimal control ...
Fuzzy CMAC with incremental Bayesian Ying-Yang learning and dynamic rule construction
Inspired by the philosophy of ancient Chinese Taoism, Xu's Bayesian ying-yang (BYY) learning technique performs clustering by harmonizing the training data (yang) with the solution (ying). In our previous work, the BYY learning technique was applied to ...